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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. If you don't mind me asking, where'd you get it? I've been looking to get another one, and can't find a decent price...
  2. Yup, remember seeing it then, too. So Ozma's let slide for THREE episodes now...Hmmmm...
  3. Of course! I just meant we need more of it. All airplanes need nose art. It is a man-law.
  4. I was wondering the same thing. Although as far as nose art goes, it is full of WIN. we need more macross nose art.
  5. GreatMoose

    2 seater 1/48s

    If it'll get me a VE-1, SuperHobo better have flame-retardant drawers. I keed.
  6. GreatMoose

    2 seater 1/48s

    The awesomeness is overwhelming, but I am confused. Is it possible to order some of these kits? I'd set a hobo on fire for a 1/48 VE-1. Thanks for the clarification.
  7. You can never go wrong with JB Weld (or JB Qwik in this case).
  8. I just wanted to say, I find this whole discussion absolutely fascinating! The dedication you guys have to your work is outstanding. Kudos to all!
  9. I am soooo excited for this. There's not much in this world that's cooler than a Luft '46 anime. Win.
  10. Love that close-up of the Monster's nose art. I hate to say it, but Rabbit One is quickly becoming the most badass mecha on the show (even if rarely seen). Just my opinion, of course.
  11. Once again, i miss out. I'd by 3 or 4 sets if anybody orders any more. Pretty please?
  12. So I know there's been talk of somebody taking up the mantel of custom decal wizard, but haven't heard anything new in a while. Any news on the front?
  13. Problably not obscure, but I don't know anybody that's seen it. My favorite anime ever, Last Exile. Oh, and the Starship Troopers anime. Very 80s, very cool.
  14. GreatMoose

    1/48 -1j Head

    Does anybody know if there are any replacement or recast 1/48 VF-1J heads available? I'm working on a custom, and need one. I've got a 1/55 resin -1J head that might work, but I like Yamato's sculpt. Thanks for the help!
  15. I think BSU is right, looks like it's almost a 'prequel' idea. How the Protect Gear and Panzer Cops came to be, or what they were derived from. I really like it, just wish it was longer.
  16. Can't find any info, seems WAAAAY to cheap. Any thoughts? http://www.mosquitoys.com/product_info.php?products_id=6528 EDIT: Nevermind, I'm stoopid. It's 1/60. Carry on!
  17. Yeah, I've got the Halcyon dropship, and the windows are asymetrical.
  18. One series I REALLY wanted to love, but found at the end I couldn't, was Gunslinger Girl. Should have been an awesome frickin' anime, but when 8 of the 13 episodes have NO ACTIVITY OF ANY KIND WHATSOEVER, it has to go in the minus column. I realize the story is about the girls and not the action, but we really don't even learn anything about any of the characters. You never learn about any motivation for any of the conflicts and attitudes of the handlers and the terrorists, and the just seems to be no POINT, other than "Look at how sad these girls' lives are." Like I said, I really wanted to like it, but after it was over, I just wanted those 7 hours of my life back. Oh well...
  19. Mainly because the copyright is still active (and will be long after we die). So, this way macrossworld won't get punk'd for posting links to copyrighted material.
  20. And maybe there'd be a place for book type entries. Maybe in htm format.
  21. You know, it'd be nice if there was a place that kept all kinds of alien memorabilia, sort of an alien-memorial. That'd be nice.
  22. There actually is a site online that has the WHOLE manual scanned and downloadable. Makes a nice 33.2mb zip file. The site's in russian. I probably shouldn't post the link, but maybe I can give some clues?
  23. Look, this is real simple. Think of the VF-0 as a concept car, and the VF-1 as the production version. The concept car almost ALWAYS looks much more "futuristic" than the eventual production version (although that trend is declining in recent years). Makes perfect sense to me, but then again, I'm old. ***Get off my lawn, you damn kids!!!!*** --Sorry to poke the burning dog, but I had to put in my two sheckels.
  24. I need a gun. I'll send you a PM...
  25. This makes my brain hurt. They shoulda been fragged years ago! Nuke evey last one of 'em, you know?
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