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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Stunning!! Absolutely STUNNING!! Great job!! I've looked at the other thread and excellent work there, too!! What is the scale of the Cat's Eye? (Did I miss it elsewhere?) And, as requested at the other thread, a shot next to a VF-1 would be great!!
  2. Yeah, VF-0D, baby!!!
  3. Yeah, it's too bad as it was a sharp aircraft. But in this age (as opposed to the mid-eighties), would it have been operationally worth it? Guess we'll never know. I do hope that the Raptor and especially the Osprey survive. Although I get the feeling that the F-35 will end up being the fixed-wing aircraft that may take precedence over the Raptor as unmanned aircraft are getting more mature.
  4. Lookin' great!!
  5. Tam from Twin Moons is saying the 27th. But Babel Fish states (although I still looks foreign to me!! ) BTW, I like the "cue tea honey" instead of the "Cutie Honey"!!!
  6. Ditto!! Would also enable all to see the customs in an easier format (i.e. thumbnail galleries).
  7. Hey drifand, Any chance on updating your shelves pics? I'm sure there are plenty of additions you've acquired (or created) over the past 2 years that require an envious fool like me to stare at!!
  8. (Advanced apology for immaturity....) I just soiled myself!!!
  9. Hey, don't forget the beloved Zentradi BUG-EYE (Quel-Quallie)!!! Courtesy of MAHQ
  10. Thanks for the help.....I have regained composure, but after seeing the controversial pics, how does that saying go ---------- "Much ado about ......"
  11. Links down!!! Can't See!!! PULL UP, PULL UP!! EJECT - EJECT - EJECT!!
  12. Great job, Devin! The "bar" has been raised yet again.
  13. Veddy-niiice!!! I think there should be a TLC show where drifand comes to your house with a load of cash and TOYS and gives your room a makeover!!
  14. I concur. Thread may now be locked.
  15. Via info from The One Ring.net, it will actually clock-in at 4hours and 10minutes. Appears the confusion began when a reporter thought he heard 4:50 instead of 4:15. The release is supposed to be the usual - November. Having been a lucky one to go to the TRIOLOGY TUESDAY event, I can't wait to do it again albeit from my couch instead of those seats!! There's also sketchy info that the 2005 Trilogy Box Set may contain a bonus disc with deleted scenes that were not included in the extended editions. More info that there's "talks" about The Hobbit going on between New Line and MGM, but Jackson said he'd like to do it -- "I am certainly interested in making 'The Hobbit,'" says Jackson, wearing his now-trademark knee-length shorts in a swanky Hollywood restaurant. "I definitely wouldn't want to see anyone else do it." As well as Ian McKellan being eager, they only need Gollum, Bilbo, and Elrond to make return roles. BRING IT ON SMAUG!! BRING IT ON!!
  16. NICE, otherguy!! And the panels came out excellent!! Penned?
  17. My apologies. Do not have any 1/48s, so I just quickly scanned the thread. With that said..... Maybe we can beg Rohby to do some recasts if possible!
  18. I dream of not only the hands coming with the set, but with more 'poses' rather than just fists. Then we can beg >EXO< to do some recasts to outfit the entire 1/60 family!! There will then be much rejoicing!!
  19. Impressive. ...... Most impressive.
  20. Yeah.....no Monster backing up the ramp, that is. Looks awesome!! I also like the fact that a venerable -1D is ready to open a can of whoop instead of just standing upright!!
  22. Although I'll still get the set on the day of release, 'cuz I'm a geek and I've been sucked into the "whored-out franchise" .......(please see blue quote in my siggy) It still bites that he can't just put the damn originals on DVD in the same stinkin' case as the SEs. It's a shame. So what if the SE versions are what he wanted, just don't put the originals in your DVD player, Georgie. Doesn't mean we have to follow along. Ah, whatever....can go on for hours and it still won't matter as some faithful have tried. It's just a damn shame and it leaves a bad taste. I'm off to throw-up......
  23. He is THE custom Decal maker? will remember that Look and be amazed http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=3574&st=0 Hopefully the ability to order will be forthcoming
  24. ALAS!! Yet another humbling piece of art that results in grown men drooling like babies. I must know clean my keyboard......AGAIN!! GREAT JOB, JUNG!!!
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