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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Opus.....see the bottom quote in my sig?......you ARE a Jedi, aren't you? (Secret's safe with me, man. )
  2. Excuse the interruption, but I feel I must comment. Just wanted to say that I've been following this thread from the beginning and it is pretty amazing seeing everyone come together and offer what they can to do something of this magnitude. It is great to follow along and take a break from the "constructive crtitcism" threads elsewhere. Although I have no resources or talent to offer (wish I could), just wanted to say great job to all and please keep this thread going so I, and others, can see what's going on. I'm getting a little "van klempt", so I should grab a moment to myself. BTW, I've seen the previous pics on the boards of the VB-6, but with the those side-by-side pics in Shawn's link with the VF-11C and YF-19, they give a text-book definition of "Monster!" ***You may now return to your regularly scheduled thread***
  3. Doh!
  4. HEY, I remember Galaxy Explorer!! Man, talk about goin' back! Loved LEGOs years ago - got away from them - then back in when the Star Wars stuff started coming out! But anyway.... Here's a link to BrickLink.com. Pretty amazing site. If you type in "Galaxy Explorer" and search the catalog, the item pops up and then you can get the ENTIRE inventory of the set - were talking piece-by-piece with PICTURES of each individual piece!! Try CLASSIC SPACE SETS to see of you find the sets you mentioned above. May take you some time to figure what you have, but will probably be fun while doing so. Place is also a marketplace where you can order individual pieces, I think. Hope this helps a little.

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    Millia ain't complaining! ****Did I type that out loud?****

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    THANKS! Also found the "Graham Review Pic".....

    Q-Rau is 1/60

    Actually, by looking at one of ewilen's size reference pics, the top of her head would be about at the bottom of the air-intakes in battloid. I'll try to PM him to post it.
  8. Hey, If The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King was in the running with Carl-baby, we wouldn't need this steenkin' thread?!?!
  9. MACROSS COMPENDIUM states the following:
  10. HEY, CONGRATS!!! Took some lessons way back in the early '80s in a lovely "fishbowl" Piper Tomahawk. Wasn't able to finish, but was able to fly a AT-6 Texan last year out of RI from one of those Warbird stops. "STICK and RUDDER", baby, with a loop and some rolls!! Absolutley amazing!!! An envious Congrats again!!
  11. Astro Boy, Speed Racer, StarBlazers and Battle of the Planets got me into anime. Robotech was just one of a long stream of anime shows that aired once in my area in a 6:00am timeslot (perfect for kiddies getting ready for school) and were never seen again afterwards. Yup, a Star Blazers-child meeself. Then onto Battle of the PLanets , Force Five and then...... WHAM!!!! ....wake up one morning to find Robotech's opening credits , get my brother out of bed, and we both see an Armored Valk takin' out a Bug-Eye. Pure Bliss! Don't particularly care WHO gets WHAT award. All I know is that whoever or whatever entity that brought Robotech to my house that morning gets a "thanks" from me.
  12. They're from ToyBoxDX....click on the MANY boxes next to your desired mech and enjoy.... Orguss Data Page also check the TAKATOKU II Data File Page for some more jaw-dropping pics!!!
  13. Great links!! Wish I had seen these prior to my post......would've saved me some blisters. I also like the custom rules and counters....thanks again!
  14. YIKES!!! You guys got in while I was blabbering on!! Gotta type faster!!
  15. You can look over at ToyboxDX for the pics below - I only own Stanrey. While I've only attempted to play this a couple times a few years ago (I can't seem to get my wife to play this game ), it's pretty basic. (Now i'm going strictly from memory here, so be nice...) There are over 20 scaled metal miniatures of the Dougram mecha, over a dozen scaled plastic trees, 2 small periscopes, a die, and the hexed-grid cardboard sheets. You set up the sheets, each person picks a side - "Fang of the Sun" guerillas or the Earth Federation. You then split up the trees and you can place them where you'd ilke on the board and then position your mecha behind a starting line. Play envolves each player moving or initaiting combat on their turn with the die used for whether your are successful or not. You then roll for damage and so on. The usual limitations are in place for each type of mecha: Movement of certain terrains, distance per turn, Weapon Range, armor, etc..... The fun part is the periscopes. When you move your unit to a spot within firing range of an adversary and there's a tree and/or damaged mecha between you and your target, you place the periscope in the same grid and same orientation to get a "pilot's eye" view if you can actually take the shot. Sometimes a shoulder is sticking out behind a tree and you're able to shoot, but if blocked you have to wait to move again. (you can see a graphic of this on the Kalnock pic below.) Although I'm not a heavy-gamer, I may not be a good reviewer, but I thought it was pretty good to play and not too complicated. Would be pretty nice having some Monsters, Glaugs, and so forth roaming around in 3-D.
  16. That's too bad as some metal miniatures of Destroids and Regults/Glaugs along with the 1st-person view periscopes like the Dougram games would have be fun for some land battles.
  17. If ya don't mind me gettin' a little loopie.......... Hows about a VARIABLE GLAUG !!!!
  18. Yeah, I also think the posters should be on there, but there probably waiting to use those when they release the original versions on DVD after Ep. III. ('cuz you know they will, although no one will admit it. ) As far as the above are concerned, you know they're going to flood the shelves with multiple versions to squeeze what they can from the "gotta-have-all-SW-stuff" croud. Which leaves a bunch of choices for us common-folk.
  19. Gotta like them Fast-Packs on the first two pics.
  20. Excellent job...................thanks!
  21. ** read as INFOMERCIAL*** Yamato's first 1/60 PLAYSET - the Quel-Quallie !! Now you're able to re-enact your favorite scenes, especially the only episodic appearance of the VF-1J/GBP-1S Armored Valkyrie!! The "Bug-Eye" is able to be removed so Hikaru can "blow his armor" and "come on in"!! Not only is this a playset, but it is also a carry case for your 1/60 Valkyries (not included).
  22. and there was much rejoicing.......
  23. Looks like he linked it to a Yahoo-Japan auction with 3-days to go (as of this post) 2000 Yen. Graham's got a PIC of the cardboard pieces....does this game come with plastic figs, too? Wish they made a Macross Game similar to my Dougram:Battle of Stanrey.
  24. The Sith Lords don't want us posting that pic? If they want me to take it down then it'll be gone. Must not upset them or I'll feel the power of the darkside. Yeah, that pic was brought down mighty qucikly. I'd PM the "Lords" before posting so as not to incur any wrath!!!
  25. I actually hit the Regult button, but am torn between those and the N-Ger (movie). Athough the Kai version from MacPlus would be even sweeter......pics by MAHQ TVMOVIEMac+ Besides a 1/60 Kamjin arcticulated figure to be included with the Monster so he can "ride 'em cowboy"..... I also think a nice idea for a REGULT set, although this will result in a huge box as well as $$$$, would be a "one-for-all" method. In one box you'd get the following: -- TACTICAL POD REGULT (Pod Unit w/ removeable legs & removeable small-bore lasers on top) -- TACTICAL SCOUT (Pod Unit ONLY able to be attached to legs a la Destroid Conversion Kit ) Accessories: -- Sensor Unit (for attachment to Scout only) -- Light-Missle Unit (switchable with removeable top lasers - Tactical Pod) -- Heavy-Missle Unit (switchable with removeable top lasers - Tactical Pod) -- Pilot ??? OR they could be packaged separately like the Super/Strike kits: Box 1 -- TACTICAL POD REGULT Box 2 -- POD Conversion Kit - (SCOUT pod Unit without legs and w/ sensor, Light-Missle Unit, and Heavy Missle Unit) This idea would be helpful to those who would like a squad of Regults without the price of getting all modes at once. Check some other takes here at the older Non-Valk Wish list thread
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