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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. OK, so it's like this..... --I can play the game solo at the very beginning, but it's beneficial to join a party. --I can then join a different party everytime I connect. And because this may be 2-3 times a week, not having "connections" with other characters will be the easiest way to do this. Well, I've been told I can be good at alienating myself, so I'm all set!! Now I just have to get info on the monthly fees........those darn whipper-snappers!!!
  2. Isn't that an Eddie Murphy song?
  3. Thanks, Chris!! Edited the above per your "nitpicking." (Not to mention the fact that I made my checklist at home a while ago with info from YOUR SITE fer-cryin'-out-loud!! ) Oh, poo!! Anyway.... Chris, do you know if Green Divers is available in any type of format to be viewed by fans? Wouldn't mind cheking this out at all. Have you seen it? How is it with the CG and all....?
  4. Seriously. Can't you keep those Netflik DVD's as long as you want? If I got them suckers in the mail I'd NEVER return them. Well you could report it as being lost in the mail. Now that would be a shame, wouldn't it!! (And when are you going to post the full-length pic of your avatar, huh?!?!? )
  5. Thanks, Chris!! Edited the above per your "nitpicking." (Not to mention the fact that I made my checklist at home a while ago with info from YOUR SITE fer-cryin'-out-loud!! )
  6. Thanks for the info. I've seen the other thread, but finding info about the actual game instead of everyone's level was tough! Still on the fence with FF XI. I like all of the older games (especially FF TACTICS!), as well as some other RPGs.... Chrono Cross and my new favorite is KINGDOM HEARTS. Just concerned with the "online only" part. Wouldn't be able to play religiously - only 2-3 times a week - and that may effect gameplay, wouldn't it? Can't see how joining a group one night and then not showing up for a week would actually get you places! We'll see......
  7. I know there is another thread in here somewhere with the PC ver., but I wanted to ask some basic questions about the PS2 version..... --It costs money to play? (heard $13/month...that true?) --Can you play solo? Or do you have to join a group? --Will this lead to a divorce when I get it?!?!?
  8. Good 'ol "copy-paste" But seriously, when it's on my e-mail program, it comes up under an Asian font.
  9. I know there's 26 episodes and TechTV is looking for 14-26. I guess that 13 isn't on DVD yet, so tonight was an 'exclusive' so-to-say.
  10. How's this for confusing? UC 0079 Mobile Suit Gundam - ep 1-43 MS GUNDAM - Movies I, II, III 08th MS TEAM - 12 OAVs 08th MS TEAM:Millers Report - Movie UC 0080 War in the Pocket - 6 OAVs[/u] UC 0083 Stardust Memory - 13 OAVs Stardust Memory:Last Blitz of Zeon - Movie UC 0087 Z Gundam - ep 1-50 Green Divers - IMAX film UC 0088 Gundam ZZ - ep 1-47 UC 0093 Char's Counterattack - Movie UC 0123 Gundam F 91 - Movie UC 0153 V Gundam - ep 1-51 UC 0223 (Alternate) G Saviour - Live-action Movie (sorry Anubis ) FC 60 G Gundam - ep 1-49 AC 195 New Mobile Report Gundam Wing - ep 1-49 AC 196 Gundam Wing:Endless Waltz - 3 OAVs AW 0015 Gundam X - ep 1-39 CC 2345 Turn ∀ Gundam - ep 1-50 Turn ∀ Gundam:Earth Light - Movie Turn ∀ Gundam:Moon Butterfly - Movie CE 71 Gundam SEED - ep 1-50
  11. Holy Schnikees!!! I'm, just now watching Ep 13 of Last Exile on TechTV and wished I hit 'record' button 6 hours ago!! I guess they'll be aired again at the end of the month. (Too bad not in a marathon form, though.) Anyone know of any good DVDs of the entire series avaiable? (my VCR bites!)
  12. Crews' faces = But seriously, that is nice. Especially for your FIRST!!!
  13. As someone who has one on the way, too, CONGRATS!!!! Nice pic!! You should check out those new 3D/4D ultrasounds....YIKES!! (see JValk beat me to it! ) Wonder if there is such thing as a MACROSS BINKY? Myabe someone can do a scratch-build and then we can recast it!!!
  14. Yeah, I would just tell him the truth, too. Especially if he asked the question with using the word 'testicles'. You could maybe then go into how animation tends to 'exaggerate' things. Your in-law was probably ticked because you and the kids were watching "cartoons with Racoon's balls all over the place." I also know that I like to either see something first or ask others before showing it to the little ones. Just an idea......
  15. Some info on 5-25-04 including the Theatrical Release Trilogy Set: ROTK DVD set info - HERE Pic of the Trilogy Set from TheOneRing.net being released on May 25th too
  16. Hey s_i_t_h_l_o_r_d, Was sneaking around your galleries and noticed the Isamu holdin' Guld pose with the YF-21 and VF-11B !! You have to post those pics!! They are ingenious!!!
  17. Can I forward some "talentless 2-cents"? Looking at the VB-6 reminds me of some real-world "big-guys".......just a few ideas.......
  18. And on that note... without further ado, let's get this thread back on track! Yes, Thank You, EXO! (And I'm only a spectator here!) BTW, I'm dyin' to see Melissa's pics!!!
  19. Yeah, I think we're gettin' a tad ahead of ourselves, no? (Hayao, pics in the scans or just text?) But until we see more info, how about some comments on Yamato figures......detailed, articulated, pricing?
  20. I can neither confirm or deny those allegations. May we please return to topic as I do not want to be exposed........any more that is.
  21. Ah-hah....so you have seen the bottom half of my avatar! I knew it!!
  22. Hayao, Can you post some scans of the article?
  23. Yes! If confirmed, and shows up, this is VERY good news!!! Not only for the fact of having a better Millia sculpt, but the other possibilities!!! Hopefully this will open the doors for other figures and I do hope that there will be at least some type of articulation, but I will not push the issue. I will now beg for: 1/60 Kamjin - to ride the upcoming 1/60 Monster!! 1/60 Breetai w/ pipe - can now recreate the famous Hikaru bout!!! OOOOH.......me excited!!!
  24. FINALLY some posed pics!!! Thanks Mr. Gunn!! I'd throw #31 or #32 to show all 4 pieces at once, too. Thanks.
  25. I believe you need text to add pics, so this is a shortcut.Humbled again, Jung. Great Job. Man, is the bar getting higher and higher around here, or what!!?!?!? As a silly question from someone who has a hard time with snap-togethers and crayons , you must have coated Devin's decals repeatedly to allow your wash/panel techniques to be used over them, right? Was wondering how to get the lines after decals are applied without tearing them.
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