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Everything posted by JuanRT

  1. pero es que entiendo que no ha firmado... está solamente en platicas , asi que no se cual es la emocion. Es mejor no andar fantasiando por ahi y malinformando a la gente, vamos al meollo. estan simplemente en platicas
  2. mis favoritas en este orden.... DYRL PLUS FRONTIER Descartado por completo..... MACROSS ZERO MACROSS 7
  3. lo que tengo que decir que se ver super fino... son personas profesionales que realizaron esto en su tiempo libre y les deseo las mejor de las suertes.
  4. one thing thats is missing from this is that they article said that was 'in talks' but Steve said on the convetion, that they sing him.
  5. I actually like the idea a lot, ......I vote yes on the reboot, and I do think Robotech might be going that direction
  6. Mil gracias por todo que descance en paz thanks a lot, rest in peace
  7. there is the woman that sleeps with her husband best friend and have a baby that she knows is Shane's , and know she is all freak because he kill him!!! I mean it happends in real life no zombies involved. Sleeps with your frind wife?????
  8. ohhhhhh shitttttttttttttttt I will make no comments on that
  9. thanks for that pic, I try honest, to wach macross 7 but I did not like the whole I will sing to death Basara had But man thanls for that pic in what episode happend?
  10. I vote for that, for real new animation based in the characthers that started all,
  11. hahahahahaha :lol: :lol:
  12. is ok fine I will leave it at that, I did not came here to figth with any of you tht's why i ask .... but I will leave it at that......... and yes I will go to others forums to see what will do Macross on the 30 aniversary... Like I said before I don't need conversion to Macross I'm already a fan ( well leave 7 out of that mix)
  13. sure .. to express how I feel about the things what are going on with RT and looking for an other point of view........ I'm no here to troll so I ask again,.. so you are a troller in rtx.com?
  14. read the tread HG and Robotech debate, that's why so you are a troller in rtx.com? I got to ask but why? I mean isn't that what HG do in rt.com? and every one hated it?
  15. I will speak just for myself... Been coming here for the longest time just to see the other point of view, in rt.com, most people there are ok with whatever they do with robotech, since is no secret that most people that don't agree are gone or banned. I don't need to be converted in Macross, i'm already a fan and yes I don't like Macross 7 almost in the border of hate, not soo with the rest, I think Macross F was freaking good. do i will post in other forums>??? maybe when and if I feel like it and I know there are some Robotech fans that won't forgive me for posting here, but I don't longer care. I did not came here to troll, to complain about rt???? yes, but I have done that in all the forums ask around, Memo keeps telling me "vas a seguir con el berrinche?" this goes someting like are you keep on biching (or complaming)
  16. well you dont read it this is why they call it a video
  17. in a nutshell that about it... I want to be all hype for this new proyect, but I just can't, I mean LLA? for real? At the very least give us all new retro-animation, make it all new, like Shadow Chronicles, but this is Robotech Untold Story 2012
  18. Memo put the videos up, all of them are in this link
  19. he saw me posting in here, I think he at getting at me, but it will fail, and not the points are not that dead on, they are off I did not came here to figth, but I'm really fustrated of RLLA, the joke of the animation community, and the fack that in rt.com in the spanish secction is petty dead since they keep banning people that does not like the stuff going there
  20. Well Memos was uploading the video, so was on camera, will ley ypu know when is up
  21. Triste por lo que pasa con Robotech

  22. hi to everybody this is my 1st here and I could have create a cloned accpund but that's not my style..... the news came from the panel it was held the past weekend, and Seto that was not wishful thinking by their more deluded fanboys like you said,t he sad thng is we still don't have an acuratte date of release yet and the words soon on Robotech Shadow Rising still on , but at the very least they are not waiting now for the RLAM the Robotech Love Live Alive, sad as it to me is Robotech Untold Story all over again, and we all know how that went. I love Robotech soo much, but to me this is realily check and my 1st post here so be gentle
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