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Everything posted by Dimis

  1. But it was used. If it's used it can go for anything.
  2. VA-1SS and VF-5000 for me then!
  3. Excusez-moi... Where's the Metal Siren in the poll?
  4. If the YF-29 30th anniversary was available for only 2000 YEN over the RRP after release, i just cannot this being more difficult to acquire. But since i will pay a premium anyway, i might as well pay a bit more and go back to having a life... lol. But this is what most people thought i guess. Myself included.
  5. And yet you still call him "a friend", after dumping 3, 3 not 1, copies? LOL!
  6. 90 registered users, and 23 who would rather not present themselves are reading this topic right now... Hmmm...
  7. It is one of the early fragile shoulders releases.
  8. Apparently someone bought a Hikaru VF-1A from Anime-Export that they brought in today. I wonder if they know...
  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cheryl_Cole Just another lacklustre "do-(it)-all" with half a career here in the UK... Lol!, bless her, I feel bitchy today!
  10. Some nice pics here. There are some comments further below. Can someone explain what he says about the wings? I think that either there's some oil residue or that the paint scrapes easily compared to Alto's ? "Google translate" is being really creative ... ! http://bleumer1909.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2013/05/index.html
  11. I'm interested to know whether anyone thinks we may see a VT-1 re-issue from Arcadia in 2014 when it's going to be the 30th anniversary of DYRL? Releasing a previously flawed release with proper QC, together with an anniversary stamp the size of a fist makes business sense and would bring in some customer confidence, but will they have sorted the licencing issues by then?!?
  12. I find it really funny that japanese fans posting reviews of this on Amazon.co.jp all complain that the transformation is too difficult ! They need to throw away the manual, learn english, and watch the guides on YouTube
  13. I've never bought from them but i've read good feedback. Their prices can be horrid though and fluctuate daily!
  14. Does he acquire these with the owner's consent?
  15. Oh well... on and off i've been watching as i said, but that's still way less than 200,000 !
  16. About the VF-1s low vis, i have been watching auctions on and off for about a year - kind of want it, but can live without it - and the highest it has ever gone is 20,000 something YEN. It doesn't look like the kind of variant that people would fight over in a bidding war, maybe because no collection should feel incomplete without it. Probably the same could have been said for the VF-X, but that brings some more variety to a collection than a simple colour-swap of a mass release. If only that bright yellow was darker...
  17. I think the chances of this happening with a UK or north Europe bidder is close to 0. But still, sellers can specify regions (i don't sell often but for my items i say Europe, US and Canada only) and also require specific method, such as Express Mail International with insurance only. There are ways to work around it if it's an item that may have worldwide appeal!
  18. I really want to bid on an ebay US auction but the seller does not allow bidders outside the US. So disappointing. I'm sorry to say this, but that's exactly the kind of brains people who are responsible for companies that go bankrupt carry. That, and maybe the fact that i cannot bid either... LOL!
  19. "...must not click this link, must not click this link..." i'll be saying tonight, in bed, with the iphone in hand.
  20. lol or if "add to cart", 280,000 YEN!
  21. Don't tell me where the others are!!! Please don't ! :-P
  22. Here, i have done it for the photo from Hobbysearch, but i cannot do it for the one from Flickr. It's the little white mark inside the red circle. If you then look at the one from Flickr, there's one at exactly the same spot. Oh God, why am i even doing all this detective work? I can be obsessive compulsive, so that's why, LOL!
  23. Also i did a search at Flickr and found someone else's VF-1 with the same mark! http://www.flickr.com/photos/d1dymus/3385895683/lightbox/ So i guess it's not a fluke, right?
  24. Hi, You may say that i panic-bought (although not really because i was planning to buy it anyway) the VF-1J Commander type. I bought it new, from a Yahoo Japan Auctions seller. Although i do think it was unused, i noticed a tiny scratch on the left side of the piece that the wings are attached to and swings forward for Gerwalk. The crazy stuff now: The sample piece at HobbySearch, shows exactly that!!! Click at picture 11. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10086194 For a moment i thought that somehow i ended up with that copy! Then i looked closely at a VF-1S Roy with option parts that i have on display (i got it last June from AmiAmi) and it also has that little scratch/mark at exactly the same spot, but it's not as visible because the plastic is white. Has anyone else seen that before on his VF-1?
  25. Nothing beats a fake turbine!
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