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Everything posted by coronadlux

  1. Nice report. Congratulations on getting the special ticket.
  2. I was getting fired up again. I line the ride armor and do agree that different variations are needed. Color schemes and all. I can't imagine someone fighting in the jungles, deserts and all without some camo paint to try and hide themselves.
  3. Did, or can anyone get me a 3d poster. Sign preferred. Pm me if anyone can.
  4. has anyone bought and painted any of the figures? seems like it might be cheaper prepainted. look at the resin models lately.
  5. i was looking for a green one but luck would have it that i found it in red. I am going to restore one and customize the other one.
  6. It's a fun kick them a$$ movie. nothing more nothing less. No Oscar worthy performances. Just good ol' fashion entertainment.
  7. Thanks to Gakken85 for fanning the spark for the Alphas once again. I even pulled my Alpha out of the box it was hiding in. My Alpha has Mars Base stickers, while the new (new to me) one has Jupiter Base ones. Did these initially have 2 sets of stickers?
  8. Epoxy is a permanent bond. Skilled and professional modelers use it to modify and build on the existing models, plastic and resin.
  9. What was it suppossed to look like before? It looks great and the repair job is awesome. Did you try to work something out with HLJ?
  10. If you ever dive into the resin models, you will curse yourself for not having one. Any mods to a model are easier with it. I use it to sand down the inside of airplane panels and then cut holes to simulate bullet holes. Now, speaking of usage, if you feel you will use it once or twice a year, then you can live without it. If all you're going to do with it is drill out gun barrels, laser canons and the like, a pin vice would be more economical.
  11. I figured you were talking about the individual cases from the links. I just thought I would throw it out there. #1- you need a shelf to display them on and 2- it's more cost effective than a bunch of individual cases. I do agree, dust control is hard with some displays. I have years of dust on some of my models. Even though my case was "dust proof" I even went as far as putting weather stripping on the doors. That dust finds it's way in there still.
  12. A lot of guys are using the Ikea display cases. I am using one my mom left me. My wife isn't really into display cases for "china" so I use it for models
  13. I agree with MechTech. Especially if no similar replacement of lesser value can be found. I've had my Black and Decker rotary tool for over 10 years now and it has seen a lot of use.
  14. Somehow it's seizure indicing. Some things should stay in the drawing board
  15. Yup, they will (blank) and (blank) all over themselves... hahaha Awesome build, I still can't wrap my mind around the size of that beast.
  16. Yup. That is a pretty cool video. Somehow, th "danger Zone" song has been over played with the tomcats, and many jet and mecha AMVs.
  17. very menacing! I wouldn't want to be at the wrong end of that gun.
  18. Trully a work of art... master pieces. How can I steal one? haha
  19. WTF! Are they serious? Laser swords! WHat were they thinking?
  20. Looks good. Over time it should lessen the damage
  21. I'm like WTF have I been missing... Hahaha. Started watching the series again.
  22. I too want the pdf's. Please...
  23. Paint is paint, as long as it's compatible with each other. Clear coat is just paint without color. So yes, you can use it on primer.
  24. I agree. Most important tools all start with your mindset. Time and patience, then all the other stuff, glues ( I use zap a gap) Paints (testors and citadel) exacto blades, tweezers. A table or workdesk (my kitchen table) If you want to, you can get an airbrush. I got mine at Michaels at a clearance sale. $20.00. Then my wife got a half off coupon and I picked up a dual action for $40. Usually, I would recommend you start with a low skill level kit to get your feet wet.
  25. WOW!!! Great work. awesome detail.Those VF's and launch arms just seem a pain in the butt. I understand why few have even even attempted them. Did you try a white wash? or greyish wash?
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