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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Ha, until Char shows up in either Legend or Justice.
  2. Regarding VF1X, isn't he busy running his company Pacific Rim? With the popularity of the import racing and drifting scene, it looked like he was riding a wave to the top. I think his company also sponsored a drift car as well. I remember when he got his Silvia into Super Street magazine. I didn't really talk to the guy, but judging from his posts, he always seemed like a positive and upbeat person in the maelstrom that Macross World had been at that time.
  3. Unlike V2's Wings of Light, Destiny's WoL do not provide any real thrust (okay, perhaps I should say no thrust). The WoL create after-images using colloid particles. Apparently, this effect drains the battery. This is probably why Destiny cannot use them that much. 319157[/snapback] I think you just said that WoL is kind of useless. Nothing more than a big sign that screams: "HERE I AM, SHOOT ME." Heh heh. Correct me if I misunderstand. I think an actual mirage colloid can be a bit more useful. 319168[/snapback] I could have sworn I saw Shinn cut a Murasame in half with the wings in the latest episode.
  4. Now I make you bleed, like I make Mylee bleed.
  5. I pretty much lost interest within the first 15 minutes, and I am an old fan of the drift scene before it became the latest fad. The drifting was mediocre at best - I've seen better in Option Video by far from amateur racers on public streets. The acting was sub-par, and the other thing that bugged me whether fair or unfair was since it was obviously a HK production, I am so used to the Japanese characterizations and mannerisms of the characters so to see them interpreted with Chinese fashion and mannerisms didn't feel right to me. The one thing I felt was lacking in the anime and is echoed in the movie was the absence of excitement and bad pacing.
  6. So all you need is an army of ninjas, mummies, and lepers in bandages.
  7. Wow, Strike Freedom has to be the most overpowered Gundam in all of Gundam history for any main character. Now when Kira opens up with all of the weapons on multiple targets in addition to the rail guns and two beam rifles, he can also fire off the torso cannon and all of his funnels. Crazy! And it's super fast! The whole newtype ping and Kira screaming "ATTACK!!!" to the funnels had to be THE most satisfying moment in Seed Destiny for me, but that's coming from a guy that holds Amuro and the Nu Gundam as his favorite of all time. Lol, totally reminiscent of the part in CCA where Gyunei uses his funnels to shoot down the nuclear missiles. I can't wait for the rematch between Kira and Shinn. It would be like watching a dream match of the F91 (Destiny) versus the Nu Gundam (Strike Freedom), where Shinn would use Destiny's super speed and Kira would go to the funnels.
  8. Go to SCIFI.com and listen to the podcast commentaries by Moore. He explains how he really wants to avoid the pitfalls that he encountered with Star Trek which was how storylines always were conveniently solved and all questions answered in one hour. I get the feeling that Moore felt constrained by all the technobabble and self contained stories of Star Trek and he's going out of his way to make BSG more realistic in its portrayal of human reaction to problems and said problems not always having tidy resolutions. I like it that way.
  9. I dunno about that... I don't see much different between either of them when it comes to wrestling. How much wrestling does a guy of that stature need to do? Stone Cold got over with just 3 moves: punch, kick, Stunner! You can't really say that Stone Cold had a Malenko-like repetoire of moves but it was his personality that got him over. For Batista, he's basically the same big guy with limited moves that they have out there, but at least he can appear to be intense. Lesnar's mic skills have always been questionable and he's probably even worse now. His move repertoire isn't anything different as far as I can see from other big guys like Goldberg or Batista.
  10. Why the hell would they release the Dudleys??? They were the strongest tag team they had with the most name recognition! Who do they have now, the stupid Hollywood tag team and the French guys?! Sheesh. Brock Lesnar has almost no mic skills. Who needs a sub-par Batista, which is exactly what Brock basically is - a huge Howdy Doody Batista type wrestler.
  11. I'd like to think that the alien devices were buried pretty deep. If an alien race can travel across intergalactic space, I think they can bury their devices deeper than we can dig with a bulldozer or drill.
  12. Actually, they didn't just literally ride the lightning down. The lightning was a sort of distractor while some sort of torpedo-like craft carrying an alien shot down into the ground. Hence the hole in the ground. As for not using nukes, we don't know if they did or not. Its just not shown. It would have been great but Spielberg looked at Independence Day and some other alien invasion movies and gathered an idea of what he did NOT want to do, namely following the military/political mechanisms during a crisis like this. He felt that's been done too many times. So he decided to do a very personal story and in my opinion, it works much better. Close Encounters was kind of the same way. If you wanted Emmerich or Bay style fireworks, you won't get them from Spielberg, at least not without some sort of personal human element to the story.
  13. Didn't Nick Gillard choreograph all of the lightsaber duels in all of the prequel movies? I thought he was the one that supervised the choreography for TPM, and not Ray Park. One thing you can notice about Ray Park is that you can always tell when you have a martial artist doing swordsplay versus an actor. Maul looked so much better because of Park's experience... imagine if Maul had been played by an actor with no martial arts experience.
  14. Fighting over cartoon girls. Nerds!
  15. I'm lost with this storyline. So what if LOGOS is revealed as the real enemy? They have been building up Djibril and his cohorts as a-holes the whole time anyways, so why should the audience care if they are revealed? Why are Kira and Athrun disturbed by this revelation? Is anything Dulindall has been saying completely a lie? From what has been shown throughout the series of the Blue Cosmos and Djibril, it does look like they should be wiped out. Even if Dulindall is bad too, it's like having two bad factions go at each other like Neo Zeon versus the Titans, so why should the viewer care who wins or loses? If the only reason why Kira and Athrun are disturbed is the mass chaos and destruction that will ensue, I can't see why they can't see that pacifism isn't exactly spreading throughout their whole world and whatever this is building towards will continue to happen irregardless of their feelings. If they are going the route of making Dulindall to be some sort of Palpatine, I also can't see the problem from that point of view. It would be different if there were more revelations like Dulindall oppressing people or having rebels supressed to establish him as having evil intentions, but as is his character is too ambiguous. Damn you, Fukuda.
  16. I like it. When and where can I start lining up?
  17. Seeing as how the director doesn't really care much for the whole newtype concept, I doubt he'd actually do anything in the favor of handing Mwu any mecha that would cater towards his newtype abilities. I think he'll just end up with a hand me down.
  18. Why doesn't anyone ever use the Force to just turn off the other guy's lightsabre?! Hahaha, everytime the other guy would try to power it back on, he'd just turn it back off. I always ask my friends that are hard core into Star Wars that question and all they can say is that it wouldn't make for a good action scene.
  19. I don't see any reason they couldnt levitate. They use the force to make huge leaps like Luke jumping out of the cabon-freeze chamber in ESB and Obi and Qui Gon jump all over the place in Ep1. I think flying might be a bit too much though. Actually, once Anakin and Obiwan were above the lava on the wreckage, weren't they both levitating whatever they were standing on? I mean did anyone notice they were flying upstream on the lava flow and not towards the dropoff? Anakin was standing on a flying robot, but what about Obiwan? He was on a large piece of wreckage, so I assume he was levitating it. The part that bothers me is that when Obiwan says I have the high ground, why didn't Anakin just make whatever he was floating on just float even higher or take it up a little upstream so he could just walk over and kick Obiwans ass? I guess we can chalk it up to Sith overconfidence.
  20. Was Jango really a Mandalorian? I thought I heard that he just wore Mandalorian battle armor. Then again, whats a Mandalorian supposed to look like?
  21. Maybe it shouldn't even be made. The second one was great, just call it quits there and move on. Who wants a X-Men 6: Resurrection Xtreme starring a whole new cast and directed by Paul W.S. Anderson? You know its headed down the road to tired franchise without the guidance of one director from beginning to end to make sure it isn't turned into a joke.
  22. Hahaha, thanks guys. I think I get the picture, though it seems the debate still rages about the balance and there is no consensus. The last few posts following my question were all of a different opinion. What Uxi said does make sense though about the Jedi acting as conservationists while the Sith act as polluters in respect to the Force.
  23. Not to keep dragging this back up, but I still don't get it... The prophecy goes: So to achieve balance of the force, the dark side must be eliminated? Isn't that an imbalance since only the light side is represented in the force?! Or does this all have to do in the use of the force, which in the light side is more in harmony with nature while dark side is concerned only with destruction and power? Maybe Luke does not upset the balance since he walks the light side but respects the power of the dark side and recognizes its uses while being able to fight off the corruptive effects.
  24. What gravitated Sidious to Shmi Skywalker in the first place? Why did he choose a slave woman from a backworld when he could have picked some disgruntled poor woman on Coruscant in his own backyard? Was there something special about her?
  25. Actually, that's not the balance. Balance isn't brought to the Force until Vader throws the Emperor down the shaft, and then dies. When this happens, there are no Sith left, and the old Jedi Order is no more. There is balance because both extremes have been wiped out. Luke is a new begining, but without the trappings of the past. In many ways, he is the heir to the teachings of Qui Gon, a disciple of the "living Force". But if we are going by numbers to determine the balance of the force, doesn't Luke throw that out of balance at the end of ROTJ since there is one Jedi and no Sith? What determines the balance? The number of Jedi versus Sith being equal? Wouldn't this be ridiculous since everytime a Jedi or Sith dies, doesn't it just throw balance out of whack again? I can't see how this can be avoided. Thanks to anyone that can explain. Also, it makes me laugh to think that Count Dooku laid everything out when he talked to Obiwan in AOTC, and Obiwan never says anything about it in ROTS like "Aw f*ck, he was right!" Does anyone else think that Obiwan seemed rather nonpluss about all his Jedi comrades being dead as carrion. Yoda and Obiwan never even mention Mace after he is gone and this guy was a major ally and friend!
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