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Everything posted by Seven
I agree with Insurrection being the dumbest of dumb. A planet of "youth" with only one village composed of at max 5000 people?! Worf getting a pimple?! Picard doing a salsa?! Evil aliens that are dependent on plastic surgery and botox?! Evil admiral that meets his doom via face-stretching?!! Just so lame, I can't even begin to fathom how it got made.
I love the video, but man, that song is just annoying. They should have just kept Mari in there, but maybe they couldn't pay up for the license.
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
Imagine the possibilities tho... NEW animation! If they reanimate some scenes ala Death and Rebirth (Evangelion), then that would be worth it. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
The only two methods I ever remember Noriko, Amano, Coach or anything in the physics lessons mentioned were plain old acceleration and warp. There is no FTL, unless you want to think of warp as FTL. I think by their physics, you simply can't go faster than light, but I may be wrong. The way Noriko described warp was just as folding the space between two points using the Taunhausser gate thingamajig to enter subspace, where physical distance would have to be traveled, but to a much lesser extent. When I think of FTL, I see it as a method of travel that finds some loophole to go faster than light, but nothing was ever mentioned about that in Gunbuster. Now what Nono did, who knows, maybe it was instantaneous or FTL. Her technology has to be more advanced than what the Space Force had during most of Gunbuster. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
When you think about it, she should have just warped into the middle of the Exelio VGW and pulled a Shinji and ripped her way out covered in blood. I mean, when your repertoire includes splitting planets and warping INTO them, you'd figure that'd be possible and in character for Gainax. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
There was only one method of long distance travel in Gunbuster and that was by warp, which as you pointed out, puts them into subspace where time still elapses (albeit slower). Now in the episode where Noriko and Amano find the Luxion, they do not use warp to reach the Luxion. All they did was accelerate using the boosters. Now going by physics in the physics lessons, the greater their speed, the more the time dilation becomes apparent. At no time did they enter warp, since neither the RX units nor boosters have warp, as at that time, only the large ships and Gunbuster had that. The same thing occurs in episode 5 when Noriko and Amano use Buster Units 1 and 2 to accompany the Exelion to the edge of the solar system. They did not use warp, instead they just accelerated to very high speeds to get there as it was still within the solar system. Remember, short distance warp is not something that they thought was possible, given their surprise that the space monsters do it to them in the last episode. Another thing to look at is how in both the 2nd episode and 5th where they use acceleration, the clock ticking away faster is given a lot of attention. This is not the case when they depict warp. When you see Noriko in the last episode, she had been gone to Amano and everyone on Earth for something like a decade, where she only aged a year. This is because they used warp to reach galactic center. Can you imagine if she used acceleration instead to reach there? Time on Earth would have passed on the order of hundreds or even thousands of years as opposed to the decade. Did I make sense or did I just confuse everyone more? -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
In an ironic reversal, imagine that the Exelio VGW warps to earth (with the black hole) and uses it as its own version of a black hole bomb on the center of humanity. I think this is where things are headed in the next episode. -
The Official Aim for the Top! Gunbuster Thread
Seven replied to Noriko Takaya's topic in Hall Of The Super Topics
So Black Hole Exelio is the black hole implosion from the gravitational collapse by the Exelion out on the solar system's edge? Where did that space monster come from? Was it a survivor of the original explosion that somehow kept itself from being sucked in and somehow got control over the black hole over time? So while Noriko, Amano and the rest of the old gang thought they were completely successful and went off to the galaxy center, there was that one gigantic monster stuck in that explosion the whole time? -
I'd hit them both up and Myk's avatar too. Mindy is hawt!
I can't say first hand, since the Espers (summons) are pretty difficult to get and I am still in the relative beginning of the story. The Espers are all based on the Lucavi from Final Fantasy Tactics so you have Queklain, Hashmalum, etc which are basically analogs powerwise of the same old summons from past series. People have said that the summoning movies are much shorter and some complained about this. Its funny - some people complained about the incredibly grand and long summons in FF7 and FF8, so they shortened them or gave the user the ability to turn off the long movies, and now some people complain about the short summon movies in FF12, so its a case of a damned if you do and a damned if you don't. I personally love the espers and the summon movies for FF12, as I spoiled myself and watched a few on YouTube. Here's some things that I have read about the summons though: - They are difficult to get with prolonged sidequests to get to them followed by a battle that has difficult conditions (no weapons, poison effect on all allies, etc) ala the conditional battles in FFT. - The summons themselves become useless since your main party will outclass them in damage by the point you get them. This is of course all hearsay since I haven't gotten there myself yet.
They did drop them for 12. I prefer the system in 12 in every way possible. I always did find it silly for the characters to not see anything on the screen but then have a monster pop out of thin air. What I was saying was that since Matsuno is probably not going to be involved with 13, seeing as how Uematsu and Matsuno seem to be on different internal teams, I doubt they will keep many of the advancements in 12 to roll over into 13. If anything, another new system will probably be implemented.
If it weren't for the boobs in the pictures, I'd have thought we had another slightly androgynous male main character. I don't know why, but the girl reminds me of Terra for some weird reason. I'm wondering if they are going to change up the battle system for FF13. I'll bet that they won't keep the battle system from FF12. IMO, it would just seem weird to go back to an antiquated ATB type system with random encounters on the new console.
Talking about bringing back classics like Kid Icarus, I wonder why Nintendo never bothered with updates to Super Punch Out? Super Punch Out on the SNES was an awesomely fun game.
You have to admire that Nintendo is willing to go out on a limb with the Wii, lesser companies would have been petrified to take risks after a failure like Virtual Boy. Then again, I still wonder why it took them so long to move over to CDROM, given their penchant for innovation.
Yokoi was given what is referred to as the "window seat" in Japanese business over at Nintendo following the Virtual Boy fiasco. After sitting there for a year or so doing stuff that was totally irrelevant, he left. The details of his death are actually pretty bad, from what I read in an article, he got sandwiched between the car of the person he was helping and another car in traffic.
Damn... now I need a WonderSwan. 398445[/snapback] a what? 398677[/snapback] Its NEC or Bandai's handheld that was developed by Gumpei Yokoi after he left Nintendo. Yokoi was the guy responsible for the creation of the Gameboy. He died soon after creating the Wonderswan when he was hit by a car while trying to assist a motorist that was on the side of the road who had problems with her car.
The rattling noise along with the hanging animations and music ending sounds like the DVD rom crapping out or the disc getting out of alignment.
So I guess Kojima confirmed that there will be a Metal Gear movie. I love how he goes out of his way to say that Dr. Boll will NOT be involved. I only wished he also included Paul W.S. Anderson in the statement. I agree with the other guys that Eric Bana would be an awesome Solid Snake. Go watch Blackhawk Down and watch the part where he sneaks up to the Somalian rebel on the jeep and chokes the guy to death. You know he's right for the job. Plus he's a decent actor who seems to pick the more intense roles. Besides, we've already seen what he looks like with a mullet in Troy. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6150282.html?...%20gear%20movie
I've put in about 30 minutes into the game so far and I'm very impressed. This is in comparison to FFX, where I fell asleep 10 minutes into it and never had interest to pick it up again. The "square dance" fight mechanics turned me off or maybe I was dead tired from work. FFXII's new system manages to keep my attention with full 3D movement during battle. The graphics are incredibly well done, but you can see where the PS2 has reached its limit graphicwise. The levels feel expansive and Matsuno really outdid himself with creating a whole world that is immersive and very unique. The amount of detail explodes everywhere from every nook and cranny. In true Matsuno fashion, within the first few minutes there are corpses everywhere and daggers in people's backs. I always thought it was funny how the death tally just kept going up in Final Fantasy Tactics as the story progressed and quite a few by dagger stabbing or impaling in some fashion. Matsuno hasn't changed that. I just wish I knew what the hell was going on given the amount of menus and political dialogue being thrown about. One thing that pops into my mind is how the "different" Final Fantasy games tend to come to consoles only when impetus has switched to a new upcoming console. FF9 went old school and was the last FF for PSX, while FF12 will be the last for PS2.
THREAD RESURRECTION!!! Anyways, I was wondering about this game series and was wondering what anime series that were popular were not ever included? Was Escaflowne, Dunbine, or any mystical based robot other than the Rahxephon ever in any of the games? I'm wondering why they never bothered to include old school Transformers in the series, although its probably due to licensing costs or prohibitions.
Time magazine had an article on the Wii with interviews with Miyamoto and Iwata of Nintendo. I find this paragraph particularly illuminating: "Nintendo has grasped two important notions that have eluded its competitors. The first is, Don't listen to your customers. The hardcore gaming community is extremely vocal - they blog A LOT - but if Nintendo kept listening to them, hardcore gamers would be the only audience it ever had. "Wii was unimaginable for them," Iwata says. "And because it was unimaginable, they could not say that they wanted it. If you are simply listening to requests from the customer, you can satisfy their needs, but you can never surprise them. Sony and Microsoft make daily-necessity kinds of things. They have to listen to the needs of the customers and try to comply with their requests. That kind of approach has been deeply ingrained in their minds." Makes sense to me... if all they ever listened to were the gaming fanboys that bitch constantly about this and that, it'd end up a pretty damn stagnant industry. I can't understand all the cynicism and bile spewing about this system or that system. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Thank god we have multiple systems out there to even choose from. When Nintendo first came out with the NES, they didn't have bullcrap fanboy whining and they did fine didn't they? When Sony first came out with the Playstation, they also didn't have the "benefit" of an audience base that bemoaned every move they made, and they did fine there too. In some ways I think the gaming industry suffers from some of the same problems with the movie industry now. Crap stuff like AVP and Fast and the Furious bring in the massive profit feeding this cycle where producers think that thats ALL the audience wants in their movies, so they pump out more similar crap movie sequels for the fanboys like Aeon Flux, Ultraviolet, Alone in the Dark, etc and the really innovative productions struggle. The gaming industry if it were to listen to only the whining fanboys would pump out endless Halo, World of Warcraft, Splinter Cell clones and sequels and truly innovative ideas will fall by the wayside. Wait, that's already happening isn't it?
Wow, for the price of one 60GB PS3, you can buy TWO Xbox 360 basic packages! I don't know how Sony is going to justify this one to parents, who will most likely just go to Nintendo or MS now. To them, they could care less what the difference is between the Wii, Xbox 360 or PS3 - only the price. Then again, you could say Sony is pricing it for the diehard gamers, but at the price they are selling, do 18-25 year olds have THAT much expendable income? I know that traditionally the meat of the gaming market was the parents buying game consoles as gifts, but what about lately? Has it swung so that hardcore gamers/techies are the more profitable chunk of the market? If so, then I could understand this pricing.
FF12 was already released on the PS2 in Japan and has a release date for US on PS2, so why is that a surprise?
Are we at the "Singer raped my childhood" point yet?
Yeah, I agree with you there. When the original is perfect, I don't see how a movie will legitimize it further.