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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Someone oughta make a movie out of Ross and Waid's Kingdom Come, by DC Comics. Now that would make one hell of a titanic story. Although I would doubt it would ever seriously happen. I'd be interested if they could make a movie that incorporated just the basic premise, of a war between the classic metahumans and the newer vigilante types with a Superman long separated from caring about humanity.
  2. Easy, they'll pull one out of Zeta and have her brain washing or whatever mind control is being used on her wear off ala Rosamia and then have her follow around Shinn, calling him "Oniisama" the whole time. Then the other two EA psycho soldiers will come and get her back and she'll end up dying when Shinn or Lunamaria have no choice but to shoot her down when her brainwashing comes back into play. Easy, just like Zeta, this is anime after all.
  3. So far, I'm not liking the robot design for Marvin. He looks like a bigger version of that Robo Sapien toy that is on sale at every Best Buy. I thought he was described as a rusty metal robot in the books, not a globe headed shiny new plastic robot. It's been a while, but wasn't the whole "falling apart" appearance of Marvin the whole deal with him and his depressing personality?
  4. I like the reference to Zeta in that they named ORB's new MS after Four Murasame.
  5. God, what were they thinking when they made the DVD cover? It smacks of some Hollywood marketing ass looking at the Japanese art and thinking, "Hey, this isn't dynamic enough! We need more colors, more movement, more cartoony! Let's get someone in the art department that worked on the SNES Street Fighter box art and get him to redo everything! We need something that will grab the attention-deficit crowd in to buy the DVD!" US box art: Japanese art:
  6. The Forbidden Gundam from SEED was green and Zeonish in its design as well and was in the EA's possession. Although, wasn't it stolen from Zaft? I see where you are coming from. It's like they are just throwing in references to UC universe mecha anywhere they can and don't really care about if it fits with the design tendencies of the group they put them with.
  7. I would soil my underwear if that were true.
  8. I know that some of the old crew from Archangel will reappear and have cameos. I wonder if they plan on bringing back Sai to see where he's at now. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him seeing as how he got the raw end of the deal with Fllay and Kira. As for Mia Campbell, I actually think I prefer her as a character over Lacus. Lacus always strikes me as an impossibly Disney-like princess character with her sugary voice and impossible squeeky clean demeanor. No human is like that all the time. Now that she has a bunch of brats tagging along with her all the time, I can't help but look at her as Snow White among the seven dwarves. I can see the human faults in Mia, where her need for attention and longing to belong somewhere has driven her to be an imposter, even if she knows she's being used. She's pretty open with Athrun about the reality of her position. I think all that makes her a more interesting character. Hopefully they'll develop her character a bit more.
  9. I think the only thing that could have made CCA better IMO is if they brought a recovered Camille in to take over the reigns of the Re-GZ. Anyone would have been better than the walking target that Kayra Su was.
  10. Not necessarily, I watched CCA for the first time before I saw Zeta and I understood it fine. I'd recommend pciking up the original movie trilogy and CCA. Why bother skipping the best, though? CCA wasn't even that exciting. I reccomend the original TV MS Gundam and Z Gundam. Z Gundam rocks, but with ti currently only being available via an expensive boxed set.. for a Gundam newcomer, it might not be the best purchase. Try fourteen years ago, when Gundam and anime weren't nowhere to being close to mainstream, and when fansubbed video tapes were the only medium and the internet was in its infancy. Now THAT was a daunting task for a newcomer to Zeta, and I still managed to get into it. Whatever way you can get into it, it's a classic.
  11. There's a small mention of Amuro but no cameo in Gundam 0080. Someone mentions in passing that the Gundam NT1 was made specifically for the famous Newtype pilot of the White Base. We all know that it never makes it to him before the end of the One Year War. I think I recall an episode of ZZ Gundam where someone asks where Amuro is and Bright mentions that he returned to Earth or something.
  12. Yu Suzuki sure had some grandiose plans with the concept for Shenmue, as I remember the interview he did with Next Gen magazine waaay back before it came out. He had in mind something like a MMORPG, but it morphed into what it is today. I tried both Shenmue and Shenmue 2 out and never saw the appeal of the game. The game main consisted of you running around a town talking to a bunch of geezers or rude teenage girls that never knew the answers to your questions. The other part of the game consisted of you trying to track down the right person at the right time (Suzuki felt that this lent to the realism), but in reality it detracted from gameplay since you spent alot of time either waiting for night to fall, so that a person would show up so that you could get a very trivial bit of info from them. So all of the talking to random townspeople in a typical RPG that people are always complaining about is dragged out to a long process since now those people with info are not always around, and you spend a good deal of time waiting around. The gameplay consisted of a sort of Dragon's Lair approach to some events (push left when a left arrow flashes) and events where you fight ala Virtua Fighter. By the time you get any sort of development in the plot, you're already bored out of your mind from the tedious gameplay. The funniest thing was that I ended up spending a helluva alot of my time in the town arcade just playing darts or Space Harrier instead of advancing the story.
  13. I have to agree with you there. Even in Zeta Gundam, it was fairly obvious that Camille was the main focus while Char was more of a mentor. From the get go Camille gets a lot of development and the story rarely strays from including him in some capacity, even when the story is filling in background on Char, Amuro and the rest of the White Base crew. I only bring it up since people have been saying that Destiny is falling into a "Zeta" template for a series, while Seed fell more into the original MSG template. I don't agree with that, since it seems that this is definitely more about Athrun, and Zeta was definitely not always about Char. I'd like it if they focused on Shinn more since I'm getting rather tired of the introverted, reluctant, bottled-up protagonists that Athrun and Kira are. In that way, Shinn and Camille are similar in that they both seem to let their emotions run rampant.
  14. Throw in INCOMS usable by your everyday Natural while you're at it. Actually, the Moebius Zero used wire-guided gunbarrels, so that's basically your incom right there.
  15. From what I remember, he wouldn't target multiple targets (10+) until he was in Seed mode. That usually meant he was pissed off or in an extreme amount of distress as when a certain someone he loved died in the previous series. He seemed to be able to activate this mode at will as well as when he first appeared with the Freedom at Alaska and was helping the evacuation. It appeared to me that if he wasn't in this mode, he couldn't really utilize the full firepower and capability of the Freedom.
  16. Well, at least Eomer is in it. Wasn't The Rock attached to this project for a while?
  17. Quite simply the best Gundam box art I've seen yet. I believe that's art from the rerelease in the 90s of the video set if I am correct.
  18. Short answer, it's kind of like Seinfeld - the show about nothing and anything. Slightly longer answer - alien girl and lecher high school boy and their friends get involved in all sorts of bizarre plots. The TV series and 2 of the movies were directed by none other than Mamoru Oshii himself. It is probably one of the most popular anime series to be aired in Japan and is also the funniest in my opinion. Some people won't like it due to the wacky humor, early 80s animation, and disco inspired music, but it definitely is a classic.
  19. Urusei Yatsura has got to have the most parody cameos of any anime series to date. The other day I saw an episode where Megane had a full on meltdown and suddenly there were tie fighters, x-wings, Darth Vader and even Admiral Ackbar all over the screen. Then there was the episode with a costume masked ball party where a few characters dressed up as Char Aznable, a Zaku, E.T. and even Alien.
  20. Lol, relax pal. I didn't mean to offend you, just stating my opinion. If you like it, more power to you. I just happen to pass on squeeky voiced lolita types in sailor suits.
  21. WTF?! I'd feel like some lolita pedophile if I watched that.
  22. No, not quite. Lucas himself has said something to the effect that the Jedi use the Force with it's balance in mind. The Sith OTOH, are only interested in their own power and use the Force only for their own benefit. Think of the Jedi as "conservationist" and the Sith as "polluters." The imbalance in the Force that "The Chosen One" is meant to balance is that created by the Darth Sidious. It's the reason Mace Windu talks with Yoda about the Jedi losing their ability to use the Force and Dooku about the Dark Side clouding the Jedi vision... Darth Sidious is sucking up all the mojo for his own benefit, and weaking the Jedi at the same time. The Jedi are the defacto power pre-empire as it were and regardless of whatever balance each individual Jedi may seek in his own personal power/skills, the Jedi have a monopoly on the force in the SW galaxy. And that side is light. The force isn't just a power affecting those few sensitive users. The force is described as a common universality created by all living organisms ("an energy field created by all living beings"). No one can escape being affected by it and by default, an imbalance in the force is not exclusive to the Jedi and Sith fighting each other. The ramafications are much broader than that. Hence the Old Republic shares the same imbalance as the Jedi. The Republic government is a one sided mess and it's terrible weaknesses are obvious as a result. As such, Sidious is not the imbalance of the force. The Jedi prophecy has been around as long as the Jedi Order have. And why is that? The Jedi destroyed the Sith and have been ruling with the light side for thousands of years. One perspective, one point of view, one side to the quation. The force has been imbalanced all along, ever since light gained dominance over dark. As the imbalance begins to fades, the monopolistic power of the light side is diminished and brought back into a more equalized share of the force. It then swings extreme dark for a short time (reign of the empire) and then is finally equalized yet again at the end of the six episode saga. Whether it would have swung back and forth yet again in episodes 7-9, we'll never know. However, Lucas has said the complete tale of Darth Vade will go through beginning, middle, and end once the prequels and the OT are told as one story. Mr March or anyone, can you clarify something for me then? Mr March said that the imbalance in the force was due to the dominance of the Jedi during the times of the Old Republic and by the Sith during the reign of the Empire. Balance was returned with the demise of Vader and the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. But isn't it really still imbalanced, since there are no Sith and two Jedi? Technically, you could count 3 more Jedi, if Yoda, Obiwan, and Anakin are able to materialize at will and influence the outcome of events (such as Obiwan did with Luke). Also, in the EU, don't Luke and Leia create a new Jedi academy? Wouldn't this further serve to imbalance the Force towards the light side again?
  23. What irritates me about the newer Zaft pilots are their apparent lackadaisical or straight up disrespect for Athrun. Isn't Athrun an ace pilot with a reputation among Zaft like how Char was to Zeon? I remember if anyone saw Char, Zeon pilots would wet their pants in excitement. Same thing happened with Anavel Gato and other Zeon pilots. I would have expected Athrun to pimp slap the poo out of Lunamaria when she was poking fun at him and asking if he was going to turn tail and run right before they launched to stop the colony drop.
  24. Its so sad when a supposed background mobile suit like the Windam has more style and innovation than Okawara's vaunted hero mobile suits like the Impulse, Abyss, or Chaos Gundams. Same thing happened last time with the Astrays looking much better than the Okawara frankenmechs.
  25. If I'm not mistaken, those look like the Valkryies from the video game Macross 2036...
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