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Everything posted by GreatMoose

  1. I saw that F-16 re-wing at the paris airshow several years ago when I went during "vendor week". Airshows are SOOOO much better when they're not open to the public.
  2. I cannot believe that at least two other people on this board have actually seen Saturn 3. Wow. I thin I've seen it all. I have arrived. I can die. now.
  3. I use a mechanical pencil or charcoal pencil most of the time. Here's an example (the flash kind of lightened the whole effect, it's actually darker than this: ) WARNING: BIG PICTURE http://www3.baylor.edu/~Andrew_Stripling/DSC00121.JPG
  4. Ice Pirates. Wow, that takes me back. I'm amazed that so many people have seen it. The only part that I really remember was the scene where the guy is on that converor belt or something and there's that stupid looking set of metal jaws at the end. That was funny. Ooooo, does anybody remember the TV series "Other Earth"? Twas crappy.
  5. @ Deadzone: I hand painted (with a BRUSH, I'm old fashioned) the entire valk. I found that it was not necessary to take the whole thing apart, and this way I don't have paint build up on unneeded areas. @smut peddler I was orignally going to leave the head white, but I'm reconsidering that now. I think it'll look pretty sweet black. Check back this weekend to find out!
  6. Fighter mode pics here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=4&t=3274
  7. You are correct sir! I AM going to add a little smudge to it, but not too much, as it should be pretty clean.
  8. How about this one (I'm willing to bet that MAYBE just one other person has seen this bowlful of poo)-- Saturn 3. Made in 1980. It sucked.
  9. Hope to have battroid pics by Friday, Monday at the latest.
  10. Sorry for the poor image quality, I'll to take some better ones later this week when I take the battroid modes pics. Again, it's not quite finished yet, but I promised you some pics by Wed, and it's Wed, so enjoy! Sorry, apparently I can't count. There's 9 PICS IN ALL!!
  11. All the parts are scratchbuilt. Mainly from plastic and ceramic, but there's some other stuff thrown in there as well (plastic easter eggs are very handy! )
  12. Not quite finished yet, paint job is VERY rough, needs a lot of touch-up, detailing, but I wanted to post an update, 'cause it seemed pretty popular originally. Another: Last one for now:
  13. As far as the canopy goes, I was entertaining thoughts of a slight gold tint to it, ala EA-6B. We'll see. Hopefully I'll have an update by Wednesday. Thanks for all the interest!!
  14. Yep, sure is! Thanks a lot! It was great!
  15. Yeah, I've actually added an oxygen mask and hose (I like the way it looks) and I'm going to paint him either dark grey or green.
  16. Yeah, that's my plan. I'm kinda of caught in the conundrum of do I want it "anime-ish" or do I want it "realistic". I tend to lean toward realistic. I know there was a discussion a LONG time ago concerning this, but did we ever decide if valks were riveted? Thanks for all the input, fellas!
  17. I honestly plumb forgot about the hands (they were retracted when I painted it). The hands will be the same color as the rest of the valk, just heavily weathered. Unfortanately, with the weather the way it is in Texas right now, I can't put sealant on the sucker for a while, because when you try to use clearcoat in humid conditions, it turns cloudy. Booooo. I am considering using Future on this valk because it shouldn't turn cloudy, but I've never used it before, and i don't want it to attack the decals or the acrylic paint. Anybody use it before?
  18. EXACTLY!!! That's waht I was going for. Kinda of a killer clown kind of thing.
  19. Hah! I don't have any fast packs. I'm too poor. My valks are all second hand. Anybody got any packs they want to sell? I've got a scheme devised for them, so I was think about scratchbuilding some. We'll see. I'm not a giant Fast pack fan anyway. I like 'em, but I like the pure valk better.
  20. Yeah, I tried blue already. Looks pretty funny. I think I'm going to try FS 38553 in a 80-20% mix with black, and a drop of white. We'll see what I get. I used a similar mix on an MH-6 Little Bird and it came out pretty good, I'm just worried about the slight blue tint of the paint looking funny. We'll see.
  21. I had "meaner" eyes originally, but I don't know, I kind of like the "staring" eyes. Like it doesn't care one way or another about blowing your a$$ out of the sky. It just sits better with me. Oh well.
  22. It's not quite ready to be transformed yet, as the paint and decals haven't been sealed. The panel lines are tricky. I think I'm going to go lighter on the lines rather than darker (ie, black). Does that sound right?
  23. The color is black with a shot of blue in it. Straight black just looked to "blah". The sharkmouth is a custom decal. My current problem is the weathering. I'm trying to find a realistic shade of grey to do the weathering, and it's pretty tough. Any suggestions?
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