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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Yeah, I liked it too, but something (as Graham eluded to) my 6 yr-old will get glossy-eyed over. Kudos to the Sound Guys for the awesome sound the Pantoran blasters make. Sweet stuff!
  2. Tried lightening the screen grabs up a bit. Pixel-ey when you look at it, but print up nice at the actual card size. Obi-Wan (Space Suit), Hondo Ohnaka, Coruscant Guard, Commander Stone, Commando Droid....
  3. Yeah, this bites because it was very convenient and he updated all of the time. His resource sites are still there, but obviously need some translation-work for some of us. Here are some 'english' links including another blog posted at GBiA: http://reggiocomics.blogspot.com/ http://superrobotwar.wordpress.com/
  4. Yeah, you must. And being on the East Coast of the US, chances are I won't see them for another few more weeks.
  5. Not only does the character resembling Lucas have a role in this week's episode, he's pretty good with a couple of blasters!! http://www.starwars.com/video/view/0000/0025
  6. Finally picked up a Camo ARF Trooper (Walmart) and a TRU Nikto Guard. Thought I was all caught up on the singles when I see reports that the new waves are showing up at Targets with Ki-Adi Mundi, Pilot Goji and Flamethrower Trooper. Lovely....... Will try to scan the cards over the next few days....
  7. Little "Independence"..... DesktopPic_092710.tiff
  8. Thanks, Graham!I was wondering if they were going to name these ARC Troopers or keep them generic as they have done. They actually introduced the red Arc Trooper as "Commander Colt of the Rancor Battalion" in Season 3 - Episode 1. I'll try and scan the Rise of Boba Fett Ultimate Battle Pack cards as I just got that in he mail the other day. I'm actually debating on returning it, but may just try and sell the Slave I and Mace's Starfighter and keep the figures.
  9. Okay......will hit the Clones that I have pictures for later, but for now, here are the other characters. I've added a sheet with all cards for printing on a letter-size page and also attached the individual images. Hope they come out alright on your end.
  10. Great stuff as usual! BTW, had to upload the eps for my cable-less brother. In the event anyone needs a fix: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=30I1ELH0
  11. Will do. Have to create a ton more, too. The only way I can get pretty decent pictures for most of the characters is to do a bunch of VLC snapshots during the episodes and then picking the decent ones. Little tedious, but actually is kinda fun. I actually love the fact that one of the pictures I snapped is amazingly close to what Hasbro used for the CT in Space Gear. I can PM/e-mail the hi-res JPGs or PSD files for anyone who would like to print. I'm actually printing and then laminating. The links are to a couple of sites that have galleries of the releases. The size/quality of the cards vary, though: http://www.yakface.com/TGuide2004/html/tcw10.html http://www.sandtroopers.com/sandwatch/2010_clonewars/basic_figures/ BTW, Season 3 premier tonight was AWESOME!!!
  12. Thanks! Keep in mind that I still need to adjust the numbers, besides Gha and Matchstick. I do have scans of the cards that I have already (below), but I can also give you a link to some review sites for their pics, too.
  13. Working on some custom CW Battle Cards, so me and the kids can use older characters when playing. Finding some cool pics and then just customizing the numbers. Now just have to print and maybe laminate. GHA NACKT and MATCHSTICK are complete, but the others still need to be touched-up and have their attributes and bonuses adjusted. Let me know what you think. If anyone's interested in printing for themselves, I can send the .PSD files or higher-res JPGs. PM me.....
  14. Gotta try the e-mail to Hasbro on the AT-TE legs.....thanks for the heads-up!!
  15. Via http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=52594 :
  16. http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/item-1000005848/
  17. More pics via their website and possible artwork(?):
  18. http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/2010/04/mac...f-1a-angel.html http://books.shopro.co.jp/macross/goods/index.html

    SCOOP thread!

    VF-1A Valkyrie (Angel Birds Use) (2nd Ver.) + Fan Racer (Clear) Macross Chronicle 48 mail-order? http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=31753
  20. http://hk.rd.yahoo.com/blog/mod/art_title/...ticle?mid=45898 Anyone with some concrete info? I believe it states the mail-order will be offered in Macross Chronicle 48 on sale in May. Sound right?
  21. http://www.miasora.net/gallery/robotama/vf/queadluun_pixie/
  22. Any bets that the next TAMASHII WEB SHOP exclusive will be super parts?

    SCOOP thread!

    DX Chogokin 1/60 VF-27β Lucifer Valkyrie - Tamashii Web Shop limited release. June release, 16,800 Yen Variable Stand for DX Chogokin VF series - Tamashii Web Shop limited release http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30857 VF Hi-Metal YF-21 - Under development (in VF'100s thread) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29308 credits to - http://ngeekhiong.blogspot.com/
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