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Everything posted by Nyankodevice

  1. wow i actually have more to show already.... Added some more hatches on the top leg part.. also did the some detailing on the deck of Prometheus and preshaded it. thx for all praises, ill be sure to update regularly now the heat has set on a tolerable temperatures!!
  2. yes ill definitely paint it!
  3. Thx everyone, im really looking forward to The finished result myself... Roughly around 1.5 kilos perhaps more xD
  4. pheew! between the heat and my vacation, its hard to do anything.... finally managed to get some work done on this project. ofcause the heat has made me forget to take enough progress pictures, however i do have some! first up i have here a assembled but not yet finished SDF-1 these buggers was somewhat a pain, 17 in total... adding small hatches for destroids..... Who ever said the Macross didnt have enough firepower against small fighters!?! Also adding gun mounts so turrets can swivel! here a closeup of the partially finished midship!! hope u guys and girls enjoy these pictures... soon another update!!
  5. OK finally they arrived! 100 small neodynium magnets, 6x4mm, each capable of lifting 1kg Now it'll be relatively easy making this ship "transform"
  6. another small update! been working abit on the main exhausts adding grids to make it look like clusters of smaller exhausts also ribbed the sides, for the details sake xD more to come soon!!
  7. dunno why... but i sense an update is overdue!? xD have been on a vacation for a week, however i do have a update! the Daedalus is pretty much done, might still need a couple of tweaks 'n touchups... sumone asked if it would be able to transform.... YES it will (well not exactly transform, more like "partsform") some progress has been made on the "mid" section of the ship i will make it parts form via magnets... i will elaborate more when i get all the required magnets i need for this, so far only have magnets in the rail cannons and the "main gun" mount.
  8. While youre at it, why not make some VF-1 fighter in scale 1/2700 for my SDF-1 Looking good there!
  9. just wanted to show approximate size xD
  10. tell your oldest to keep it up == this is what happens when theres no decent SDF-1 TV kits out there >_<
  11. yup, many people just dont realize that xD just like i did with this: cant believe i forgot the keel fins.... so made some changes late last night!
  12. id like to get my fingers on that gunpod next it xD
  13. ok Prometheus is pretty much done minor details and tweaks still needed!
  14. yay! i have another update... managed to get some work done on this... added magnet to the rail cannons. here it is with prometheus attached wich is almost ready for base coat of paint..
  15. Tree??!! u mean trees xD i thank u so much.... origami is impressive in its own rights... but... thx xD... well if that blood is along the line of rusty red'ish for the keel of Prometheus n' Daedalus ill gladly accept
  16. added some more details..... almost done on these, just need weapon emplacements and some plate details!
  17. thx... i cant wait to get all the detailing done....
  18. Another little update! im done with all major parts... only details and touchup is left... before im painting it...
  19. ok heres a little update on the project...
  20. so i started making this papercraft originally created by Thunderchild. and i decided to make it more detailed.... made most of the parts needed but so far i only worked further on the Bridge and prometheus
  21. took me half a day to assemble mine...... there are no screws missing... however there has been a change to which screws are in the box, but none are missing! and there is alot of room for modding and such =^_ ^=
  22. Nyankodevice

    Nausicaä - Möwe

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