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Everything posted by Slamdunk
Well, time to log off and I am sure the status of this account will be set to "forbidden". Feel free to edit the parts you want on this thread to make it look good to you guys. Fixing a game or something is not an uncommon practice. Life on the internet is like a fart in the elevator (or the lift for the British speaking people), it is transcient, it comes and goes as fast as you begin to "enjoy" it. (I am sure some do enjoy it or they won't start sniffing when they are told there is one around!) Later, adios and saraba......!
Only someone who has self esteem problems would care about popularity. I am not a teenager nor am I running for office. I am nasty only when people want me to treat them that way. It is not me by default! I don't need to pretend to be someone else just to be on here. The reason for me to be here again has already been stated previously. I am sure people would say I also have that self esteem problem or other mental diseases the cheap psychiatrist would invent on someone. That would "really" bother me ....NOT! Piercing is NOT that popular unless you are a Gothic or think making the metal detector light up at the airport is amusing! Looks like you just created this account just to talk to me! Hmmm, similiar to me getting a new account just to make a statement like others were complaining about!?
Not going to get into that about cwmodels. It is not my problem you don't understand what I said. More assumption of me being ugly , woo woo! I take that as a punch to me, so this is what I have to say "maybe you should stop looking into your mirror too often!?" It is more than just under a different nickname if that really works well. Listen kid, if I am going to come on again, that is because I want to demonstrate how well ban works. I have no intention to come on just to argue with you lot or score points. I am sure they have many "nice" things to say about me after I am gone, if that bothers me, I shall age as much as you lot.
What makes you think I care or not able to log on again. Ban if they wish and I will log on again if I have to. I happen to have time now, that's why I write. If I don't write, it is soly because I don't have time with you lot. So go ahead, place the ban!
I don't know how many times I have to say this. I don't consider morons and bats as nasty words and they are certainly not directed at cwmodels necessarily. I am not going to apologise if he thinks so otherwise.
It was the right thing and I do not care if they aren't looking into it. I spoke my mind and that was it. They can choose to do something about it or not, it is not my concern. Those who wanted to pick fights with me, they are welcomed but remember how I "work".
Mellow? Remember what I said about "you nice to me, I will be nicer!"? This is how it works for me with people. You use nice words, I use better and nicer words; you are aggressive to me, I am way more aggressive to you. I have no intention to submit my application form for the angelic world after death and this is the way I work! Example: You say "Thank you!" I say "Thank you very very much!" You say "DxxkHead" I say "Axxhole!" no exception!
I think of those less as derogatory words than as words I used to question their abilities. As I said, there are many words that are worst than those. It is not my problem you think of such words as more "intensed" than the others I mentioned. Shame myself? I don't think so. And don't mention anything about my parents, I totally don't react too well to those statements and I don't care if they are from the President of the US. I have nothing to explain, take it whatever it means to you.
I didn't even think those words would cause a runt or a wrinkle on anyone's forehead. It is your guys who think I am trying to stir up something here. I don't usually say anything unless I really have to. The judgement, in my opinion , is really offline. I see many good works and in fact excellent works not even considered on their preference (1st, 2nd and 3rd) list. I don't think you really need to be super intelligent to see them. I didn't say those selected were no good but there are many not selected that are better and I am questioning that. I didn't have an account because I never felt like I had to say anything as much as I feel like for this now.
and what makes you think I was attacking cwmodels as a person? I didn't say he was not nice. I was merely criticizing the judges's ability to see what were not so obvious. I didn't know cwmodels was one of the judges until I checked on it later on. Replying right under his post doesn't mean I was attacking him. If he was one of the judges, and yes, I am "critizising" his ability, not "attacking" his personality.
Stones? As in words such as morons or bats? I don't see anyone react to the phrase "Son of the bitch!", isn't that also an insult to one of your parents? Or the word "bastard". Believe me, I don't use those, even I have my limits. I consider those words very personal. Often enough, I don't see people react to these terms! Believe me, I have seen people used harsher language in a professional environment and I am NOT one of them.
Look listen kid. All I did at the beginning was to state my disagreement with the judgement, then all of the sudden, you guys are onto me. He had something to say to my opinion, I had something to say back to him. As for EXO, he started being nasty first and I thought he would enjoy the entertainment. The reason for posting the first message publically is to let people check out what I said themselves. if they don't agree with me, fine! if they do, maybe they can tell the judges what was wrong. Ten voices are better than one. Added: I never claim to be the masters of anything. It is you guys who thought my language was impressive and thought I was trying to impress. Was there a prize for me to claim doing so? This is how it works in life. Someone attacks you, you will return the favour. Much like how the world runs. I didn't make the rules. Call this childish but as is the rest of the world on this planet! You nice to me, I am nicer, you are nasty, I am nastier! Ban as you wish, I try to find a support hotline to deal with my "distress" and try to pick up the pieces of my life and move on!
I invite you to do it physically, Kiddo! I hate "children" and would like to punish them with great enthusiasm! Oh and yes, I am much older than you think I am, just looking way too young! Just want to add this. I PM you because I didn't want to prolong the thread, not because I would be so afraid to say that in public! Or in your face!
As I said, ban as you wish. It is something I have foreseen but don't care. Edit anything you wish to make yourself look like the non villain. They are many things in life that are fixed!
Well, I am just trying to entertain you with immaturity which you seem so much enjoy! It is like a punch for a punch...actually in my case, it would be 11 punches for a punch. Who was the one who got easily impressed!? Are we talking about yourself again, about the purpose of your existence to this mother earth? Maybe as a weight so that the planet won't spill out of the orbit? Well, I have something I want to pull out of you too, but is not maturity (if any) and has to be done in person. Again, this is just entertainment. I have much more serious work during the daytime, just say, part of it would be making all this technology possible for you guys to write stupid comments and work for you! As for witty and whatever, they are your words. Obviously, you think they are witty or you would not think of them as such. I told you many times before, I don't need or am not in the habit of trying to impress anyone. It is you guys that think so otherwise. Actually I would love to meet you in person, it would be like a day in the aquarium. Sea mammals do walk the Earth. Is that witty enough for ya!? Lonely? Hmm, my friends here just told me how entertaining this is but they didn't think they could do better than my "witty" words as you thought they were. By the way, perfection itself is not perfection at all. I wasn't even trying to be perfect. Well, hope you sleep well. I can get back to something more serious. (and nope, not modelling or messing around with any form of plastics!) Until next time or the administrators can't stand me! It has been entertaining and you guys can continue this! This time is real....or maybe NOT! Later!
Again, this is entertainment to me, you have something to say, I will reply. I am before my computer now, so why not? of course, I can't promise I can be here all the time! Thank you for pointing out how respiration works. I thought I saw a lot of air coming out from your mouth! Or was that the anus from your buttock, I really can't tell the difference between your face and that! The world will also forgive you for not taking up so much space or trying to move on the dance floor. What contest places? I wasn't even in this one or any other. It is your problem not believing what I mentioned before. Now don't get up or think too fast, it is hazadous to your health! Keep the words coming!
Defense? Nope, just enlightenment for me. It would be more than being stupid to prove I have a life to you or anyone else. Now I have some time, why not keep your pointless words this way. Maybe I can find way to make fun of. Too badly, I can't meet you in person. it would more than just poking fun at you! Those who think others that do not have lifes or relationships are in fact what they think of themselves as! I wonder when I said anything about people here didn't have life! Hmmmm..... Yoga? Accupuncture?? Do you have a crystal ball too? Wow, what makes you think I need all that to stay healthy and athletic? I am not even a health nut or a bodybuilder or whatever. Perhaps you use your body more often than you use your minute grey matter, you wouldn't have thought you need all that to stay healthy. I am crying alright, about your mindset and thinking!
Again, I don't have to report to you what I do this Friday night or any other Friday nights. Just say I wasn't at home before my computer. I am now, so enlighten me. Once again, stop even try to use your microscopic grey matter to figure out any logic of anything. No, I am not looking at any walls but I am trying to imagine if you do look like walls! I wonder if your coffin will be a wooden cube! These are the things I would say right before you or behind you or wherever I can find space left by your occupancy! Bravery would be dealing with me in person! I am back here because of people like you who keeps writing stupid comments which are difficult not to answer. What makes you think I spend so much time on doing models? As for girls or other things you would think of for a typical guy, I don't need to try. You must be thinking me as one of those hairless fat guys sitting in the basement trying to impress the world. If girls are the only thing on your mind, then your mind is as empty as the Mike Tyson's pocket! There are other things in life than just models , toys, anime and girls! What makes you think going out on a Friday or any other day is an impressive activity? "Wow, I went out tonight, oh big deal!" It is a big deal only to those that don't go out. So speak for yourself! ....and what makes you think I was trying to impress anyone with my typing skill or anything else? I didn't think my typing was impressive unless you are illiterate. My point is that there is nothing to impress. I made my statement and that was it. It was you guys who keep coming back writing things other needs to reply. It is you guys who think this is impressive. As I said, people are impressed too easily these days! Kid, don't even goto areas you are not familiar with, like maturity. Maybe you are matured as in a days old banana. Looking old! If you guys have time to write all these, aren't you as sad as the person you described me as!? Waiting for your next stupid comments.
Yes, I was away for a few hours. Will that be classified as "gone"? Do I have to report to you what I do in the form of a diary/spreadsheet!? Don't try to look smart by over-analysing things. What cover story? Do I need a cover for anything? I would say it before you in person if I could. If I were the contestant, I came out and said it loud just like I wasn't. It really doesn't matter. Do I need to be one of the skaters in the Olympics to complain about the judges' abilities? I think not! Only people who lie a lot in life will suspect others doing the same. It doesn't take long to register and say what I have to say. It is you lot who have the emotional attachement to this thread. I visit this place from time to time but not hanging out ALL the time as you are. When I have something to say, I will go through the trouble to say it. Are we that lazy? Registration is a big tedious thing? No wonder they are so many fat people on this planet! I bet you use your car for grocery shopping only 15 blocks away. You certainly make a fuss in writing paragraphs. Your explanation is pointless and has directed to someone who doesn't even care. Next time, write your points on the stone tablets and ask Mosses to send them to me! I made my point and that was it, do what you want and please direct your time and energy in the forum/contest or finding jobs as a freelance artist. I keep writing because there are something too stupid not to reply, and that doesn't classify as lie. ...and everyone lies, including me. I am not going to tell the mother of an ugly baby that his kid is ugly. I will lie but the point is what do you lie about and how often! You were wrong about your IQ being less than a raisin. It is more like a vaccuum. Enjoy my "paragraphs" specially written for you! For others who have something to say, write them to Santa, maybe he would pass them along. Adios!
I have no intention to fix anything for anyone. I made my statement and thats was it! In real life, no one is going to teach you everything. There are things you have to figure them out yourself or you are helpless. I said nothing about the "system" they are using. They can use the slot machine, punch card, dot, circle or triangle system, I don't care. I was talking about "judgement" which is an ability and yes, it is subjective, and it is really off the scale. This is the ability that makes any system work. Expert? Hmmm, people are impressed quite easily these days! Sorry I couldn't find a better word than morons. Maybe I can use word like amoebae to put some class to it. I am moving on and let you lot discuss it among yourselves. Many minutes have be wasted and can never get back!
cwmodels: It is all very touching with all those paragraphs which have nothing to do what I was talking about. I was criticizing the judgement abilities of those judges. If you want to do something, do it right! Boot me!? If I really care! There must be a SUPPORT GROUP/HOTLINE for someone who just got banned from a forum. I do all my contribution in the real world instead of like those holding on to an anime of the past! Less than a raisin: As for growing up.... I don't waste time on forums or on an anime like you do. So please kiddo! Friday night, got to go!
"I am not one of the contestants"...... Sorry I didn't put neon light around the phrase or use capital letters! Frustrations..no......to show some examples of morons , yes! Even the judges at that Olympic Skating competiton would say "Come on!". Either you guys have judgement problems or the whole thing is somehow fixed! Just say this is the only time I feel I have to say something. I have never seen anything with IQ less than a raisin! No need to reply, this is possibly the last time I read the thread.
I am not one of the contestants but judging from the entries and choices made by the judges, I can only have one conclusion: The judges are either blind or a bunch of morons. Looking through the mechas entries, there are a few with obvious better skills than those chosen for the top three. The third prize (#35) should be at least be the second if not the first. There are also a few not selected but can replace the selected top two. Why did #36 get voted for the most popular? Were they voting for the character or the skill. If for the latter, those people also need eye surgery. Thank god I didn't enter or my work would be judged by a bunch of bats!