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Everything posted by GRAND CANNON

  1. Can anyone please assist with a translation with what is shown in the pic below? They are exclusive kits and possibly a mail-order (guessing by the mags on the left) and have also had "online exclusive" reported. Any help is appreciated, thanks!
  2. ROBOT魂 00 Gundam is out. Looks nice: Here are the gallery links: http://2nd.geocities.jp/lifezoids2/TS-OO-01.htm http://taste.style.coocan.jp/hobby081014.htm http://momoja.blog61.fc2.com/blog-entry-579.html
  3. With the #1004 Ver. Ka coming this month and the GFF Red Warrior in November, I'd hazard a guess at a possible December or a probable January.
  4. They do look nice. I've got a ref. list up and running below and will add the link in my siggy soon:
  5. Defender pics from Cybergundam Blog. hmmmmmmm........seems a little too yellow.....
  6. I was only able to see the Youtube version. The song was unappealing. Is it the same song from the site? I was hoping it was an 'add-in' and not the official.
  7. New trailer(?) for Linebarrels of Iron: http://www.linebarrels.jp/movie.html or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOfFjhzB9XI Starts 10/4/08. Looking good.
  8. 'nother C3 pic, from cybergundam:
  9. Some more pics, albeit grainy, from cybergundam:
  10. Old news? http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=13337 Defender to be released in December.....
  11. Yeah, it bites that Gunota is leaving. It will be missed.....especially with all that is coming out in the next bunch of months.....
  12. Yes, have this link from elsewhere, hopefully okay to post: http://cob23.dubicle.com/d/sddeefonn/0CbSR...030fps).wmv.htm I'm dying for the full length version(s) to be released.....
  13. yeah, found the other links nuder its synonym, Xam'd Lost Memories.
  14. First link I've found: "http://www.datorrents.com/download.php?id=38386&name=[Effort]%20Bounen%20no%20Xamdou%20-%2001%20[720p][A6B48B30]%20.mkv.torrent" You'll have to copy/paste....wouldn't post the link correctly. Can't wait to check it out.
  15. Just saw the the trailers running on G4......opens in 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to it and the TV series that follows! Man, no other comments since February?!? Am I in the wrong thread......
  16. Been eyeing this for a while when I searched Gonzo over at ANIDB: http://anidb.net/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=anime&aid=5629, still no release date. Dying for a teaser/trailer.
  17. Too true, but with that last shot in the video, I think it's a fair assumption. The only other "pink" suit I can think of from SEED would be Lunamaria's ZAKU Warrior. When you think about it, this could be a smart Bandai pick.....talk about a mold-milker with all of the different variations rather than an Athrun one-off. Either way, I'm sure we'll learn more in the next month or two.
  18. Ahhhh, poor Athrun with his foresaken color choice. But at least he'll be getting his first MG. Could end up being any of his suits: Justice? Saviour? Infinite Justice? Pick your pink.
  19. From the 47th Shizuoka Hobby Show: #1003 MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mark II (7/2008)
  20. On closer look, the placard looks like it states "1/72". Why so small then?
  21. More info: MG Guntank - with moving power gimmick and bombardment recoil
  22. Got some Gunpla news from Gunota. Figure stuff can continue here - Gundam Figure Thread if you'd like. Via Gunota: 47th Shizuoka Hobby Show The show doesn't officially start for another 15 minutes but, as in the past couple of years, Run Chicken S is already posting the news first: MG G Armor MG Guntank HGUC Kämpfer MG Zaku Cannon - August MG Zaku Tank (exhibit only) After years of rumors............FINALLY A GUNTANK! no pics yet But here are others: HGUC Kämpfer doing the limbo: MG G Armor ad -- includes the "new and improved" Gundam 2.0: MG Zaku Cannon: MG Zaku Tank exhibit: What's with the red tail light in the last two pics?
  23. Guillermo del Toro confirmed, pics arriving in 2011 & 2012: http://www.variety.com/VR1117984595.html Guillermo del Toro to direct 'Hobbit' Filmmaker signs on helm feature and sequel In a major step forward on “The Hobbit,” Guillermo del Toro has signed on to direct the New Line-MGM tentpole and its sequel. The widely expected announcement -- which had been rumored for several weeks -- came Thursday afternoon jointly from exec producers Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh, New Line president Toby Emmerich, and Mary Parent, newly named chief of MGM’s Worldwide Motion Picture Group. Del Toro’s moving to New Zealand for the next four years to work with Jackson and his Wingnut and Weta production teams. He’ll direct the two films back to back, with the sequel dealing with the 60-year period between “The Hobbit” and “The Fellowship of the Ring,” the first of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy. New Line is overseeing development and will manage production. Both pics are being co-produced and co-financed by New Line Cinema and MGM, with Warner Bros. distributing domestically and MGM handling international. Del Toro won’t leave for New Zealand immediately as he’s still in post-production on U’s “Hellboy 2,” due out in July. His previous pic, “Pan’s Labyrinth,” was released through New Line’s Picturehouse and set a record as the highest grossing Spanish language film in U.S. box office history. The official signing of Del Toro comes four months after New Line settled a lawsuit with Jackson over “The Lord of the Rings” and announced that it had agreed with MGM to turn J.R.R. Tolkien’s “Hobbit” into two live-action films. Sam Raimi had been preceived as the initial front-runner as director but Del Toro had emerged in recent months as the likely candidate. The studios didn’t give a start date on production and don’t yet have a script. Though no screenplay deal’s been set, it’s expected that the “LOTR” scripting team of Jackson, Walsh and Philippa Boyens will collaborate with Del Toro. With Del Toro blocking out four years for the project, it’s likely that the studios are aiming at starting shooting next year and releasing the films in late 2011 and 2012. Jackson’s WETA stages, post-production and visual effects facilities -- built for “The Lord of the Rings” -- will be used for both films. And New Zealand will again be the site of Middle-earth, with the story centering on Bilbo Baggins taking the Ring of Power from Gollum.
  24. It's a Korean bootleg by Academy. The also made a Musha-version called the General Marshall. It's huge, heavy and chunky. It has some basic articulation, so no dynamic poses, but so what! The thing is humongus! Here's an old article from about the time I bought it back in '99. http://www.toyboxdx.com/ramblearchive/r-9903.html just scroll to the bottom of the page. I may be able to dig some archived pics, if you'd like.
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