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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. You have to set the timeframe to "the beginning" in the field at the bottom. It defaults on "the last 30 days."
  2. HA!!! Not only is my son born on the 19th, but Chapter 13 shows up!!!!! What a day!!!
  3. YIKES!!! Have a baby boy in the hospital and get home and look at all of this stuff!!! This new version looks a heck of a lot more inviting than first. Here are some more shots courtesy of Matt Alt's photo album over at ToyboxDX:
  4. Funny, huh? You should check out the bottom half of my avatar!! But seriously, thank you, and good luck to you and your "fam" on Mon. !!
  5. Welcome, to MW! Thanks for the Sentinel translations! I'm praying on that Ch. 13 !! ..and I'm also poking around over at ZC!!
  6. I also have a 5-yr old daughter who thinks Gundam, and everything else mecha, is "gross"... ...a wife who pretty much thinks "it's all just plastic dust-collectors".... ...and a son due this Thursday!!! (Congrats on yours! ) Fahgettabout me praising your model.....I'm amazed you're able to build anything!!! "Bless ya, laddie! Bless ya!"
  7. meh 1) Freedom to buy any kit you want 2) Freedom to build that kit however you want or are able 3) Freedom to post the pics for others to see and comment 4) Freedom to make both positive, constructive, supportive, and negative comments (Although I do not see what's to gain to state purely negative comments. "If you've got nothing good to say.....") anyways.... Great job on the kit. If I had the cash, I'd build it with nothing but panel lines. And bad ones at that!!
  8. Is it Advance of Zeta ? That is all I'm vaguely familiar with from seeing some of the kits. Edit: Terpfen got there first...forgot to hit the"Add Reply" button.
  9. If I only had the balls to download this stuff.....I could join the party!!! This bitorrent stuff confuses the hell out of this computer-illiterate member. OH POO!!!
  10. Wowza!! Gone from a piece of plastic-Ape to a fighting-machine! Great job!! "Bless ya, Laddie!! Bless ya!!"
  11. A few years ago there were rumors of a Guntank, as well as an RGM-79E, but "no joy". Same goes for a Rising and Nobel Gundam when the G suits were being released. Think I even recalled seeing an MG Guntank mock-up. That kit would have been sweet! If a Ball is released, I do hope it's cheap......it better be! And if the WZC is released. I hope it'll contain those flexible feathers. Man, that's a lotta hopin' !!!
  12. OVA? What OVA are you referring to? The original idea was for a 50+ epsiode series to be aired, but I think they changed it into a Movie format after a bunch of episodes were written out. Never heard of any other animation released other than the movie, though.... I'd also be very interested.
  13. Looks NICE!! Me wants ..... Me Wants!!!!
  14. Congrats!!! She's beautiful and so's the name!! Enjoy and Best Wishes to your fam!! (13 days 'til my baby-boy arrives, too.... )
  15. 中島 Nakashima (center of the island) 大輝 Taiki (large radiance) I'm an erupting volcano!!! even better...................my name in the Third Grade Insult Generator is: Captain Penis C. McStinkybutt !! I know it's off-topic, BUT I HAD TO!!!
  16. Fishy or no-fishy........me wants translated chapter!!!
  17. 'Scuse the very bad pun, but..... I'm not sure when this Master Grade thread went astray. Back on topic, though.... Here's some new pics of the upcoming Titans Use Hi-Zack and the Strike Rouge sans IWSP. I'll pass on the Rouge, but that Hi-Zack is still handsome!!
  18. "Who's scruffy lookin'?!?"
  19. Well, Deacon Blues has also posted the Sentinel translation at these forums here: http://forums.zeonic-corps.net/index.php?showforum=31 But Chapter 13 is still missing with a request for anyone who has saved it. May someone answer the call.....and soon!!!!
  20. That Freedom looks nice, zeo. Looks like you accenting the skeleton? Gawd bless ya'... wish I had the patience!
  21. Still no Chapter 13. Anyone try e-mailing or PMing him to see where/when 13 may show up? If not, I'll try.
  22. Never thought I would say this, but.............very nice crane assembly!!! edit: bad typing
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