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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Preliminary listings for late summer items via Gunota... I recall the Galbaldy/Gelgoog report from late '04 and we got the #3006 Gelgoogs....I'm hoping for just Galbaldys. And we all figured on seeing more 08th MS suits since the Blue Destinys hit, so here we go. Let's hope the trend sticks. EMIA Shiki will make a lot of people happy. Will be interesting to see the Providence, too.
  2. Well.....there's a 'better' RAW version out, but it's still choppy on my VLC, maybe you guys can have better luck --- HERE From the bits I saw, it seems okay. Maybe my expectations are too high. Good news, though, Bakakozu's picking it up. Doing great on the Blood+ series, so maybe soon we can get a nice subbed look-see.
  3. Could that be Knowlton's World? It's too bad a lot of it is "Under Construction". Found that site getting info on my Battle of Stanrey game..was/is a good resource.
  4. I remember getting some torrents a while back, but don't recall if they were subbed. I'll let you know what I can find.... **EDIT** Sorry......they were raw vids. (Here).
  5. Meh. Just got home from work and I can't get the WMV9 format to play. Can hear, just not see it. Sounds good! Guess I'll have to wait a little longer.
  6. Guess the show has started as I'm currently grabbing a raw version as we speak - got to have a look-see. Hopefully a good subber will tackle the series soon.
  7. Isn't the beginning of the US KHII in english? I have both versions of the title Passion (Japanese) and Sanctuary (US) by Utada Hikaru. Grabbed off of some torrents as well as the Import OP prior to the US release. What exactly are you looking for?
  8. Nice collection. Any pics?
  9. zeo-mare can give you some good info, they aren't that dynamic, but in the meantime, feel free to check some pics of the later figs HERE
  10. I'd guess it may be just a little bigger than an MSIA: Per MAHQ, the Gundam has a head height of 18.0 meters while the Sazabi checks-in at 23.0. *Edit - the Jagd Doga has a 21.0 head height, so we can probably gauge the other CCA suits when it's released.
  11. Gunota has found some new and updated HCMPro info with pics!! New pics.... 26-00 MS-07B Gouf (5/2006) 27-00 MS-06J Zaku II (5/2006) 28?-00 MSN-03 Jagd Doga (Gyunei Guss’ Custom) (6/2006) New entry... 23-01 MSZ-006-03 Zeta Gundam (Green Divers Custom) (5/2006) Also a little info stating more Char's Counterattack! Geara Dogas?, Jegan?, GM III? Refined Zeta with its BWS?....did I forget the Sazabi and Nu, course not! I bet we may even see a 'Hobby HiZack' Limited Model with all of the variants showing up. 2006 may be a great HCMPro year.
  12. (I'll let a Staff member be the judge if this thread may or may not be "Offical" ) Upcoming and reported goodies from the world of Gundam action figures: Key: Scheduled Release , Reported Release
  13. 35, married with 2 kids (although my wife would say "3 kids")......and I do resemble that, yessiree I do.
  14. Danny Choo has some great pics of the MG Gyan from the Anime Fair. Check the link for more.
  15. That pic was from a couple of years ago and no news of the Astray at all. But with the recent update at Gunota, CCA is getting its own HCM Pro with a Jagd Doga coming out of nowhere, so an Astray showing up is not far fetched at all. Also from way back, these silhouettes have been knocked-off one-by-one with only the Wing Zero Custom remaining....
  16. April is right around the corner....great news! Can't wait for the fansubs. Top Cow sure is getting some action in '06 with this and The Darkness PS3 game...good for them!
  17. Via Toysdaily........ she looks nice!
  18. Yeah, I did see this. Thanks. I thought you saw a completed pic of one seen at a show or something. As far as the Nobel.....I wonder if battle-scarred parts will be included to pose them in the "God carrying the Nobel after the big battle" scene. Oh, and Gunota has supplied some future HCMPro info: HCM-Pro Gouf (May, 1,680 yen) HCM-Pro Zaku II J Type (May, 1,890 yen) - w/ Magella Top, foot missles, & crackers Maybe a Do-Dai YS is on the way for the Gouf.......they seem to be working little-by-little at producing what was shown a long time ago....
  19. HLJ has pics up of upcoming figs from what appears to be some sort of Hobby Show:
  20. o rly 380824[/snapback] YES HE DOES HAVE KIDS http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1346377 His son's face seems to fit INSIDE the carrier 380931[/snapback] Oops, missed the froating kid head! Same guy?.....Wow. He also has some FFG and DDG pics, but only aft shots. Wouldn't mind seeing them all at once.
  21. Over a year to build.....holy schnikees!! This guy definitely does not have kids!! http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=126969
  22. I've seen a torrent for a 'Sousei no Aquarion Special'.......any info?
  23. That sums it up!!! Thanks for the info!!
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