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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. Dang, man. you freaked me out there for a second. I don't think they've been canelled. I hadn't heard that. I HOPE not! I want a Turbo Custom!
  2. Yeah, i've built one. it's pretty cool. A little small, but it's not too bad. I enlarged mine to about 9 inches tall (roughly 1/35 scale).
  3. No, no, it's NUMBER 1!!! Or is that Number 2?!
  4. Ah, "Somewhere in Time." Good movie. GREAT date movie! Great soundtrack.
  5. Here's a couple of ideas: http://us.games-workshop.com/games/40k/imp...tanks/camo1.htm http://us.games-workshop.com/games/40k/imp...pcamo/urban.htm http://us.games-workshop.com/games/40k/imp...oopcamo/ice.htm Here's the technique that I use: http://www.arcair3.com/Fea1/201-300/Fea224...oses/Fea224.htm Hope that helps!
  6. Pie is good. Cake is good. Mouse is better.
  7. Whiskey, you need to be very careful when you slam somebody for not being an "expert." Do you have some credentials you'd like to put on the table proving you to be an expert? Seriously, relax. Everybody's entitled to thier own opinion. Oh, I know it's an aim-54c. Typo.
  8. Seriously, Whiskey. Take a breath, brother. It's just an airplane. Both the -15 and the -14 EXCEL at what they were designed to do. I will say this, the -14 is a much better dogfighter than you're giving it credit for. Also, the AIM-64 was never intended to go after fighters. It was intended to down bombers and cruise missiles. I don't think that it's fair to label either fighter better than the other. They've defended this country for almost 30 years, and that says something. Oh by the way, did you know that there are plans to keep the B-52 in service until potentially 2050?!?!! I heard that from a DoD guy, and was like, WTH?! Sweet! 100 year old bombers!
  9. No, that was my point. I know that the max load is 2/2/4, but this dude was configured 2/2/6. Of course, it was just a demo model, but it was really cool. There was a Phoenix where each fuel tank is now. It was toward the beginning of the show, and the model was painted in the early demo scheme (white with black and red trim).
  10. Oh yeah, I've seen that program a couple of times. It's really good. My favorite part (SPOILER!!!) is when they show one of the prototype models carrying 2 sidewinders, 2 sparrows and 6, count 'em SIX Phoenixes! That's right, there's a Phoenix on each nacelle hardpoint. It frickin' sweet!
  11. I'd like a full set. That'd be sweet. Although they wouldn't be clear when I'm finished with 'em. MWUHHAHAHAHAHA!
  12. Looks awesome! I love movies like that. Hopefully it will be super-campy. Can't wait! Very "Crimson Skies"-ish.
  13. Happily married for 3 years despite Macross.
  14. That is the funniest thing I've read on eBay. Ever.
  15. Put it this way, it'll fly as well as any other rocket does. Hmmm.... Do rockets really fly?
  16. GreatMoose

    Custom 1/48 CF

    That's fantactic, Jung. Excellent work.
  17. You know, it's interesting about Cruise. Have you noticed that he (unlike almost every other actor) usually has actors of equal or better calibre costarring in his movies (ala "A Few Good Men"). I read taht he does this on purpose, mainly to make the standard higher for himself to achieve. Pretty interesting, if you ask me. Gotta give him kudos for that.
  18. Actually, Crusaders DO have two underwing pylons, one under each wing. They are RARELY used, but they were used occasionaly in Vietnam when Crusaders would go on impromptu "Iron Hand" missions. I can't remember exactly what the pylons were stressed to, but I think it was just under 2,000 lbs a piece.
  19. Ah yes, the infamous "Leb-atar". The one with Exedol was particularly disturbing.
  20. Bet it's an HS129.
  21. More: Last one:
  22. Sorry for the huge size! Another: Another: Another:
  23. Here's a couple of mine:
  24. Somethingawful.com has a pretty funny review of "The Stuff", along with several other HIDEOUSLY bad movies. "Scanners 2", anyone?
  25. How about "Leonard, Part 6"
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