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Everything posted by Seven

  1. Amuro would eat Camille alive. The guy had long military pilot training and had a long time to master his newtype abilities. Camille is still a relative rookie by the end of Zeta in comparison to Amuro or Char. The other thing is Amuro and Char are probably a lot more knowledgeable in combat tactics, while usually Bright or Emma just ordered Camille here and there and told him to shoot.
  2. We've all had this discussion before but there's really two scales to judge on and not one. Who is the better pilot and who is the more powerful Newtype. Amuro is probably the better pilot, but Camille or Scirocco were more powerful Newtypes. With Kira, well you can't even being to talk about it since it's too inconsistent and SEED mode was never even explained. I wouldn't even know where to begin to untangle the jumble of the relationship between SEED factor, Newtype ability, and piloting ability since they never really explained the first two very coherently.
  3. Hahahaah, Father Jack, your girlfriend is hilarious! I got a big laugh out of her musings on Gandolf (haahaha) and her comment on the "ugly toothpaste baby".
  4. They made that mistake with the Universal Century and I'd rather them not do that again. 333954[/snapback] Are you talking about F91 or Victory? F91 was mediocre but I really liked the Crossbone Vanguard mobile suits. I thought the general consensus was that Victory had a solid story and a great ending.
  5. Hhaha, you forget, Fukuda has stooped to this stupidity before. Andy was good and dead and he brought him back for IMO no good reason either. As for Mwu, they should have animated a burnt up dessicated corpse smacking into Archangel's bridge window the first time he died to really drive the point home that he's not ever ever coming back. How funny would it have been if Roy Focker just came back in a later episode of Macross to be relegated to a mere cameo and taking orders from Hikaru or Max?
  6. Let's not kid ourselves, most of the mech designs were rip offs of the old UC. SF and IJ were just jokes, I mean, can you honestly look at one scene with IJ and tell that it's different from the original Justice? I doubt it. Same with SF when its docked with METEOR most of the time. Is it really ripping off when its really Okawara just rehashing his same designs and being lazy overall? Can he really be ripping himself off? Actually, he probably owes an apology to Yutaka Izubuchi for ripping off Nu Gundam. I think that the Akatsuki is sufficiently different from the Hyaku Shiki that he doesn't owe an apology to Mamoru Nagano.
  7. Isn't that the truth. I actually liked the mecha designs for Strike Freedom, Infinite Justice, Destiny, Saviour, and Akatsuki, moreso than any other design since the UC suits. They were so wasted in such a terrible story. With the ZZ Gundam, I hated that design so much that it didn't matter to me it was in a crappy series. Apparently the new school of anime creators failed to pay attention in class regarding closing out a story in a decent manner. Lots of anime in the past decade had crap endings. Now its almost expected. Escaflowne had a great ending in comparison to the crap out now even in its rushed state. Macross had such an elegant ending in comparison and thats not biased Macross fanboy rambling. Turn A and Victory had decent endings with good closure.
  8. Exactly how it could be any worse I could not even begin to fathom. How does a stinking pile of crap get any stinkier? There is no coming back from that. Now there are people that like Macross 7 and I'm not one of them, but I'll say this, to compare GSD to Macross 7 is a low blow to Basara.
  9. Amazing. 62 out of 142 members at the Animesuki forums have rated GSD as deserving of 7/10 or higher currently. These must be the same people that fund Paul WS Anderson and Uwe Boll everytime they make a movie.
  10. You are referring to the AonE 1.4 GB version? The filename says it's XviD. 333298[/snapback] The one I have has a filename that says H264 AC3 and not XViD.
  11. Like it matters anyways, the crappy series has officially left the anus and been flushed down into the sewer. AF or no AF, maybe if we don't talk about it, Fukuda won't get any funny ideas about sequels.
  12. Not just Final Fantasy Tactics, but VARANT STORY as well. A friend of mine played the hell out of demo at TGS or E3 a year ago and said it's fantastic. 333124[/snapback] Oh god, you just made my year in gaming. Both of those games were probably my most favorite Square games of all time, and I don't consider myself a gamer at all. Sadly, I never got to finish Vagrant Story, but oh man have I played FFT out a million times.
  13. Wow after watching both SEED series, I have to say that Destiny was utter crap. I was holding my opinion until it finished and now I can finally say that the series was a failure. It's the ZZ of the CE universe. I take that back, since ZZ at least poked fun at itself at times, while Destiny was overflowing with self important angst and drama. The way it started looked like it was going to have so much promise then it just went into the toilet. Chiaki Morosawa should never ever be allowed to write again for even so much as obituaries. What an inane concept, create the plot on a weekly basis for a limited series. I could see that working for a series that has no end in sight, but for something as short as 50? Hell, the Macross team had to deal with possibly being cut at what, 26 episodes and it still run like a damn gem! In retrospect, SEED had so much more impact than Destiny. At least I felt some sort of sorrow over poor Fllay's fate, but I could give a flying crap if anyone in Destiny ate a bullet. Even original characters from SEED were reduced to empty shells of their former selves who were around just to well, be around (Miriallia, Mwu, Murrue, Lacus, Andy).
  14. It may revitilize the battle system at the very least. With Tetsuya Nomura and Nobuo Uematsu not in the team for this FF, and most of the developement team being the same people that created Final Fantasy Tactics (and it being set in Ivalice) I'll bet that it will definitely be different in feel from FF7, FF8, and FFX. The battle system already shows a flexibility that has not been apparent in the line up and wait for your turn battle system. I think they are trying to go for a familiar feeling system like what has been utilized for FFXI.
  15. Hey, I just downloaded the AonE version of Advent Children and it seems to be encoded in H.264 codec. Does anyone know what codec pack I can download to get this movie working with Windows Media Player or DIVX Player? I looked around and could only find codec executables that aren't associated with a viewer and are run from command line. Thanks!
  16. Does that mean that Lulu>Quistis?
  17. ... but Tifa's boobs ARE smaller...
  18. Just so you know, the editor of Animag was the same editor for Viz's Animerica - Trish Ledoux. For some reason, I love how Animag was. I absolutely hated Animerica. Maybe it was nostalgia... no wait, it was the constant Ranma covers and stories and embarrasing reader contributions for cosplay pictures or amazingly bad drawings that made me hate Animerica.
  19. You are in luck. I had this out on my coffee table. It's issue 11 of Animag that was published around July 1990. To date this issue, it has as a news item the development of a Gundam movie with something called an F91, a article on Yotoden, High Speed Jecy, and ads for Frederick Schodt's translation of Tomino's Gundam novel released by Del Rey. The back cover is an ad for the rerelease of the 1/55 Roy Fokker Super Valkryie by Pony-Toy-Go-Round in LA.
  20. Sure, the rape thing is ugly. Sure, the torture thing is ugly. But do either apply when talking about the Cylons? They are MACHINES. Sure, they are sentient, but its like me ramming my car into a wall and someone telling me that I murdered my car in cold blood. From Webster Dictionary: For those that don't get my meaning, a machine is not a person. A machine is not a female. Boomer or Six may appear to be female, but to even them, she's a model type and there is no gender.
  21. Ok, just watched the episode, and here's my take on it. The people that are complaining about Cain should realize that Moore probably did not intend to make a carbon copy of the Pegasus episodes of the original with similar characters. They may use the names and similar situations as homages, but the similarities are superficial. The differences between the Cain group and Adama group reminded me of another war story that had similar problems - Platoon. The differences between Cain's command style and Adama's was reminiscent of the viciousness of Tom Berenger's versus the relative calm of Willem Dafoe. The rape scene was shocking, which reminded me of the part in Platoon where one of Berenger's soldiers caved in the head of the mentally retarded villager. War brings out the worst in people, and the eminent extinction of a race during wartime would probably be even more amplified. I do see Cain's point of view when watching the unruliness of Adama's crew. I mean, how likely would it be for a CAG and pilot in a real military to question an Admiral's transfer order directly to their Commander in the brash way that Lee and Kara came off as? It was almost refreshing to have them put in their place and shut up for once by the more professional Pegasus CAG. My feelings on Cain? I had a tough time buying Michelle Forbes as the superior officer over Adama. She could have done much worse though. The thing that got me over it was thinking about how many times I've seen a clearly incompetent younger person be promoted faster up the ladder than the more productive senior workers due to either brown nosing or some other circumstance. Once I reasoned that just because she's an Admiral doesn't necessarily mean she's the better officer. Ultimately, the episode had this Platoon/Crimson Tide feeling to me, and that's not so bad.
  22. Oooh man guys! I'm at work until midnight and I'm itching to watch the rerun. I'm not too surprised about the negative remarks about the episode already though. Maybe it won't seem so bad for me since I never liked the old Cain in the first place. The thought of a ship full of tyrants doesn't seem very believable, I mean, a group of asses is believable, but a whole ship?!
  23. Violence Jack was great. I think I remember that the bad guy in the first episode could only power up if he ate his girlfriend... which he did.
  24. Man, you really like the classic junk anime of the 90s, don't you? Nothing wrong with that. If anyone has those on DVDs I'd think it would be Central Park Media or whoever owns the rights... I don't think they are popular enough to have been commited to HK bootleg. Why do I have this feeling you're going to ask us about Grappler Baki or Violence Jack next?
  25. LOL! I would have never expected to see a thread about this anime on Macrossworld. Man, I remember watching that waaaay back in the 90s and thinking that it was crap except for the breast groping and subsequent laser blast immediately after. I would have never thought that anyone would have liked it enough to make a whole thread devoted to it.
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