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Everything posted by subie81

  1. That's robot damashii and Figuarts though. The US reatilers know that the MB Gundams sell like hot cakes and pre orders on the Japanese sites go by quick (almost like dx Macross figures) so they use that to their advantage and mark the hell up on them. Figuarts and robot damashii don't sell out quick for pre orders like metal build. You can still get figuarts and robot damashii figures (depending on the character) days sometimes weeks after their initial pre order date.
  2. Really? I remember getting mb strike freedom from hlj at its pre order price of 20,000 yen I believe and bbts had it for $239.00 plus shipping if I'm not mistaken. Plus I don't ship ems. I usually ship SAL. Hlj has the MB f91 for 17,100 yen and bbts has it for $214.99 which is absurd!!! With SAL shipping (if available) would still be cheaper than bbts. Plus bbts will charge you for shipping (maybe $6 or $7) with their super saver option.
  3. I second that!! I'm more of a UC Gundam fan myself and wish they would make more UC Gundams. What happened to the poll Bandi had for the next Gundam metal build? Didn't the RX-93 Nu Gundam win that poll?!!! I've been waiting for that Gundam to be a metal build!! As for as waiting for the US retailers to carry the metal build Gundams, I don't want to pay the high mark up. I'd rather get it through a Japanese etailer. I was able to secure a pre order through HLJ for the mb 00 Seven Sword/G. I maybe interested in trading pre orders for the MB F91 through a Japanese etailer (preferably HLJ). Pm me if anyone wants to trade!
  4. Figuarts Napa is available at NY. It's says it's a limited release. Is this a web exclusive only? I checked hlj, amiami etc. and they don't have him for pre order. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/20247-shfiguarts-nappa-limited-edition.html
  5. Ahhhh I see. Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully it pops up on hlj again, amiami etc.
  6. They said there's going to be tighter tolerances on this mb 00?!! Nice! cdjapan has the MB F91 back up for pre-order for 23,999 yen?!! Outrageous! I might as well keep my preorder with bbts! I'm trying to post the link to cdjapan for you guys, but I'm using the cdjapan app and it won't let me.
  7. Oh man! Another sleepless night trying to get this one!!! I couldn't even get MB F91 through a Japanese etailer and I imagine this release will be the same. 00 is one of my fav Gundams so I hope I get one of these.
  8. Thanks F360! You're awesome buddy!!!
  9. Any pics that have surfaced regarding MB F91? Doesn't it come out next month? edit. Never mind! I just clicked on the link and saw the MB F91 pics! Can't wait to get this! If anyone sees the MB F91 go back on the Japanese sites please post the links here!!!
  10. Great pick up spanner! I also pick up 1/18 auto art Subie's!!! Gotta have one of your car!! Lol
  11. Drifters, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Diamond is Unbreakable) and the classic Dragonar series!!!! Oh yeah!!!!!!
  12. subie81

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Fuuuuuu had it in my cart and then it said it was sold out!!!! Efffff this! Oh well! I'm off to watch episode 3 of Drifters and then I'm off to bed! Congrats to all those that got one.
  13. subie81

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Did anyone get one from NY?!! I keep clicking on it and it's giving me an error!!!
  14. Kirin hobby has it for $266.99 with free shipping in the U.S. Good guys! I've bought from them before. They have great pricing on other SOC's as well. http://www.kirinhobby.com/shop/product_info.php?cPath=122_275&products_id=14760
  15. Thanks guys! You guys are awesome! I don't wanna pay bbts pricing for the F91. I'd rather get it through a Japanese etailer.
  16. Not a problem Golden Arms. Glad I could help! Can someone post links for the MB F91 if it pops up again?
  17. MB Blue Frame back at HLJ. http://hlj.com/product/BANN07958
  18. What are the chances that Bandai releases a Metal Build Dragonar? I mean they already off branched and made the Metal Build Laevatein from Full Metal Panic. I'm a big Dragonar fan and while I love my spec XS-05 Opening Silhouette Dragonar 1, the spec line is no where near the Metal Build line. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on the Spec XS-17 Dragonar 1 custom and the Falguen, but I don't know if I should wait until Bandai ever makes a Metal Build Dragonar.
  19. Muhahaha! Nice! My Wrx's name is Sasha. When the turbo kicks in and she starts to boost, she magically transforms to Sasha Fierce!!!
  20. The Datsun/Nissan S30 Z is such a classic! Great anime too! Have you watched Wangan Midnight spanner? It's a great anime! I have a feeling you'll enjoy it! It's pretty technical just like Initial D accept this anime is about horsepower, torque, and engine builds. And the Z goes up against AWESOME cars!!!! I don't know! I'm not sure! Shall we start one?!!! LOL!
  21. Thanks for your input everyone! I decided to skip the MB Exia. I'm not too fond of the design and it would've just been an impulse purchase for me anyways. Plus I need to save up for the SOC Voltron and Metal Build F91! It's unfortunate that the ankles are loose on the seven sword! Thanks goodness no one has loose ankles so far on their 00 Raisers! I was messing around with my buddy's MB Strike Freedom the other day and it had ankle issues standing with the wings attached because it was too back heavy! I decided to get this instead of the MB Exia! Autoart Wangan Midnight Z!!! I couldn't say no to this!!! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-SCL2-60128
  22. I know this is off topic, but I had to share this since there's a bunch of Autoart enthusiasts like mself on the board. I had to pull the trigger on this! The price was too good to pass up! Autoart Wangan Midnight Z!!!! They also have a damaged box option as well. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-SCL2-60128
  23. Question for you guys. I was watching Charles's (OptimusPrimeSG) review on youtube on metal build 00 raiser and he said that the ankle joints on his seven sword figure is loose. I know that seven sword and 00 raiser are the same exact figure, but I want to know if exia shares the same exact ankle joints and if they will get loose over time. I only have 00 raiser (since I sold all my seed metal builds) and I'm thinking about picking up exia. as far as I know, all the metal build gundams use the exact same ankle joints correct? thoughts on this guys? has anyone's metal build 00 raiser ankle joints loosened up?
  24. nice pick up anubis20!!!! had to get 2 figuarts Super Vegeta's huh?!!! I got one too! best figuarts Vegeta EVER! he looks especially BOSS with his crossed arms!!!!
  25. LOL! I second that bro!!!! I've succumbed to peer pressure many a time here on MW!!!
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