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Everything posted by Seven

  1. The difference there is that the MA designs that you speak of like the Zakrello or Byg Zam were created in the 70s and the goofy ones in Seed and Seed Destiny were made within the last 2 years. At least in the original Gundam they had an excuse for making goofy looking things since everything at the time was pretty damn goofy (remember all the bad guy mecha from any super robot show of the era?), Seed has no such excuse.
  2. It's more than likely the Alpha Azieru would have had the upper hand on the Neue Ziel. Although its an unfair comparison since the Alpha Azieru came many years after with the advantage of new technology. I love the massive firepower of the Alpha - the mega particle cannons, the funnels, the bigass boosters. The Val Varro or whatever it was called from 0083 (the red MA piloted by Kelly) was pretty nice too. Hands down my favorite MA has to be the GP03 Dendobrium Stamen. I love how ugly that thing is. The assymmetry of the bigass cannon on one side and a tiny I field generator on the other with missile packs on the top and gigantic boosters speak of function over looks. I didn't like how Okawara tried to come up with his own version with the half assed Meteor in GS.
  3. Does anyone remember Macron 1 (aka Goshogun)? They use to show it on LA channel 6 early in the mornings way back in the 80s. Spiral Zone came on right after it. It had the funniest theme song - "MA-MA-MA-MA-MACRON ONE!!!"
  4. Goddamn!! 55 reasons! Man, think of the harnessed energy we could make if we could invent technology to covert fanboy rage into a power source! We would be forever rid of oil! We could travel the galaxy!
  5. Where have I seen Juggernaut before?
  6. Where in the original series do they reveal this? I always felt like the motivations of the Cylons were never explained and they were the bad guys just because they were the bad guys and liked to kill things. Baltar never went into what motivated their whole determination to destroy humanity in all of his mustaching-twisting dialogue, or did he?
  7. I don't think so, since I watched a whooole lot of super robot shows other than Voltes V at the time. There were so many I can't even remember all the names.
  8. That's funny considering the majority of anime fans would prefer to watch neither. Both movies are on the introspective side and don't have the usual flashiness that anime fans usually gravitate towards. I personally like both very much. One has to do with the nature of Japan's peace and terrorism and the other is like the Right Stuff set in an alternate universe with a sprinkling of ponderings on faith.
  9. LOL, isn't that the truth. But ask a pinoy why that is, and he'll just say, "Because..." I mean, its not like Voltes V as a super robot is any better than Combattler or Mazinger or Kotetsu Jeeg. I can't even explain why its so damn popular among Filipinos. Someone once said because it was a big symbol of fighting the power since Marcos didn't want foreign things like that to be shown on TV?
  10. This is great news. I love those two Patlabor movies and wanted to replace my crappy half assed Manga tapes with DVDs. Honneamise is a great name, and I can't wait for that to be released either.
  11. That's a tough one, since I grew up watching all the super robot shows on TV. I'd probably say a tie between Mazinger Z and Voltes V.
  12. What was the USS Titan, another Sovereign class ship or something new? I gave up on TNG movies after the stoopid face stretching aliens one.
  13. You have got to be kidding me. There's quite a few episodes where he would knock someone out with a judo chop to the back of the neck ala Austin Powers! He would use that goofy two handed hammerblow to a man's back and knock him out... How in the world do you knock a person out with a hammerblow to the back?! Hell, if he was that effective with that move, he shoulda been a PRIDE Full Contact champion! Knockout via hammerblow, 5 seconds into the first round, Kirk wins!!!! The funniest move I ever saw Kirk pull off was where Chekov or Sulu went nuts and tried to fight him in the medical bay. Chekov lunged with his knife while there was a bed between them. Hilariously enough, Chekov came up a whole foot short, so Kirk actually pulled on Chekov's wrist pulling him so Chekov was face down over the bed and followed it up with a judo chop to the back. A JUDO CHOP TO THE SHOULDER BLADES!!! RENDERING HIM UNCONSCIOUS! :lol:
  14. Actually, it is my belief that Gubuster is the ONLY title Manga still owns the rights to. They will hold onto it until the end of time, never releasing it on DVD. 349411[/snapback] Huh??? I was talking about a fansub of Top O Nerae TWO - episode 4.
  15. Try looking at it from a new point of view: imagine that you were a red shirt or command staff under any of the captains and had to report to them like any sort of regular job. I'm pretty sure I would frickin hate to have a boss like Kirk, since the guy would be all over the place emotionally and probably contradict his own orders half the time. I've had plenty of douchey bosses like that before and they usually come off as being either wishy washy or they take credit for your accomplishments, or blame their faults on everyone else (oh wait, maybe I'm confusing that with the actual Shatner). Kirk is a lousy head cheese in that regard. Picard... the model example of what a captain should be: wise, diplomatic, fair, knowledgeable, admits when he is at fault, predictable, an ideal manager. I'd love to have this guy as my boss. Some say he's a bland guy, but really, if you had a daily job where your life was in his hands, would you really want a cocky man with a hairtrigger and penchant for dramatics giving you orders to transport to certain death as an Ensign Unnameable? Sisko - another great guy to work with. He's just as balanced as Picard, possibly even more so since he's a family man. He's a bit more emotional too, with him either bellowing out orders or whispering them. He's a proven manager that had to balance the needs of resident aliens from different cultures on his space station while protecting the planet below from outside threats. Running a Federation space station around Bajor is probably much like running a military naval base in another allied country, so he's no slacker. Janeway - she doesn't stand out IMO. It seemed to me that she was constantly trying to keep things together at the seams with a staff that constantly questioned her judgement or countermanned her direct orders at times. I didn't believe in her command presence. Archer - wasn't this guy in Quantum Leap? I never watched this show, so I have no idea how he'd be.
  16. That's actually an excellent point there, especially when you look at Picard. I've always enjoyed his perfection and blind sense of duty and obligation, but his character never really made sense to me when they tried to portray his youth as being "brash, arrogant and cocky," and always at the center of trouble; how would you go from that to being a model of perfection? 349448[/snapback] Getting stabbed in the heart usually changes people.
  17. There is talent, then there is this. That is some incredible coloring. If she isn't raking in dough with that talent already, she should be.
  18. Goddamn it, when is someone going to release a sub of the 4th episode of Top O Nerae 2? I've been waiting for ages.
  19. It's not like Shatner ever looked convincing in a fight with his Kirk "multiple hammerblow to the opponent's back" combo. It always cracked me up when he would knock someone out with a single hammerblow to the guy's back. Although Picard's open palm strike to the face move did always look pretty cheesy too. Every single time you saw someone get in a fight in TNG, they always somehow got that cheesy move in there.
  20. I've never been able to look at the SRT4 as nothing more than a hopped up Neon. Sure it might be quick, but damn, it still looks like a Neon. It's the same old thing where guys would buy Dodge Omnis and with a few mods make that thing go like a bat out of hell, but goddamn if it still isn't ugly and falling apart at the seams.
  21. I didn't think I would be impressed by this car at all, but after driving around one for a month, I loved it. The stick is awesome, steering is very communicative, and handling is great. The interior is among the best out there. I still long for this car even though I have a 2005 BMW 5 series for the luxury and a 93 RX7 for the fun. The engine, while being nowhere near as powerful as my RX7, still feels peppy and gets the job done. I love the sound especially when you get into the upper RPMs. If I had the money, I'd buy one now for a daily driver.
  22. Why are they in trouble? For doing something disrespectful? HA!
  23. Fifth Gear did a review on it and got to drive it around a track. They didn't think too much of the Ascari. Their impressions were that it didn't drive like a supercar for the price that you pay.
  24. This is awesome. Look at the engine. Now note that that V10 M5 engine is not sitting in a M5. Hartge is up to some craziness with this car. http://www.germancarfans.com/tuners.cfm/tunerid/7051123.001
  25. Is a 20 year old cartoon about transforming planes and giant blue aliens that important? None of this is actually, which makes arguing about it even more pathetic. Now there's nothing wrong at all about opinions, even strong ones, but arguing about stuff like this is a big waste of time.
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