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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. Another thing I came across: The Dharma logo was on the side of Flight 815. Look on the right of the picture (Walt's left) above the yellow cord. It's very faint, but it's there. I verified it on the DVD, so it's no photochop.
  2. You mean this? :edit: ah, got it!
  3. I guess I should have clarified: Yet ANOTHER meaning for the digits.
  4. Caught this on the net somewhere: You all know the numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42 GPS coordinates? Alternatively, if you put in the numbers for lat. and long. for Degrees /Minutes /Seconds (Latitude: 4° 8 Min. 15 Sec. / Longitude: 16° 23 Min. 42 Sec.) you get a spot in Central Africa near the congo. Could this be a link to the twin prop plane that crashed on the island?
  5. This movie is freakin' fanTASTic! It's Cronenberg at his best. I can't get over how this movie affected me. It made you WANT the bad guys to get theirs, but then it horrifed at you at what you could become. It was awesome. I really liked how everyones' relationships changed after Tom starts killing people. It's amazing.
  6. I use Super Sculpy all the time. Love the stuff.
  7. I ordered the scope rifle from him and it's fantastic. Those guys he sued DID rip off his design. They marketed it as a Russian colonial marine, but it was the same kit, just recasted. Anyway, I though I read somewhere that Hot Toys used his sculpts for most of the figure anyway. Ordered a Hicks. Can't wait!
  8. Sadly, this thread is FAR to AWESOME for me. I stand in awe.
  9. Sadly, it is a hoax. More COWBELL!!!!!!!
  10. Seems like a good time to post this:
  11. I loved it. The visuals were great, even if the characters were a little awkward, and the story was on par with just about everry other anime out there (ie. a bit over the top, but, hey, it's anime). Well done. Give it an A-.
  12. I, for one, welcome our new 1/60 VF-0 overlords. (Cliche, I know, but I though it appropriate.)
  13. My only problem with that kit is that it's WAAAAY overpriced. I got TWO Viper MK Is from MJ for less than the cost of ONE of those MK IIs. And the MK II is smaller. Oh well.
  14. What if he was piloting that Harrier from True Lies? Could he take out one or both of those AI? How does his Cyberdyne cpu compare? Of course he could. And he's do it with the canopy blown out as well. "You-ah fi-ahed!"
  15. Decisions, decisions...
  16. Thanks. That REALLY helps.
  17. Seeing as they both suck, it's like debating whether syphilis is better than clamydia.
  18. Apparently, yes. And Stealth threads, too. Where's my Yoshinol?
  19. Oh, for pete's sake. Is this the 23rd thread on this or what?
  20. Ah, that would be "Godwin's Law" (also Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies). (From wiki): As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.
  21. Excellent work, jesse. The weathering is particularly nice. I'd definately be down for a kit if you get 'em made. Kudos!!
  22. A couple of sites with GREAT explanations of the end of eva are as follows: www.evaotaku.com www.angelfire.com/anime4/mdwigs/ (my favorite) faq.pen3.cjb.net There's one more that i really like, but I can't find it! I'll keep looking...
  23. Also, there is a GREAT looking Falklands war sim coming out, but I can't remember the name! EIDT: Jet Thunder! That's it! Thanks HelloHikaru. It helps to read all the posts, I have come to realize. You can check it out at www.thunder-works.com. Watch the video. They have captured the sense of motion flying at low-level PERFECTLY.
  24. I gotta vote for the Il-2 series and Strike Fighters/Wings over Vietnam series. Great planes, FANTASTIC mods and add-ons, realistic flight models, will not rape your system.
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