This is my favorite game. Period. My grandfather attached to the 101st (he was a glider pilot. Crazy man) , and this game is remarkably close to the actualy events. Heck, the first several levels are taken DIRECTLY from Easy Companies experiences in Normandy. Read "Band of Brothers" by Stephen Ambrose (or watch the film) and you'll see what I mean. This is first game that I have ever been emotionally attached to. I was absoulutely drained (and sweating like a pig) after several missions in this game. At the end, i nearly cried. It was awesome. You can feel the desperation, and the courage it took to do the things that these guys had to do. Truely incredible "game". I really don't like calling it a game. My dad asked me if it was fun, and I said, "Well, as fun as war can be, I guess." Buy it now.