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Everything posted by Seven

  1. LMAO!!! This pic and the earlier pic of the guy getting smashed by the debris in DYRL are my favorites. The most violent scenes in anime tend to look hilarious when redone in MS Paint.
  2. Geezus guys, settle down! Or else we'll have to make an Official Lunamaria Hawke Appreciation thread and you guys can break out the Jergens then!
  3. To the degree that some of you guys were going apeshit over Lunamaria, it was begging to be done.
  4. Not to mention that it was Qui-gonn who believed in the importance of midichlorians when testing force-sensitives, and Qui-gonn was considered not quite an outcast but certainly unique in his beliefs among the Jedi.
  5. Sounds like someone's going to be joining this club really soon with the new Lunamaria pillow if he keeps getting excited about her...
  6. I should have known that a civil conversation about cars is not possible anywhere on the internet... it's always the same stuff - import vs. musclecars, technology vs. displacement, European vs. American, AWD vs. RWD vs. FWD, ricers this and that, this is wrong, you are wrong, this is manly, this isn't - rinse, recycle, repeat...
  7. Yep, lets keep this thread about Destiny anime/toys/models only please. No discussing that skirt wearing sissy Zeong! Graham That implies that it's okay for someone to start an official Zeong only thread... anyone interested?
  8. Yeah, I'm not a fan of this massing all the Gundam stuff in here. It's hard enough to keep a steady flow of understandable dialogue about the Gundam Seed Destiny anime without already having to sift through all the discussions about toys, and now this?
  9. 117 hits?! What the hell is this, Mortal Kombat??? Wouldn't it be great as Anakin prepares to finish off Windu, big blood red text appears on screen saying "FINISH HIM" Huh, huh? Cmon, that would be sooooooo rad!!
  10. Now who said that? All I see is a Chrysler 300C that got whacked with an ugly stick. From that angle and with that color, it looks awful cartoony, like it popped right out of Roger Rabbit.
  11. All you need to do to live with it is realize that Anakin Skywalker is a pretty boy and Darth Vader is as manly as a half robot half man can be. A similar analogy is that Anna Kournikova wasn't drool-worthy until AFTER she passed puberty.
  12. ME!!!!!!!!! Hahaha, but then again since you probably don't have the millions of dollars that Lucas has to fund the production, I guess we won't see you casting any Star Wars films in the near future.
  13. I think you expect too little for the hard earned 50 bucks that these games cost. Battlefront is fun as hell though. Playing as the destroyer droid makes things too easy though.
  14. Play the first one and you'll realize the difference yourself. There is no "hype" factor ala Halo. These are criticisms pretty much founded in fact. The environments are smaller, lightsabers are more scarce, difficulty is easy in comparison, the game is very buggy, and the story is less involved and characters lack in development. Many people expect that when a sequel to a game is released, improvements will be made in graphics, sound, gameplay, and for a game like this, storyline as well. KOTR2 fails to meet those expectations. People would love to love this game, that's why the first one was popular. It was up to Obsidian to deliver and they failed.
  15. Who says that Hayden doesn't have what it takes to be Vader?
  16. Another Yoda pic...
  17. Ready to crush opposition...
  18. Vader has a little spring in his step...
  19. More pics...
  20. I loved the first one and I'm close to finishing the second one now. It definitely feels like a game that was rushed to market. The game is buggy as hell, but so was the first one. I think Obsidian got really lazy with the environments since most levels are small and a lot of them consist of dark corridors, with the exception of Dxun. The first one had a lot more variety with levels from vast deserts to underwater scenarios to space ships. Other thing, they still haven't fixed that a lot of the NPCs look the same. So if you go to Dantooine, you might meet a guy that looks EXACTLY like a guy you met on Onderon. Someone earlier mentioned that there is a lack in the character development part, and they are entirely right. In the first game, each character got an equal share of development, but in this one, they feel like cardboard cutout stereotypes, with probably the exception of Kreia (who is hard to figure out). The other bad thing is some characters may prematurely be cut off from any development due to your affinity to the dark or light side, so you never get to hear anything of interest from those party members - EVER. There also seems to be a lot less action in this one as well. There were at least five different times in the first game where battles were really challenging. In this game, one could get through the whole game without even using a lightsaber. And that's not a challenge, since lightsabers are really really scarce in the game. The main story feels like it could have really interesting, but not much happens to advance this plot while you are endlessly running other people's errands - which this game has you do ALOT. I'm still going to finish it, but it's alot less engrossing than the first game.
  21. That is one burly man's man car. I'm a big fan of anything that goes fast and that supercharger makes me drool. Most of the time I'm into Japanese imports, European stuff (TVR, BMW, big big Porsche fan) and anything Italian. I'm not so much into American muscle cars, but I'm not stupid enough to think a Honda Civic Type R is a better method for going fast than a F-body. My weekend driver is a 93 twin turbo RX7 with a few mods. I'd love to drop in a nice single turbo setup like a T04S, but in CA, it's damn tough to keep the po-po off your ass. I'm already having enough trouble with them sweating me and I'm probably the most conservative driver in an FD around these parts, and definitely don't look like the riceboy stereotype with the backwards cap and boomin system. I'm just giddy for the new daily driver I'll be picking up at the end of the month. Finally decided to go luxury and get a new BMW 5 series.
  22. Goddamn, isn't that the Road Warrior's car?
  23. Well then they'll just have to come out with the Full Armor Freedom... just think TEN more big cannons on top of the 4 already on it!! And when it powers up to SEED mode, it'll end up looking like a pincushion!
  24. So I just watched the new opening as well, and I have to say I'm probably going to like Shinn's new Gundam alot better than the Impulse, but of course I'm just judging my opinion on a mostly-in-shadow 3 second shot of it. The impression that crosses my mind is that of a Freedom crossed with a Wing Gundam and V2 Gundam, which is not bad since I love the V2 Gundam. The other thing that caught my eye was the "nemesis" Gundam that's in shadow that it looks like Shinn and Kira are going to take on. The silhouette does not look like a Providence, and it appears as bulky as a GP02 Gundam, and MEAN as hell.
  25. So it looks like Andy gets to fly a gold Murasame? Holy Hyaku Shiki!
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