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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. 1: UD-4L Cheyenne, hands down. 2: WH40K Marauder, Destroyer pattern I dig the utilitarian designs.
  2. I absolutely loved WHR, but I'd rather have a second season of the anime, instead of a live action show. Oh well, I'll take what I can get!!
  3. Seconded on Witch Hunter Robin (the subbed version, not the CN one). It's absolutely fantastic. Great cast (Amon is one baaad man), superb animation, FANTASTIC plot, excellent music. It's all good, ya dig?
  4. The best part about it is my WIFE loves that show! YEAHHHHH!!! Finally, a show the family can agree on.
  5. Nice work. He's got some more really cool pics in his gallery. Lots of "Jin Roh" inspired stuff, some stuff for a HalfLife2 mod, and even a WH40K pic!
  6. October 2001, I think. Maybe 2000. Crap, I can't remember.
  7. Somebody's working on a -25, not sure about a -31. It may be too "recent" for the community. I'll check. It'd be pretty sweet, though.
  8. There's somebody working on a -128, but it's not finished yet. You can fly Mig-19s, every -21, Tu-22s, all kinds of good stuff. Oh, and there's nearly EVERY version of the Yak-25/27/28 family! WHEEEEE!!
  9. If you like fighters from the 60's, you should check out Strike Fighters: Project 1. Nothin' but vintage goodness. There's mods and add-on aircraft for just about any 50's-70's fighter (and some bombers, too) you can think of. My personal favorite is the Yak-28P. Love that bird. Game's a little old and buggy, but with the patches, it's a great sim.
  10. I've seen two episodes of Tripping the Rift, and they both sucked. There's just WAAAY to much sexual humor in it. Some sexual humor is fine, but EVERY joke doesn't have to be about sodomy and oral sex. The only other jokes in the show are anti-religious jokes. Definately not the same kind of humor that Family Guy has, but more of a "I'm 13 and I think I'm funny" kind of humor. Boooo.
  11. I like "Shell" from Witch Hunter Robin. Sweet song.
  12. This is my favorite game. Period. My grandfather attached to the 101st (he was a glider pilot. Crazy man) , and this game is remarkably close to the actualy events. Heck, the first several levels are taken DIRECTLY from Easy Companies experiences in Normandy. Read "Band of Brothers" by Stephen Ambrose (or watch the film) and you'll see what I mean. This is first game that I have ever been emotionally attached to. I was absoulutely drained (and sweating like a pig) after several missions in this game. At the end, i nearly cried. It was awesome. You can feel the desperation, and the courage it took to do the things that these guys had to do. Truely incredible "game". I really don't like calling it a game. My dad asked me if it was fun, and I said, "Well, as fun as war can be, I guess." Buy it now.
  13. Ahhh, drive-ins.... (closes eyes in blissful remembrance)
  14. That's how I heard it, too. I was under the impression that Mitsubishi would eventually build the whole thing, though. Pretty neat bird, if you ask me (and you didn't)
  15. Interesting. Maybe they're attempting to "un-alienate" the macross fans? (hehe, I made up a word! )
  16. Maybe old news, but I'm too happy to care! http://tvshowsondvd.com/newsitem.cfm?newsID=1074 May 4 release for the first 13 eps, plus new footage, making of, etc... and only $30!
  17. Damn shame. GO WARTHOG!
  18. I use a variety of pencils, and then seal it with clear coat. Looks FANTASTIC in reality, but it's tricky to get the lighting right in photos.
  19. For most underrated fighter, I'd have to go with the MiG-19. Wasn't great, but was a pretty cool piece of aerial hardware. And depending on who you ask, it actually beat out the F-100 as the first supersonic fighter.
  20. That museum is really cool. It's also HUGE (especially compared to the town! ) There's actually 3 museums, and they're all really good. I highly recommend them, if you're down in the Hill Country. Also, best wine I've ever had was made right there in Fredericksburg.
  21. Indeed. My uncle was an FB-111 pilot (back when they were actually called FB-111s! ) and he would always tell us how dad-gum FAST the things were. He said they could outrun just about anything, especially at low level.
  22. Ooo, that's one of my favorite sites. I highly recommend the Brutish Dog. I'm re-coloring one to Silver Fox and Scopedog Custom versions.
  23. Now WDC, you know size doesn't matter.
  24. It looks bigger than it really is. It IS a pretty good size, though.
  25. It's about 6 inches tall if you print it out on 8.5x11. It's pretty cool. I'm adding actual "greeblies" to mine, instead of having them printed on. I recommend building it.
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