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Everything posted by Seven

  1. You must not speak of that which should not be named. N-n-n-n-not S-s-sound Force!! Anything but that. The less we hear/see of Macross 7 characters in Frontier, the better. Asking to see them in Frontier would be like asking to see Star Trek Voyager characters in the new Star Trek movie. Or having a Star Wars story where Jake Lloyd's Anakin travels through a spacetime warp into Empire Strikes Back and follows Darth Vader around the whole movie adding Yays and Whoopees everytime Vader says or does something. BAAAAD!
  2. Who really cares about resolving a love triangle when you have a overbearing naggy jailbait, uninteresting predictable military bore, and a self absorbed jerk. Yeah, I'm generalizing since Misa could be just as overbearing and naggy, Minmay was bubble-headed and selfish, and Hikaru just plain indecisive and spineless at times. While the series as a whole doesn't rate high in my book, at least the ending ramped it up a little. Hearing Ivane Gepernitch and Sivil sing was like listening to nails scratching on chalkboard though. What's up with Gepernitch taking the human body and leaving its real body on ice?
  3. The one criticism I have of the VF-25 are the narrow boxy shoulders. They look like Happy Meal boxes or detachable side speakers from an old 90s era boombox. Super Bass Mode in effect.
  4. I'm working on that, you just wait and see!
  5. So I assume that singing won't really matter in the same way as it did with Minmay and the Zentradi, given that well... space bugs don't have ears or cockpits or radios in said cockpits. So it really won't matter either way if they don't listen to Sheryl's song. At least Basara's target audience had ears.
  6. The problem with space bugs as the opposition is that you won't get any of that old dynamic of ace vs ace ala Max vs Miria and you'll miss the great villainous schemes ala Kamjin. All you get is basically a monster movie, with a majority of the dialogue centering on how to fight the monster and reacting to the monster when it goes on a rampage. Basically, they'll be gutting a lot of possible stories and dialogue since now you only have one side doing the talking and can only show one viewpoint. Remember in the original series, they often showed what was going on in the back scenes from the Zentradi side. Even Mospeada eventually had the Refless, Solzie, and Battlar to provide that somewhat. Gunbuster not only did great, it excelled, in spite of that - although not every anime can come close to being a Gunbuster. Evangelion also did fine, but again if the series writer isn't up to task to shore up his end, it could get very predictable very quickly.
  7. Yeah, the emo tranny as the main character isn't doing it for me. Even Yellow Dancer looked more manly. The rest of the character designs look rather typical and don't stand out too much to me. The hair styles and bright pastel hair colors are also a bit uninspired. It feels like they went bargain basement shopping for a character designer/animator. The CG and action scenes do look impressive though. I want to like it, so maybe I can overlook all that if the story is great.
  8. Seeing as how Miyatake won't be working on this series, I don't have much hope for quality designs for any capital ships. What happened to the pivotal role of the main ship in Macross? In SDFM, the survivors looked at the Macross as a source of inspiration and hope, and the ship had just as big a part in the series as the Valkryies. Macross series of late have lacked that. Sure, you had the Battle 7 and City 7 in Macross 7, but people certainly didn't think of it as anything amazing. It wasn't iconic. The Macross was iconic to the people in the original series and even as far as in Plus and Seven. Hell, the series was named "Macross" not "Valkryie" the last time I remember. If Miyatake isn't involved, it makes me think there won't be any enemy capital ships. Miyatake stands out to me as one of the few guys out there that design capital ships that don't look like uninspired. Izubuchi (Char's Counterattack) being the other guy.
  9. Ha, I thought you'd say that.
  10. Courtesy of Lenso and SEMA, we have quite possibly the gaudiest rims ever. The Louis Vuitton leather just adds a little pizzaz. Enough to make me want to ram my head into a wall.
  11. Ugh, the GTR looks like a G35 with gills and slapped on slabby sides. I'd rather spend money on a new M3 even if it is slower. There's nothing in the body lines that evoke a sense of grace, elegance, or speed. Ponderous is the only word that comes to mind when looking at the weird blocky shape and awkward front mouth, which doesn't quite work on the EVO X either.
  12. You don't seem to quite grasp "Bay logic" just yet. The big glaring omissions from your plot are stereotypical human characters suffering from extreme melodrama or sappy expressions of love (animal crackers across stomachs, etc), bombastic music and even more bombastic one liners (this is a kickass ride, winners go home and f**k the prom queen, etc), questionable acting from otherwise hot looking actresses (Tea Leoni, Liv Tyler, Megan Fox), and heroic 360 camera pans around humans (and sometimes robots and asteroids). The correct ratio for your plot would be 1:8 with robots only being on screen and having any sort of development in very short meaningless spots, while the before mentioned stereotypical soldiers, hackers and teen lovers would take up a majority of the plot. Sorry to burst your bubble, but they aren't going to put the ad as "Transformers 2 - starring Optimus Prime and Galvatron", it'll be "Transformers 2 - starring Shia Lebeouf (and his increased demand for plot input) and Megan Fox (and her need to stretch her acting legs by doing something other than bending over a hot engine). You can subtitute in any great actor (ala John Turturro or Jon Voight) to overact in a method suited best for making their eyeballs bulge out of their sockets as costar. Oh, and the only thing ending like ESB will be ESB.
  13. I find it insane that Mari Iijima looks as young as, if not younger, than the new girl in that picture.
  14. Ha, that's not saying much. That's like saying shi*t smells better than diarrhea.
  15. Wow, for once a recent Gundam capital ship that doesn't look like ass. The last ship designs that didn't look like a big block of soap I felt were from waay back in the days of the Ra Kailum, Albion, Ahgama, Crossbone Vanguard. The worst example was that big Zaft carrier, the Gondwana. Other than that, most of the SEED ships didn't really make any impression on me. I'm glad it looks like they're changing things up this time.
  16. Not that it really matters... but all it takes to disable a Transformer is a fire extinguisher and/or a lot of ice? Didn't all the Transformers including Megatron fly through outer space to get to Earth? This is just a guess, but isn't deep space a hell of a lot colder than ice?
  17. I think you are referring to Mira Mesa in San Diego, if I'm not mistaken. The sounds and sights of F14s have been replaced with F18s.
  18. Turn A had the "mustache", 00 has the "top spinny thingy."
  19. I don't know how you can't think of anything but Gundam Wing all over again after seeing that.
  20. While some characters were certainly darker like Garak, many of the others were still comparatively "goody" and you could always count on the main characters bonding by the end of the hour. You could pretty much guess where they stood most of the time, which was mostly on the straight and narrow. BSG characters with the exception of Helo, who plays like he's out of TNG or DS9, are all over the place and flip flop all the time it's hard to predict how they will ever react to situations. That said, they are certainly much deeper. Speaking of DS9, wouldn't it be great if they got the actors that played Weyoun, Garak, or Dukat to come in for short stints?
  21. Lately it seems like they've been trying too hard at making the characters as ambiguous, unpredictable, and generally unappealing as possible. Actually, it seems that was Moore's intent in from the start, as if he was overreacting to the goody two shoes family friendly characters he worked with in Star Trek TNG. Lee Adama has made up and fallen out with his dad so many times now its starting to feel like an episode of Melrose Place. Although, this last episode was pretty good and a welcome change from the other lackluster ones.
  22. When reading spoilers on the web like the ones above, I always take them with a grain of sand since they could easily be someone's fan fiction. So I remember a couple months back Deathhammer posted some script excerpts of some recent episodes. I didn't read them then but decided to hunt them up and see if they were accurate and it's interesting to see how certain things were changed in the plot - like in episode 3.14, instead of Dee being drugged at the end, it is Hot Dog. Also the script noted the episode as 3.13, so the order was changed around as well. Here is the original post.
  23. I think Chris Nolan would have been a good choice to direct given his ability to handle complex storylines like Memento and The Prestige. In Watchmen's case, with the multiple flashbacks into the characters pasts it would make it a boon if a director can weave such things well. I wonder how they are going to handle Dr Manhattan.
  24. Call Me Tonight was like a bizarre mashup of Urotsukidoji, Kimagure Orange Road and Cream Lemon. Those character designs were totally reminiscent of KOR and anime of that day. It was great in a nostalgic way.
  25. Awesome, it's only taken 10+ years! That scene excerpt is from the rare Volume 0 of the short lived series. The rest of that episode just goes into back story of the universe of 2520 and what happened since the original series. The scene excerpt describes one of the early battles between the Earth forces and the new bad guys. By the start of the series, the bad guys (I forgot their names) have totally dominated the known universe and subjugated Earth. Edit: After googling it, the antagonists are the Salene. And they haven't dominated the known universe, but basically fought the Earth forces to a stalemate.
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