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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Thanks for the info all. I bought a used VF-1D version 1, which is my first Yamato valkyrie. The parts bag was opened and was missing those two fillers. I was thinking maybe the seller sold me an incomplete item.
  2. Just a quick question. Does the 1/60 VF-1D version 1 come with those small panels that cover the gun-handle groove/peg on the left/right arms? I know the VF-1D Version 2 comes with those panels and they're large "L" shaped panels that clip onto the arms. I'm even more confused because the panels that would cover the version 1 VF-1D look like they're more square-like and significantly smaller than the version 2 covers. Anyone have a version 1 VF-1D with these "covers"? I just want to know if Yamato included them with the version 1 VF-1D. Thanks
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