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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. NYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're right, that's better.
  2. Well, I watched EoE. VERY cool. Very good. The end was good, and in my brain I know it was a happy ending, but I still feel a little sad, and I can't figure out why. Good movie though.
  3. Well, your reply inspires me with hope. I guess I'll give it watch tonight or maybe tomorrow.
  4. Well, I took the plunge. I've watched the entire Evangelion series over the course of about two weeks (due to work, wife, etc...). I included the original and "Resurrection" versions of 21-23. I REALLY enjoyed this show. As soon as episode 26 was over, there was just one word that could sum up the series: "BIG". More on that in a minute. Frankly, I came away from it feeling pretty good, and I can't understand the problems that a lot of people have with it. I thought all the characters were great, the story was fantastic, and of course, the animation was superb. Shinji, the target of much vitriol, did not come across as whiney or really even unreasonably angsty. He seemed like a normal kid to me. Asuka was freakin' great! I loved her character. She may have been a little over the top, but I think the causes of her attitude were adequately explained. Same with Rei (or all the other characters, for that matter). About my 'big' comment. After finishing the series, it struck me as to the overwhelming SCALE of what Anno was trying to acomplish. I thought the ending was superb, one of the COOLEST endings to a series or movie that I've ever seen. And the ONLY ending that has ever made me think. While I can understand why some people think that the ending came out of nowhere, I didn't see it that way. To me, the whole series had been building up to that end. Now, I DO think that the end was a little "Shinji-centric", but I guess that's to be expected. I really felt good about it. Heck, I finished up the series (22-26) in one sitting and was in a better mood when I left than when I started. Now, I do have End of Evangelion also, but I have not watched it yet as I am perfectly happy with the end as it is. Should I still watch EoE, or will it ruin it for me? Anyway, these are just a few of my thoughts on one of the best shows I have ever seen. My Rating: A++
  5. Of course, it's got a GREAT skirmish mode, so the missions are endless!
  6. Great idea! NOT!!!
  7. That's a great site. It's been a while since I've been there. "Is that a piece of his FINGER?!"
  8. @fearyaks, Actually, your system should run it fine, you just can't have all the graphics options turned all the way up, but it honestly doesn't matter much. I've got it on two computers, one of 'em is PIII 9something laptop, and it runs great and looks great with everything set to medium. Of course, my desktop (p4, etc...) looks FANTASTIC, but i can't use that at work . The mod community is very hard at work on multiple things, just check out the DoW forums; http://forums.relicnews.com/forumdisplay.php?f=96
  9. FYI, there's already a few mods on the DoW forums that enable Imperial Guard and Terminators and Land Raiders. There's also playable in the Beta (but that's over now.)
  10. The game is friggen fantastic. When you zoom in on a squad of marines beatin' the hell out of a bunch of xenos scum, it's pure beauty. When the Space Marine Force Commander smacks an Eldar Farseer with his Thunder Hammer and the shockwave sends the Faseer's entire retinue flying, it's sheer poetry! FOR THE EMPEROR!
  11. Well, the problem is is that it doesn't expand at a constant rate unless your object is symmetrical (like a sphere or cube). All points in the object have the same saturation level, but the have different rates depending on shape and thickness. When fully saturated (one to one molecule binding,or something), it reaches the proper proportions. It does, however, shrink at a much more consistent rate (although not perfect). They are working on a new formula that will grow at a constant rate.
  12. You could always use a combination of the naptha soak (twice the size), hydrospan (1.6x) and the naptha mix (reduce). I have no idea what that would do to your detail, and that's a LOT of casting and molds. Edit: English is hard
  13. You can't. There's only two places you can get it, and they're both online. One is directly from the manufacturer, and the other is www.sculpt.com. Same prices at both places. As far as the dimensions go, when the part is fully expanded, the dimensions are exactly proportional to the original. It WILL look really funny while it's expanding (due to varying thickness), but once it's done, it's exact. Of course, the less complex you can make your cast (ie. separate into pieces), the better, but it's not necessary. Oh, it will only take very minor undercuts, so think about your parts layout before you mold.
  14. One of the best games I've played in a while. The Beta was cool, but the demo knocks its socks off. The good thing about the beta was that you could play as any of the other featured races. There's already some mods in the works for the demo that let you play as Imperial Guard, Tau, Tyranids, and Necrons. Friggin' sweet!
  15. You can also buy it directly from www.sculpt.com. It's awfully cool.
  16. Actually, the naptha works 'better' for expanding a cast rather than expanding a mold. And yes whytwolf, the piece you casted will expand. I like hydrospan better, too.
  17. Right, you'll soak the silicon/resin piece in the naptha. That's the "cast." The "mold" is 'negative' of the original part, what you pour your resin into. No health hazards other than fumes, but you don't want to store your naptha-soaked piece for very long just because of the risk of fire. The naptha-impregnated parts will ooze kerosene long after they've dried.
  18. There is, however, a WONDERFUL little product called Hydrospan 100. It's slow, and it's not cheap, but man, does it work. It is an expanding urethane polymer that after you've casted an object, you then soak in water, for around 14 days. It will then grow to 1.6 times its original size. Seems slow for relatively little result, but here's the kicker: you can do it as many times as needed, and you won't lose detail (at least not enough to worry about). There's a competing product called Expandit, but it's not as refined and exact. It does however grow faster (4 or 5 days) and larger (1.9x) per sitting.
  19. It does work (i've used this technique myself), but the detail gets a little soft, and you must be very careful (seeing as it is LIGHTER fluid). The maximum expansion is about 2x or 200%. You'll need to make a permanent mold quickly as the cast tends to shrink. Also, if you use this method, you really need to soak the CAST and not the mold, as the mold will probably not expand proportionally, or you could lose detail. I do NOT recommend using this method for multiple expansions of the same object (say expanding a 1/144 to 1/48 or 1/32), as you'll wind wind up with very little detail on the finished piece.
  20. So, is everybody cool now? Hope so. Yoshinols for everyone on me!
  21. Nah, WDC, I wasn't referring to you, just to a lot of the membership in general.
  22. You know, I've never really noticed it before, but people on this board get offended WAAAAAAY too easily (or worry about others being offended WAAAAY too much). People don't always agree. Deal with it. It's part of what makes us who we are. If I have a link in my sig to (for example) www.michaelmooreisabigfathairywoman.com, you at least know where I'm coming from. It's just life. Maybe we SHOULD allow political/relegious/whatever content in our sigs, just so people will grow a spine and lighten up. Maybe not. I'm just brain-farting here. Anyway, have a nice day.
  23. Looks remarkably like my custom: Oh well.
  24. No word on scale yet? The Bandai kits were about 5 inches tall and were 1/35 scale. I bet we're looking at around the same size, maybe 1/24 if we're lucky.
  25. I gotta say, the Govinator has some outstanding lines last night. "DON'T BE ECONOMIC GIRLIE-MEN!"
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