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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Didn't I just say all that?
  2. I don't go to too many MMA forums (mainly because they are dominated by idiotic teenage e-thugs), but here are three sites that I go to for news and stats: http://www.sherdog.com/ http://www.mmaweekly.com/index.asp http://www.pridefc.com/pride2005/index_new_temp.php I'm mainly a Pride fan, but I watch UFC when its on. The UFC Ultimate Fighter reality shows were previously pretty crappy, but the one on now cuts to the chase and just has veteran fighters fighting with alot of the reality show drama garbage turned way down.
  3. Not to totally take this thread off topic from pro-wrestling, but does anyone here watch MMA? Like Pride, UFC or K1?
  4. The disincentives we have are pretty monumental and nothing worth hiding. There's nothing to hide really. First of all, manned interplanetary space travel is too costly and there aren't many incentives to travel to the other planets. Unmanned interplanetary probes are already too costly for many government administrations when balanced against things that the masses care more about like education, job security, etc. The endeavour to create more complex and more costly manned spacecraft would be even harder to justify. Beyond catering to the idealistic goals of exploration, there's not much for an administration to gain by sending astronauts to Mars or to orbit a gas giant. Interplanetary travel would be done for the sake of knowledge with no applicable rewards. They still have to worry about the strain on the human passengers in regards to the deterioration of muscle and bone mass and the effects of cosmic radiation over extended time. The engine technology isn't there yet either, which leads me to the other problem, time. It would take up to a decade to travel to the outer planets. It took the Voyager probes many years before they reached the outer planets, with the benefit of gravity assist. Outside of the time factor, you have to deal with fuel. The faster you want to go, the more fuel you need, the more fuel you need, the heavier your craft gets, the heavier your craft is, the slower it goes. Don't even get me started on interstellar travel. The closest star is like 70 light years away. It would take 70 years to reach that star travelling at the speed of light. How long do you think it would take with our current technology? What would mankind gain from such an expensive endeavour? Even radio astronomers take a passive approach to probing deep space for ET. There's no point to sending radio transmissions, because by the time anyone listening hears the message, the answer would take many many years to come back. So they just listen in the hope that some signal eventually makes it way to Earth. So really, there's nothing to hide. The universe is just too damn vast, we aren't smart enough to break the laws of physics yet, we have no way of getting anywhere of consequence, and nowhere of consequence to go anyways.
  5. So how old is she at the end of episode 6 (going by the earth years)?
  6. Hopefully, they won't get any funny ideas about injecting the new productions with the anime styling "flavor of the month", like when the director of Top O Nerae 2 decided Gunbuster needed to have this amazing FLCL style. I'm looking forward to it. The more Gainax the better. It makes me wonder how it will come across seeing as how Anno isn't as depressed and morose as he was back in 1996.
  7. That's the thing, the scientists have an opinion on how to classify the facts and its the opinions that they need to reach a consensus on.
  8. That would be really interesting, to have an accurate replica of a Walther P-38 or some other gun if they want to update him and a new transformation scheme. It could be marketed towards older fans as most the MP line is judging on the pricing, bypassing the whole gun toy dilemma. On second thought, I doubt it could happen.
  9. Just what I'd expect to hear from an "8-Planet Apologist." 428046[/snapback] APOLOGIST!!! How dare you sir!!
  10. MANTASTIC!!! Alien xenomorph crossed with terminator T-800 and Xtro!
  11. Makes sense to me. Pluto was a Kuiper Belt object due to its small size and elongated orbit. If they kept Pluto as a planet they would have had to label a bunch of other similar objects in the vicinity as planets, then you would have had 15-20 planets when you know they are just tiny balls of rock and ice. The term planet was ambiguous before anyways.
  12. I don't think all that stuff hanging off of his back is that big a deal anyways. Unless it makes for an unbalanced robot mode that wants to fall on its back all the time.
  13. Since when did S2000s have triple headlights? That's just some fictional car design. WTF. So now Megatron is a child molestor? Look at his tongue in that comic! Looks like they are really playing up the whole "transmolestor" advertisting thing. Veiny tongues today, slimy white spurting tentacles of Cybertron tomorrow.
  14. That Starscream design screams more Zanscare mobile suit from V Gundam than anything like Jeeg. Look at the eyes and how chunky the body is. Terrible.
  15. That's the first thing that popped into my mind too.
  16. I'd like to know what the hell kind of search engine you were using cause Google came back with the anime for me. Maybe you were using Spoogle or Ya-Ho? No really, I want to know...
  17. So was The Rundown, but at least that movie was good.
  18. Jesus, at least The Rock had acting potential, this guy is just Marky Mark on roids. Entertainment Weekly described John Cena as "a muscle-bound Matt Damon who ate another Matt Damon for breakfast".
  19. I loved the film. I actually liked it better than Collateral, although to tell you the truth I might have an unfair bias against it due to Tom Cruise being in it. I think most people's complaints about Miami Vice might be that one it doesn't have action all over the place like some Michael Bay movie, which may be due to the kids of today being spoiled by these action filled blockbusters. Some people complain that it is too slow, but really when you look at Heat, it had the same structure, which was a slow build as Pacino's team and Deniro's team tried to outmanuever the other until an action climax. The majority of Heat and Miami Vice is mostly talking, strategy, and investigation and not action. Collateral might be looked upon as better, and I could see where it kept a constant feeling of tension. The other complaint that I see that is common is that it wasn't true enough to the old TV series, which I think is ridiculous given that they certainly couldn't take the "Wedding Singer" approach to it and dress everyone in pastel and Alligator shoes with no socks. The credibility would've been shot before you got 1/4 of the way into the movie. My favorite complaint to laugh at is that the new actors don't have the same charisma as the old ones. Honestly now, do they even remember that it was Don Johnson and Phillip Michael Thomas? The prior has never been an A list actor and the latter hasn't acted in so long that he resorted to being a spokesman for Psychic Readers Network before being replaced by Mrs. Cleo! To be more fair about it, of course some people feel that the old actors had more charisma, they had 6 years to build on their characters, while Farrell and Foxx have 2 hours. I think it's a solid Mann movie which is still gold in any case. It won't topple Heat from the top, but I think it's near there.
  20. Is it my imagination or is Top O Nerae not listed while its sequel is? Well, at least Graveyard of the Fireflies and Miyazaki works are in there.
  21. I was thinking there was a spoiler tag or something that would hide the text, but I can't figure it out. Or is everyone changing text color to white to hide their spoiler text?
  22. foo
  23. Hey Chrono, can you explain what was that whole deal with them showing the Eltreum? I didn't understand what they were talking about when they showed it.
  24. I agree about Escaflowne. If it was aired on TV prior to Evangelion in Japan, I'm sure people would have paid more attention to it. As it was, it was simply overshadowed by the HUGE Evangelion fever that swept Japan around that time.
  25. Yeah, action wise, it was a letdown. The whole 8 minutes or so of the start I was thinking, "Why don't they just get to the action and main story already? We already had this Lark emo stuff last episode?!" For all the years we have been wondering what Daibuster was... well, when it finally appeared I was mixed on it. Remember the tension that you felt when the last episode of the original was in full swing and how they depicted the scale of what is at risk? The tension in this last episode wasn't near to that in spite of the massive things in play. I remember back in 2003 when the director stated he wanted to inject an FLCL feel into the series. Now looking back, I think it was a bigass mistake. Why couldn't he have just kept with the tone and look of the original instead of going with a look and feel of the hip anime of the moment? I'm not saying I hate Top O Nerae 2, but I have this feeling of missed opportunity when I think what it could have been with a different director that was more conventional in his thinking and not one that wanted to reinvent the wheel.
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