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Everything posted by Cobra__

  1. Macross DYRL is a whole. Saying that blurring a certain scene, cutting another one completely, changing the mood of another scene doesn't in any way alter the film is just being delusional. Fans will give any kind of stupid justification for their "cocaine", but the changes are still there and because of that the film is objectively different. Same thing with Lucas modifying his films. Little changes here and there and 15 years later you end up with a completely different film (as in the mood of the film is different). What's next, censoring the rape scene in Royal Space Force ? What Kawamori has done is crap. He has craped all over the original film and the fans are drinking the kool aid. In this the Macross fandom is no different from any other fandom. Panem et circenses the romans used to say. DYRL is served on a silver dish, unfortunately it stinks. Can you imagine censoring Megazone 23 part 2 for violence ? Ha ha ha what a bloody joke it would be. And you can bet someone somewhere would justify it. If the Macross fandom had balls they would boycott this stupid release. Hit Bandai where it means something. Abd then maybe they would release the corret theatrical presentation. But what they released is all except a definitive release. A take your money and run job.
  2. No, this is the truth. Start from this wikipedia article : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metal_Armor_Dragonar and for further information read "Great Mechanics, issue 7, 「ガンダムをリニューアルする」" Please, OVAs of that era were yes focused on science fiction for the most part but you still could find other genres. Area 88 is not science fiction, and has some of the best hand drawn animation ever as well as a great story. In some places it rivals that of Macross DYRL and DYRL was a film. As for Kawajiri, I'm not a fan of his fix with rapes but he has talent for actions scenes. And he also knows how to draw realistic characters.
  3. What uncited information ?
  4. Bring back the good old days when people like Kawajiri would make an OVA just because it was cool and he couldn't give a crap about target demographics. Today everything is so constrained, you can't make a step without doing market research, inserting item a because otaku fetishists will like it, insert item b because it will turn on the fujoshi crowd etc... To hell with this. We need more space, more unbrindled creativity and the money to go with it. Of course you'll get a lot of crap anime but you will also get a lot of good anime or even masterpieces. That is what anime was about, the glory days of OVAs and creativity without bounds. I miss those days. Hey nobody said the japanese viewers had good taste. Hell in the mid eighties Sunrise wanted to put Gundam aside and start a new franchise (Metal Armor Dragonar). # What happened ? Japanese viewers cried like babies to have their oh so precious Gundam back. And Sunrise said yes and then fostered upon the world almost 3 decades worth of useless remakes.
  5. Moe has been in anime since the begining of time. What has changed is how moe is shown. In the seventies moe were sexy girls like Cutie Honey, Beauty and Reika from Daitarn 3, Fraw Bow, Mirai and Sayla from Gundam. In the 80's you had to have the famous shower scene or beach or public baths scene. In every genre, from real robots, to super robots to comedies, to epic adventures etc... What has changed in the last 10 years is that what would have been adult characters or young adult in old animes have been shoved into prepubescent characters, with all the sexification that comes with it. If late night animes are geared for young adults, male or female then why, why in god's name do we find characters continually being depicted as prepubescent girls. For boys its not so common. There is a dark side to being an otaku (otaku in the sense the japanese define it) not in the sense of being an anime fan we westerners understand it. And anime publishers are catering to that dark side. And don't tell me I'm imagining things. Fontier is no different from Code Geass. Designed by comittee to appeal to boys and girls alike. That's why you have top have bishounen characters in mecha shows today. To get the fangirls who wouldn't give a crap about robots but would fall over their feet for the "nice effeminate guy". I guess the first real culprit here is Baldios, although that mecha show had a lot of redeeming qualities that made it a great show even if mostly obscure nowadays. Nostalgia has nothing to do with it. I appreciate modern animation techniques, and modern animes. What I can't stand is loli characters appearing everywhere just to appeal to the otaku's dark side. And the blame for this is entirely on the japanese. If they hadn't driven anime into a niche that survives only thanks to those otakus we wouldn't see such questionable shows today.
  6. No, I just happen to like Macross Zero and Macross Plus especially Macross Plus. This was Kawamori's best work bar none. Is it a crime to wish some adult oriented Macross ?
  7. Well thank you mister obvious. This is true of every anime that has graced the tv screen since like forever. The exceptions are very few, mostly tv series financed by the NHK and even then its not a given. But everything else is designed to sell merchandise from the get go, its the nature of the beast. Now accepting this doesn't mean you have to throw the script and characterizations out the window. And Frontier has basically done that. So saying that Frontier is designed to sell merchandise is not an excuse for the poor storytelling and poor characterizations, and silly characters. Anime producers need to go back to the fundamentals.
  8. Music and Valkyries. Seriously just like Gundam exists nowadays mostly for selling toys (and the main reason Bandai bought Sunrise in th first place many years ago), the Macross franchise has become almost exclusively a venue to promote j-pop singers and sell toys. People that refute this are simply in a state of denial. The story in Frontier was a trainwreck. When even OVAs from 20 years ago are better than new offerings you know that the franchise is in deep crap. The guys directing Macross should : - write an interesting story - have believable, adult and relatable characters - keep the moe at minimal levels - make the music a part of the story not THE STORY - fire Kawamori then maybe we can go back to having some Macross that kicks ass.
  9. Yes it's silly and and a cop-out. Kawamori at the time just couldn't givce a crap about his characters and has never changed his opinion on this matter. But if he were a true man he would have declared the Megaroad destroyed and all the historical characters dead. The chapter is closed and life goes on. But you know, there is always, always the small possibility that when Kawamori is dead and BW/Studio Nue run out of ideas they could bring back Misa, Hikaru and company. Hey in the end they were not really dead after all. Enjoy Macross : Return from the dead zone.
  10. I'm ok with that. I already speak 4 languages, I'm not going to learn japanese just to watch some animes. So for me its dubs and subs, preferably dubs but subs will do of course if there is no other option. This of course limits my exposure to hundreds of animes that will never be dubbed or subbed. I'm also ok with this since I don't pass 24 hours a day, 365 days a years watching anime. I just wanted to stress the point that a good dub has as much a cultural value and importance as a good translation.
  11. Well if you want to go the route then who guarantees that a sub is correct ? Especially fan subs out there ? In any case you're right, there are bad dubs, but there are also good dubs. To think otherwise is just plain stupid. Its like saying that all translations of literary works are crap and you're better off reading the in the original language of the author. To be precise when we talk about dubs we have to consider 2 factors : - the adaptation - the VA performance. If the adaptation of the source material is not faithful than of course a dub won't save the work. In the same token, if people translating from japanese and adapting to make a sub take liberties in the source material and change things well that sub isn't worth a dime. Now on the other hand, if the adaptation is correct and faithful and the VA performance is good then yes a dub will be superior to a sub. No questions asked. And in some cases the dubbing VA can have a better performance than the original actors. But to understand this last point you have to be a polyglot and watch a lot of films in different languages. Even the same film in different languages to gauge how the performance of VA change with respect to that of the original actors. So people saying that japanese VA are ipso facto better than other actors dubbing performance are ignorant. To make an example, the seiyuu that played Chibiusa in sailor moon is generally considered to be a bad, a very bad voice actor. Talentless in fact. And yet she was in a lot of animes in the nineties. Does this entails that foreign VA couldn't have a better performance than her in the dubbed version of the Chibiusa character ?
  12. Son, you are by necessity a sub lover since Macross series will never ever be dubbed in the west. So its either learn japanese or go with illegal subs. As for what I said, it is the truth. A sub cannot capture the complexity of the spoken language. Wether it concerns animes or films. It has nothing to do with your stupid "sub hater idea". Calling me a sub hater for underlining this fact is like telling someone that 1+1 is not equal to 2 (in base 10). For a given adaptation, a sub will always be inferior to a dub. No buts and no ifs. Deal with it. Yep, Aim at the Top 2 : Diebuster is a great great miniseries, and a labor of love to the original Aim to the Top.
  13. Aim at the Top 2 : Diebuster goes into overdrive with episode 4 and then ends on a high note with episode 6. Its is every bit as exciting, heroic, emotional, fanservice heavy, silly and epic as the original Aim at the Top. Of course if you're not fluent in japanese, you lose a lot watching it subbed. I think the american release should have some booklets that explain all the behind the scenes, with interviews to the producers and VA. It complements the series very well. If you don't like the art design the only advice I can give you is hang in there. The last 3 episodes are really worth it. Moreso if you manage to identify all the references to the original Aim at the Top. And the ending, well the ending will make you shed a tiny tear. Be sure to watch the original series before diving in Diebuster.
  14. Moooo Moooooo go join the crowd. Be sure to never express an opinion out of the ordinary for feer of being ridiculed. Southern Cross had good mecha and armor design. It was eleborate and "non derivative" of mechas that appeared in other shows at the time. It was a breeze of fresh air. The story was a failure, but the art design ? Nope. Eccentric art design yes, but bad no. As for 0083, I never wrote it had a good story. But animation wise it was top notch and stands pretty well even today.
  15. If you say so. You should learn to distinguish the good apples from the bad apples. And Zeta Gundam and ZZ are bad apples. The characters suck and the plot development (or should I say lack of plot) sucks, Idem for Gundam Victory. Tomino's troll product at its finest. In fact from the UC timeline the only good Gundams are : The movie trilogy Turn A Gundam (which ends on a high note Tomino's fundamental message expressed in 0079 Gundam) 0083 to see what a high end budget in animation could produce in the early nineties and the MS Igloo CG series that show in a new light the one year war. Gundam Unicorn the verdict is still out there, although for the first four episodes the arrow points to a good apple. Ps: just because Sunrise churns Gundam series non stop doesn't mean every project is good, even in the mythical UC timeline.
  16. Uhm no. The greatness of a show is not in the number of characters that are being killed, mostly without any reason whatsoever. Yes people die in war, but there has to be a reason for their death, it can't be simply because the writer couldn't give a damn about structuring a coherent story. Yikes I introduced too many characters in the show, now how am I going to deal with it ? Let me see, yeah I'll just kill most of them. This is not a good way to tell a story, it is a cop out. And most characters in Zeta act erractly. Most of the times their is no reason at all for what they are doing. Zeta has a higher quality animation for a mid eighties series, but in terms of story it sucks big time. Of course if all you want to see are mobile suits fighting each other then its ok, otherwise dump it.
  17. Oh man good Gundam series are few and far between. Even in the UC timeline Victory is not good. Dribs and drabs, that's the way I watched that trainwreck of Gundam Z. The guys at Sunrise must have forgotten to hire a decent writer on that one.
  18. So what exactly IS a macross fan ? A person of unquestioning obidience to the will of Kawamori ? Seriously even the great Kawamori has no idea how to structure coherently the Macross universe. You just take the various episodes/series/ova's/films as they come and hope that somehow "continuity" is not being jeopardised or retconned. And if it is, well forget about it. Its all subjective in the end. What did Obi Wan used to say ? "...So what I told you was true... from a certain point of view" Kawamori took that lesson to heart.
  19. Absolutely. The original Gundam tv series was cut short because it was a failure in terms of tv ratings. Tomino never really managed to flesh out the concept of newtype in Gundam. So the whole tv series amounts to a monster of the week type thing plus some disconnected mention of newtype here and there. But you as the viewer never really come away with the reason of WHY newtypes are important. Their role for the future of humanity etc.. The films as Kronnang Dunn has said are way better. The authors basically re-editied the tv series, adding new animation, throwing a lot of crap away and finaly focusing everything around the newtype concept. That is the reason the films are so superior to the tv series. So much so that they are considered cannon and not the tv series by Tomino. If you have to watch one or the other by all means watch the films. You'll get the whole Gundam experience without the bad parts. Now since Macross more or less has the same number of episodes as Gundam, and it has its fair share of filler episodes doing a re-edit of the story and putting it on film is not an impossible task. I mean you can reduce Macross to 7 hours of tightly paced action and story without changeing the nature of the series. And no DYRL is not a solution. That film was a "what if" type of scenario. It is not a re-edit of Macross (notwithstanding what Kawamori has said, will say now, or in 20 years when he changes again his stance on the subject).
  20. MS Gundam (UC series) is mostly science fiction. Macross is pure space fantasy. The rationale behind the Mobile Suits is certainly more realistic than that of building giant transformable airplanes to fight giant sized aliens. You'd think outer space had an atmosphere watching Macross. As for the characters, well lets say I'd take an Amuro Ray, Bright Noa and Sayla Mass every day of the week before even considering whinny little Hikaru Ichijo, Misa Hayase and bitchy Linn Minmei.
  21. Subtitles are the poor man's dub. Its been like that since the early days of talkie film dubs. Of course Yankees never had any dubbing industry to speak of since Hollywood preferred to steal original foreign films and remake them for the local audience. Talk about opening your citizens to foreign culture. Although it begs the question, if translation for the written word is culturally accepted why not dubbing which is mutatis mutandis the translation for the visual world ? There are two types of countries in the world, those that dub and those that are ignorant (US) or don't have the economic means to have a dubbing industry. In the first category you'll find France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Germany, Mexico etc... In the second you'll find the US (not surprising), northern european countries (because of their small market that makes dubbing not viable) and other smaller countries. Southern Cross has a very intruiging mecha design. If you hate it because you expected more cookie cutter designs like those in vogue at the time your loss. The characters are also very good, although you certainly won't find the Mikimoto touch in them. The character designer also worked on Ideon, Xabungle, Dunbine, Tekkaman Blade and Kashan OVA. Those are all heavy hitter shows although virtually unkown in the west and historically important. Jeanne Francaix is the feminine equivalent of Cosmo or Amuro Ray. If you don't like the character design in early Gundam shows or Ideon you sure as hell won't like the character design in SC. That is for sure. Oh and did I mention the battle armor the characters wear ? Simply fascinating, so much intricate detail and variation. No wonder since the original idea of SC was a feudal japan war story projected into a far far future. And the battle armor the characters wear are very reminiscent of a samurai's armor.
  22. Too bad at least for me. The only Southern Cross merchandise I have is the japanese double cd with the music of the series that was published some time ago. But as far as the series proper is concerned I can't stand sub only releases. I love dubs (when they're well done of course). Southern Cross had a very good mecha design and character design, very original designs. Although how you can consider SC a proto-Patlabor series has me confused.
  23. Nice Is it a sub only release ?
  24. Maybe Tatsunoko asked too much money ? HG has to retarget the franchise. The idea of doing 60-80+ episodes has left the barn 10 years ago. You simply can't do something like that without massive sponsors and lots and lots of money. So what is left to do ? Either a mini series every 5 or 6 years. Something like a 13 episode tv series or a 25-56 episodes tv series. Think Madoka Magica or Macross Frontier type series. Integrate the storyline every now and then with some ova (using up to date technology so no 30 year old footage). And mostly keep the flow coming. You can't do a one off project and then stay low for 15 years. Your fansbase will simply desintegrate.
  25. They could have found another partner to continue the project isn't that so ? RT3K failed 100% because HG was taken hostage by the hardcore fans. They said jump and HG jumped. And all we have now is a half assed reboot that's worse then even the original RT3K project. But hey thats progress I suppose.
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