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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Subbed Ep.2 is out: http://bt.shinsen-subs.org/%5BShinsen-Subs...%5D.avi.torrent
  2. These are the Shinsen AVIs: #1: http://bt.shinsen-subs.org/%5BShinsen-Subs...%5D.avi.torrent #2: http://bt.shinsen-subs.org/%5BShinsen-Subs...%5D.avi.torrent
  3. Are the Gelgoogs any different from the 3006a/b release? They don't seem to be....which is a shame. Should've been Betas.
  4. One more spread from my favorite gallery site: http://pony-hp3.web.infoseek.co.jp/HCMP-RGZ.htm I'll tell ya, she looks great all dolled-up with them decals.
  5. Just got home from work and found the link ..... good news indeed!
  6. Some Re-GZ galleries are up: http://www.geocities.jp/mugenter/hcrz.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/gff/hcmpro/re/re.html
  7. Hey, hey....how've you been? Any new work to show off? Here's the Raw torrent links for: Episode 2 http://www.l33t-raws.org/bt/get.php/002d19...%5D.avi.torrent Episode 3 http://www.l33t-raws.org/bt/get.php/4334ec...%5D.avi.torrent
  8. The Raws for Eps 2 and 3 have been released, but does anyone have any word on a sub group?
  9. Nah you overestimated their size. They're more like 1/100 Bandai Gundam kits. I have an Ingram 2 with the LED system. Pretty neat. 422925[/snapback] MG RX-78-2 ver. 1.5 & MG Ingram 1 MG Sazabi , MG Griffon - Aqua Type , HGUC RX-78-2 MG Wing ver. Ka , MG Griffon - Aqua Type
  10. Just in case you've yet to see them, "The Ferrari of Gundam" is out and with plenty of galleries to check it out: http://www.geocities.jp/hetare_d_max/galle...pro_SAZABI.html http://cms.or.tp/~gamu/gangu/gff/hcmpro/sazabi/sazabi.html http://www.geocities.jp/mugenter/hcsz.html http://flick.sakura.ne.jp/toy06a/toy-06-07-d.html#sazabi Definitely looks to be the pinnacle of the HCMPro line. Oh...on a different note......I've also seen a report that the YMS-18 Prototype Kämpfer will be included in the Zeonography release.
  11. If you'd like........click the rapidshare link above........scroll down and click the "FREE" button.......wait the few seconds......enter the silly code they give you.....click "DOWNLOAD" button.....wait for the download (24Mb)......then enjoy.
  12. Nice. Thanks for the pic!
  13. Raw version of Episode 1 is out. Like how it looks and hope a group picks it up now because I'm very intrigued now. EDIT ::: Per request: http://tracker.danomac.org/torrents/%5BQ-R...BR).avi.torrent
  14. More 'glam' pics and sheet pics are abound of upcoming releases... I'm really liking that Sniper!
  15. Gonna make my comment short and sweet........"HUBBA-HUBBA"
  16. Sure does look nice. Even a tiny Iron Mask in the mobile armor? ........MG gimmicks get better and better
  17. Just watched the trailer, looks interesting to me. Now to wait for more.... Here's a rapidshare link, too: http://rapidshare.de/files/25024638/FLAG_Trailer_1.wmv.html
  18. Nice work!! That Gyan is sweet!
  19. Hey, if there's a group that picks this up......I'll take a peek. Thanks for the info.
  20. Yeah, it was reported as due at some point as another "Limited Model" such as the Green Divers suits, but no date was given. It may also be a mail-order/magazine exclusive.
  21. They must be panel-lined by the owner. Other reviews do not have the lines either. I'm also assuming those are the owner's custom effect pieces.......which is too bad. That would have been great to include something like those with the Dogas, Sazabi, and even the Nu.
  22. I'm crying after that and my wife's shaking her head at me!! How the heck are you able to save it to your HD? This one's for the record books.
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