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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. Yes, the key is you must first UNINSTALL the old drivers, reboot, install the new "sun.exe" file, reboot, and then everything should be fine. If that fails, you could try extracting the "life.dll" file.
  2. ...And once again, Yoshinol prevails...
  3. Now that I have you attention (I'm sure), let's all sit down, relax, and have a Yoshinol!
  4. I like pie.
  5. Obviously The MAN is behind this! I'm not sure how I feel on the new title thing. I really miss the old custom ones. I am curious though, what is the thought process behind NOT having custom titles? I'd rather have my old post count back, though. I'd finally broken a grand, and the site got changed! Oh well, keep on truckin'.
  6. Yeah, Miho's the only one that would know for sure, but she hinted at it pretty strongly. I absolutely loved the series. I kinda wish there was more, but then again, it's nice to have just one complete series, you know?
  7. d00d!!1! l@v@ sUrPh1nG 1z t3h r0x0r!!1!
  8. There was actually another publication that mentioned the same title, but I can't seem to locate it.
  9. As far as movie titles go, it could have been worse. From The Sun. The best part: As stupid as it sounds, it (the lava surfing) seems to fit with the previous two movies. Oh well. EDIT IN- I realize this comes from a tabloid, but...
  10. Glad to hear he's "flourishing", Gupps! I'm sure he appreciated the additional firepower.
  11. Just a quick Kerberos question, there's been TWo live action movies, right? There's "Kerberos Panzer Cops (Stray Dog)" and "The Red Spectacles" right? And of course, the Jin Roh anime. Shoot, there might even be ANOTHER live action one, i can't remember. Now IIRC, the Red Spectacles and the Jin Roh version of the armor is similar, but the RS version carries an MG-34 and the JR version carries an MG-42 (along with some other minor changes). But the Stray Dog version is completely different (although it does carry the -42). Right?
  12. That's hilarious. She's a cutie!
  13. I loved starcom. I think I've still got a Starmax bomber somewhere. Anybody remember AirRaiders? Those were some SICK toys! I had the Twin Lighting (the one that look kinda like a souped up cloud car) and the Bad Guy fighter (can't recall the name). Those were cool.
  14. Very nice. I just parted with my Protect Gear, and I really miss it. So, you did use one of the Kaiyodo recasts (they're notoriously bad, and out of scale to boot)? Very nice job. I like.
  15. "Buffalo, this is Six. Fire for effect... ...Yes, the spiders." He he, that's a big damn spider. Give's me the willies!
  16. Yeah, I couldn't see 'em either. OH well. Those Clone Trooper markings are SHWEET!
  17. Ooooo, visions of hordes of 5" tall Kasrkin.. mmmmmm..Kasrkin....
  18. I'm still wating for them to release a Terminator. That'd be teh r0x0r!
  19. I've got a few of them, they're OK. They're only about 4.5" tall, pretty good casting and paint job on 'em, but they really are just enlarged mini's. I've taken one of mine apart to try to recast it, with limited success. If you can find 'em cheap (less than $20) they're worth it for sure. I wouldn't pay more than $25 for them, though, and that's pushing it.
  20. Sounds like the antics of a year ago. WHEEEE!!
  21. Wow, i didn't know you could have Slaaneshi SoBs. Where's the Grey Knights when you need 'em?!
  22. You mean Klendathu, or Planet "P"?
  23. My favorite mobile suit, and there's no way I could EVER afford it. Boo hoo.
  24. Even though I love Mac7, that is the funniest thing I have read in a LOOONG time!
  25. I got him to eat a sandwich (sort of) and moon me. Whee!
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