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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. It's a specific kind of delta wing. The F-16XL has a cranked arrow wing, as does the Chinese J-7E (sort of). It's essentially a compound sweep delta. It's not really the same thing as a double-delta (SAAB Draken or Viggen), though.
  2. Outstanding! Congrats, "Big Papa"!
  3. Navy's working on a new, all-purpose uniform. Haven't seen a pic, but the idea is for everyone on a ship to pretty much wear the same thing.
  4. Here's another pic of the ARMY uniform:
  5. Actually, the AF already has a new pattern. It's a grey, blue, and green tiger stripe BDU. It looks REMARKABLY similar to the Russian "Berezka" pattern. It came out in February, I think. I'll see if i can find a pic... here you go:
  6. No, but he heard from a guy that knows this kid who's sister is dating Ferris Bueller that those movies were X-TREME-ly good.
  7. I hate Paul "Weak Sauce" Anderson. He is the proverbial "turd in the punch-bowl." Boo.
  8. Here's a site with a bunch of mecha: http://www.angelfire.com/mech/paperandglue01/mecha.htm And a site with a bunch of papermodel links in general: http://www.peterjvisser.demon.nl/links5.html
  9. WOW! I haven't seen a "to poop on" joke on these boards in a LOOONG time. Thanks for bringing back the memories...
  10. took about 10 minutes. I like it.
  11. Is that an SPV Druganov in that girl's hands?! (bottom left) My favorite rifle!
  12. Excellent. Give me BIG A$$ Votoms!!!!
  13. Where do mods come from? Canada...
  14. By the way, what does that leave? Tornados and Hawks only (and a few Typhoons)? Not a great way to have an effective airforce. Ooo! Ooo! i know! They're going to start building TSR.2s!
  15. But she sure is PURTY!!! I love the F3, one of the most handsome fighters ever.
  16. It just seems to me that there HAS to be a better solution for the Superbug that ANGLED pylons. I mean, of all the brainpower at Lockheed, and THAT's the best they could come up with?
  17. I'd also recommend Gasaraki. It can be little slow at times, but it's a pretty solid anime.
  18. I started making one out of styrene, but I got sidetracked by other projects. It works pretty well. I use pretty thin styrene, though. I'll post some picks when I have something worthwile to show.
  19. I miss the days of aircraft companies coming up with planes regardless of the whether the gov't asks for it or not. That way, they're designing to fit a idea dreamed up by a commitee, you know?
  20. Sounds like a rash of some sort, especially since you don't actually see a bite. Could be mites, bedbugs don't usually attack the whole body. Do the red marks have white centers? If so, it could be hives.
  21. Here's a link so you can check symptoms: http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/hw95940.asp
  22. First place I'd go is www.webmd.com. I'll check around for some others. good luck!
  23. Why don't they just kill the F-35 now, BEFORE it's ready for production (ala RAH-66)? The thing is going to suck. I'd rather have F-16 Block 60's any day for the AF, nothing wrong with the harrier and Hornet for the Marines, and the navy, well, they got different problems (SubPar Bug). Stealth isn't anywhere NEAR as important as it used to be. Oh, hasn't the F-22 been axed also? I thought I read that recently (like a month ago). Maybe not. Ok, rant over.
  24. LOL! --w32.mw has been detected in the file "life.dll'. There is no hope for you.--
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