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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. For those in Massachusetts, you'll have to check out Target. Went to pick up the CW Battle Pack - Ambush at Abregado for the 30% dicsounted price of $17+ from last week, only to find it now at 75% and only $6.24 !! So I grabbed that and the Assault on Ryloth. Also saw the Target TIE Fighter with pilot for only $9.98! Was in the Boston (Dorchester) store, so keep a look-out!
  2. Haven't collected any SW stuff since the mid-90s, but now that my 5-yr old and I are into the Clone Wars, my itch has resurfaced and I've been getting the new CW figs for him and handing down my 90s stuff. (I actually scored an AT-TE at an TJ Maxx for $40!! But I'm also getting miffed that I walked by the exclusive figs when they were out....) My question is with the current CW figure waves.........is Hasbro still doing the whole "short-packed" thing? Just want to know if I should jump on a figure when I see one, or wait until I can actually afford it, so he can have the different figs. Thanks!
  3. More pics peoples: http://blog.hobbystock.jp/report/ TORNADO LUCIFER
  4. Here's the VF-1J Hi-Metal scan. Does that say a Feb 2010 release? or 2nd in the Hi-Metal series? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=37116
  5. And don't forget this for January!!!
  6. New Tornado pics? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=36903
  7. MG V2 on the way!??!?!? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=33704
  8. Some galleries abound..... http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type97/20090918 http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf10vf25fap/01.html
  9. Hopefully we'll also start to see the other modes soon. Where was that displayed, EXO?
  10. Thanks for the pics here and in the other threads!! Great stuff!!
  11. I use VLC, so I can only vouch for it: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ Grab this and it should be a non-issue.
  12. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=B6F6MM19 I can re-up Episode 1, if requested. These 3 are it, unfortunately. Nine total if you count the previous series.
  13. Still no release date seen. No confirmation if it is a standard or limited/exclusive release either.
  14. Man, you gotta be kidding me.......but thanks for the info.
  15. Small snapshot of the new HobbyJapan showing a VF-25 Variant (first of many, I'm sure.....it is Bandai y'know...) coming in November. Can we get a translation on what Version it is? You can also see something printed under the forward canopy.... You can also see what appears to be the foot of the -19Kai, so I'm looking forward to the full scans....
  16. Episode 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=Q3FOU3AX Great episode. If only this series would continue......
  17. GREAT NEWS!! Just found the gg subbed version and I'm DLing now!! 720p - http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_MS_IG...%5D.mkv.torrent 1080p,FLAC - http://t.bt.is-ingenio.us/t/%5Bgg%5D_MS_IG...%5D.mkv.torrent Will hope to have a encoded AVI version of the 720p by tomorrow to post here!!
  18. C3 2009 VF100's Exclusives - 4,000 Yen each:
  19. Some photo reviews until MW member pics show up.... Luca: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/type97/20090801 Michael: http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dxf07g4fs/01.html
  20. http://www.1999.co.jp/10089622
  21. How sweet would it be to include those pictured "launch-effect" parts!!
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