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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Patrick Stewart would come off too diplomatic for that kind of role. Although he is a great actor and now to think of it, he could probably act into a role like that. Michael Douglas is a shitty actor? God, that makes me feel sorry for the latest crop of actors in Hollywood now then, like that Punked kid and Paul Walker.
  2. That is true. While Michelle Forbes can play a hardass, I wouldn't call her charismatic. Imagine a younger Kirk Douglas as Cain, that would have beem awesome. I'd say get Michael Douglas, but the guy wouldn't touch TV much less sci fi TV with a ten foot pole.
  3. Which is most likely because of your age. Before he started making movies like "Airplane!", he was considered a serious actor. Actually, he still was after that. 329982[/snapback] Actually, chances are that I am older than you. I watched both Airplanes and am aware that he was a dramatic actor previously. Although, its his performance in that episode of the original series that I was criticizing because it was particularly hammy and not his previous acting.
  4. I'm sorry, but I just could not buy Lloyd Bridges as this legendary Battlestar commander that cheated death. He was just too hammy and goofy. I mean, cmon, he was the captain in Hot Shots that ran a hankie through his head! I'd think you need someone with a little gravity to sell that kind of role. Michelle Forbes should be able to get this across seeing as she played a pretty morose and determined Ro Laren in Star Trek TNG. But hey, if they wanted a hammy kind of performance ala Kirk for Cain, then they certainly got that.
  5. Funniest part for me was when the prank caller called Ebichu: Guy: "What are you wearing?" Ebichu: "Only this apron..." Guy: *heavy breathing* Guy: "How hairy are you?" (meaning down there) Ebichu: "I'm covered with hair" Guy: *more heavy breathing* - tear rolls out of speaker of phone ROFL!!!
  6. I want to have Tifa's babies.
  7. 150 episode marathon?! Damn, thats crazy. When I first started, I could only manage 50 in a week. Now its like I hardly bother after the whole Sasuke Sound Five story arc. LOL, man you are right in that any episode with Sakura is a waste. Especially since the story is always the same with her crying about one crap or another then resolving that she will be strong and depend only on herself only to find her doing the same wailing and moaning session the next time. I just wish someone would gut her like a fish already. New episodes come out every week. While the animation may be decent, it takes a real nosedive after Orochimaru first attacks Konoha. It lifts for an episode here and there, but on the overall just plain gets sloppy. Of course, my comparison for what is an awesome animated episode would be the Rock vs Lee battle and Sandaime vs Orochimaru. You can obviously tell those episodes were animated by the actual studio and not farmed out to Korea.
  8. Anyone else ever have the opportunity to snag one of the blue dev station PSXs from back in the day? I worked for a educational software company back then that had a ton and some mysteriously disappeared when the company went under. Here's an example:
  9. Speaking of which, there was an interview with Brooke Hogan wherein she mentioned that she can kick Lindsay Lohan's ass if given the chance. 326625[/snapback] Yeah, but Lindsey Lohan's dad could drink Hogan under the table any minute of any day.
  10. That reminds me, so it appears that WWE lost the contract for Spike TV and TNA is taking over their spot. I saw a commercial for TNA last night during the Ultimate Fighter. That'll be nice to see something different. I heard that WWE is going back to USA, is this true?
  11. Yep, I remember that he disappeared suddenly then reappeared years later as "Big D" and fought Booker T in WCW. The only thing was when he came back as "Big D" he had the hugest beer belly and was totally out of shape. Weren't there stories that he constantly worked stiff against other wrestlers and was considered unsafe to work with?
  12. Chris Masters has to be the absolute WORST wrestler I have seen from the WWE in a loooooong time. So his name is Chris Masters and he has the Masterlock challenge?! Wow, that's so clever. And his finisher is a full nelson??? I don't get it, even Iron Mike Sharpe had more depth that this goon.
  13. Here's some interesting information about two of the actors: Alessandro Juliani, who plays Lieutenant Gaeta, played Toma in the second Ranma movie. Kate Vernon, who plays Ellen Tigh, was James Spader's bitchy girlfriend in Pretty in Pink. After looking at the credits of the supporting cast, this series is a big break for a lot of them. The actor for Chief Tyrol normally just reads scripts for auditioning actors, and usually gets bit parts, for example, he was one of Stryker's soldiers in X2 that gets stabbed by Wolverine.
  14. So someone earlier was saying that Top O Nerae 2 is a parody of 90s and newer anime. It got me thinking of what anime it could be parodying or drawing on. Here's a list that I came up with: FLCL - art, style Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - the ability to summon up Deux Neuf or parts of Deux Neuf out of nowhere seems like the Stands, as well as the styling of the Deux Neuf reminds me of Jojo Evangelion - this is probably any super robot show but children being the best candidates for Topless, as well as the idea of sentient machines Giant Robo - The characters from Topless and Fraternity are so stylized that they seem like superhero/villian types like Big Fire, rather than military people like the original. The Deux Neuf seems more reminiscent of Giant Robo rather than the decidely less human Gunbuster, which felt like more like a piece of machinery than sentient robot. That's all I could think of. Does anyone else have ideas?
  15. The funniest thing about the podcasts has to be how Moore does them from his home and is constantly interrupted by barking dogs, shrieking rugrats, police cars, loud racer car exhausts, planes, gardeners with weedwhackers , the works! I'm waiting for the podcast where he finally loses his temper and tells everyone to shut the f up.
  16. I'm confused with the whole Jupiter thing. Did they not take Jupiter or Jupiter's core to make the BHB in the first place? I just watched the original yesterday and Amano clearly says "Yes, that is Jupiter. I has been compressed to 1/30000 of its size." Is the Jupiter in episode 3 another remnant that was not used? With time dilation being such a big factor in the first series plot, I wonder when or if they will even touch on that in this series. I'm thinking not.
  17. I have to say, I really liked episode 3. I can't wait until episode 4 now. An alien Buster Machine under Titan? Intriguing...
  18. The monsters of the original anime were more of a threat to mankind. Not much was known about them save for their reproductive methods, and that was even a hypothesis. Their methodology was a lot clearer though as you stated, as their sole point was the total eradication of the human species. When attacking they acted together as insects would do if their colony was invaded. They were intelligent, had warp capability, and possessed energy weapons, albeit natural in origin. It is stated that the purpose of Operation Calnedius was to eradicate the alien threat once and for all, therefore securing mankind's survival. There could have been stragglers or survivors, but that is doubtful. My feelings on this new series of monsters is that they may actually be a sub-species or a lower life form, but we really have not seen much of them as we have in the older show. At least not in the large battle cruiser type fights we were accustomed to. So we really do not know their intentions. They may not consider mankind to be a threat to the overall survival of the universe. More on this later. 323293[/snapback] The new monsters appear to be more of a nuisance along the lines of cockroaches when it comes to the reaction of Topless. "Look, there's too many of them, let's get rid of them with our superpowerful Buster Machines!" as opposed to "Holy sh*t, they've found Sol, we have to stop them all NOW before we die!" If there is a bigger Buster Machine in the works, I don't see why it would even be needed.
  19. So what's the deal with the space monsters? I thought Noriko and Amano took all of them out with the Black Hole Bomb. Have they explained why these space monsters are back and what their goal is this time? Last time they just wanted to eradicate humanity and Earth along with it and would stop at nothing to do that. The sheer numbers they threw at the Space Force was staggering. A big part of the drama was that the longer humanity could keep the location of Earth from the space monsters, the longer they could survive and once the monsters discovered Earth, the potential evacuation of Earth. Now you see the monsters actually touching ground on Mars and seemingly there is no drama about that. Are the space monsters more lackadaisical about invading now, since I would think the moment they landed in the solar system, they'd warp a million of them right around Earth orbit.
  20. Is it possible that Adama was replaced when he was stuck on Ragnar Station? This is also the thought that crosses my mind with Boomer is that after she shot Adama and was revealed to be a Cylon, no one ever came to a conclusion that she was replaced when she got out of the Raptor on the Basestar. Everyone immediately jumped to the conclusion that she had always been a Cylon. Any thoughts on this?
  21. He may as well be a bad guy now, because he, his friends and their precious Orb sure as hell aren't 'good guys'. 320212[/snapback] huh? what you mean? 320232[/snapback] I think what Panon is saying is that its not like Kira and the Archangel crew are exactly making the situation better. Here you have two factions fighting each other and neither is exactly right or wrong, just political differences and personal agendas. Then you have an unstable element like the Archangel just getting involved in every battle and throwing the whole conflict into further chaos. While they have their own point of view and are certainly idealistic (to almost a fault), their appearances have a negative effect on either side and just end up increasing casualties on both sides. For much of the war, the Archangel has been getting involved and has not made any public denouncement of the war or made their intentions clear to the civilians or military, so to everyone else it just looks like they're a rogue unit that needs to be put down.
  22. I wonder how long they can keep things up before they resort to sci fi TV cliche plots like time travel. If I ever have to watch a time travel episode and they use some dumb technobabble solution, I'll have to stop watching. As for things now, while there are some cliche things, they usually have an innovative or fresh spin on things and haven't strayed into Star Trek style plots. I agree with Effect that Apollo is best as the CAG and not a revolutionary. The episode where he took out the Cylon base was great.
  23. Lords of Kobol, I'd give good money for Richard Hatch to lose the 70s hair if he's going to play Zaruck for a lot longer.
  24. Oooh man you are so right about that one hot female character. I bought the DVD set for the old series a while back and was watching the Pegasus episode and had to admit that she was pretty smokin. Lloyd Bridges was pretty damn wacky though. I kept expecting him to guide Ted Striker in for a crash landing.
  25. I don't exactly agree with the sentiment that Starbuck is a "whore". I mean, her character is supposed to be this butch pilot with this shell of bravado and the old Starbuck was a womanizer. It was acceptable that the male Starbuck slept around and its not okay for this one to? Seems more like a hangup on the role of a woman in my opinion. I can buy Starbuck acting like this, I mean its not like her and Apollo are involved and same thing with Baltar. So what if she shows interest in different men, I think its in her character and with the desparate crisis they are in, she could use the distraction. I'm not sure what direction they could take Roslin in if they didn't put her in this spiritual one. The old BSG had a strong slant to their religious beliefs, so not to put it up front in some way wouldn't be true to the old spirit. If they didn't write Roslin into this story arc, I'm sure they would have run out of steam alot faster with her just butting heads politically with Adama and Zaruck. You guys should listen to the podcast commentary on Scifi.com, its really interesting. Moore says that the Pegasus storyline will be over multiple episodes and have a lot of impact in how things play out.
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