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Everything posted by Seven
I like most of Bangle's designs, but I have always though that the Z4 is bar none the ugliest car in all of history. The bottom door line makes it look like the car is sagging in the middle. A coupe and M version don't change my opinion.
I can't understand Hollywood at all. They complain about diminishing crowds to theatres and yet producers keep cranking out utter crap. When will they learn?
Do you have one of the Galactica for comparison? I couldn't really tell the differences from whats in the show.
One thing that popped into my mind was how the Pegasus crew lost their CO and are now under Adama's control. They didn't think much about the Galactica crew before, and I would think that wouldn't change in the space of an episode so I wonder if they'll ever address that. For example, what happened to Stinger (the Pegasus CAG) and the guys that beat the crap out of Helo and the Chief? I think it would be a waste that they build up the Pegasus crew as so different in personality from the Galactica crew and never address that again and it will just be assumed that they are now one big happy fleet.
This show just keeps getting better and better.
Those headlights look like they're about to shoot out lasers! And that interior looks like some futuristic space fighter...
What parts of the human form Cylons are mechanic? Are they like Terminators with an endoskeleton and fleshy "parts" (obviously for Sharon, or else Helo had a helluva time) or are they like Bishop from Aliens? Couldn't they just run a metal detector over the whole population to filter out the sleepers?
This might be slightly OT, but I had a question that maybe another Xbox user can answer. Does anyone use a recent build of Xbox Media Center on their old Xbox? If so, does anyone know if XBMC can stream video from a channel from Winamp's Media Library? So there's a channel for Family Guy for example that I want to stream on XBMC, but for some reason, it will open the M3U playlist file but fail to play the video. Is this even supported on XBMC or does it only support streaming media from a local network source? I've tried researching the web but found nothing concrete on whether it will support it or not.
Ah geezus, its turning into 7th grade all over again here.
Here's a question, the Blackbird was a stealth ship, right? Invisible to Dradis and all that? How did the Pegasus and Galactica detect the Blackbird when Starbuck warped back in from the recon mission? Both command centers reported a unknown Dradis contact at the same time.
I actually found it to be questionable that the Cylons would commit all their fighter cover to a group of civilian ships when they know there are TWO Battlestars not in that group and especially when they were covering such an important key asset in the Resurrection. The Cylons in first season seemed to be a bit more keen and always had something up their sleeve so I find it weird that all of a sudden they seem particularly gullible in this scenario where they have TWO Basestars and the Resurrection. As soon as the Raiders noticed there were no Battlestars, they should have poo their pants and headed back to base full tilt with FTL. Not to mention, aren't there still sleeper agents in the fleet? You'd think they'd at least have some intelligence to warn their fleet with, like the fact that another Battlestar has joined the fleet AND its actively looking for a fight. Its not like the Pegasus crew is quiet about what they want to do or how they do things. Anyways, that and Apollo's depression that came out of left field are the only things that I found weird about the two parter, if I had to question anything at all.
Apparently a friend of mine told me a story where a woman with Jersey plates pulled up to a gas pump here in Socal and sat in her car for 10 minutes just looking at the attendant. She started to look really pissed after the first 5 until she got huffy and drove off.
So I just found out an interesting bit of information that I never knew about before... apparently in New Jersey and Oregon, it is ILLEGAL for you to pump your own gas! You need to have an attendant do it for you. That's pretty crazy. Supposedly these were laws passed in the 50s to avoid costly accidents at gas stations. I think the technology has somewhat improved since then and most people don't blow themselves up at the pump, although a real moron was smoking at the pump the other day when I went to fill up.
WAAAIIITTT a minute... wanking off is vapid?!
I think you are talking about the Eunos Cosmo. It's the only Mazda to receive the 20B 3 rotor engine. It's an awesome car. A 3 rotor turbo engine is a thing of beauty. A local rotary mechanic replaced the 13BREW out of his FD with a 20B with big single turbo. It's probably pushing over 400 hp and sounds MEAN. I wish I had the money for that but its a very pricey and complicated conversion. As for the 20B eliminating the shortcomings of the 13B, I don't see how. The only thing different is the addition of another rotor housing and rotor along with a longer eccentric shaft. All other mechanicals are the same with the same porting and everything. After all, people build their own 3 rotor and 4 rotor engines by just adding another rotor housing, rotor, and shaft onto a 13B. A 3 rotor NA RENESIS would be awesome. It would be very reliable, be capable of a lot of power, and still very compact. I've heard rumors about this as a proposal too, however with smaller rotors. The whole emissions standards are where it will have a tough time.
I'm not really into muscle cars but I really think that is a beautiful car. Its too bad you have to part with it - why do you want to sell?
The cut to the attack on the Resurrection was kind of abrupt. One moment talking heads, the next the middle of the sortie. I was hoping they'd handle it in the same vein as when they took out the Cylon refinery on the asteroid. That is still the best all out battle episode we have IMO.
Prodrive reveals a two seater coupe based on the STI engine and drivetrain: http://forums.thecarlounge.net/zerothread?id=2389412 Now this is the exciting part, they figured out a way to make the anti-lag system normally reserved for rally cars to work on this road car concept. "In tests, it has been shown to double engine torque at low revs, enabling a test car to accelerate from 30 to 50 mph in the same time in third gear as it would without the system in second gear." Read the article, its pretty interesting... the car no so much, but the technology is.
Your friend is mistaken since all RX-8s are naturally aspirated regardless of market. There are kits to turbo the car, but the RX-8 is notorious for not responding to mods due to the overbearing nature of the ECU. As for the FD, Mazda Japan started to address some of the engineering faults such as improving the cooling system and turbos for the later iterations. The Wankel is not really as unreliable as some make it out to be since you will see many 1st gen and 2nd gen RX7s with very high mileage that are still running. The real problem with the Wankel is when it is turbocharged. On the FD, the cooling system is simply not enough to get rid of the heat from the turbos which leads to failure of the coolant seals. You've probably heard of a lot of people blowing their engines on their FDs and thats more than likely due to improper tuning since the Wankel simply does NOT withstand detonation. All it takes is one ping or your engine running lean and you end up blowing your apex seals out of the exhaust. The Renesis hasn't gotten rid of those problems, it just bypasses them since it is NA and not twin turbocharged. Put a turbo on it and I'm positive that you'll end up with the same headaches.
Yeh, but the FD had two huge advantages: Weight and RWD. The Mazda 6 has a prodominantley FWD platform with active AWD which pretty much makes it crap compared to a RWD car, and also the 274/280 is probably not actual wheel HP/torque as Mazda is famous for fudging the numbers under absolute perfect weather conditions. All in all the Mazda 6 as a daily driver/grocery getter is great (except compared to other vehicles in its class it is a bit difficult to see out of), but the Speed version leaves much to be desired. 360164[/snapback] That was all a given. Its common sense when you look at the FD and the 6. Trust me, I realize the advantages of the FD, I drive one. The thing accelerates like a bat out of hell and corners like its on rails (although I upgraded my suspension with TEIN HA coilovers). I also sadly realize all of the disadvantages as well, such as poorly thought out engine cooling system and unreliability and worst of all, engine fires.
Its a curious thing when you realize that the Mazdaspeed 6 has the highest power output of any car Mazda has released in America. The FD had 255 hp/215 lbs of torque, while the Mazdaspeed 6 has 274 hp/280 lbs of torque.
Say what you want to say about the Pegasus crew being nazis or whatever, their pilots sure looked a lot more professional in the the chaos of the potential dogfight and looked to have the drop on the noob pilots of BSG. Sure, Starbuck and Apollo weren't there to help, but what can 2 pilots do against a whole squadron? Sometimes listening to Kat and Hot Dog gets annoying and to hear the real pilots of the Pegasus focus in on a job was a good relief as opposed to the "YEEEHAAA, JESTER's DEAD!" thing.
I'll agree with you there. I'm sick of the retro thing and I'm equally amazed at how Nissan/Infiniti just keep pouring out more cars that all reiterate the same elements that they introduced with the 350Z. Even the new Sentra that will come out has headlights like a 350Z, but it just looks sad. I can understand trying to tie all the cars under a brand with unifying themes, but in this case its a little too much. While I might not like the Kabura, at least its different. I like Alfa Romeo and TVR for that very reason.
Behold, the Mazda Kabura, which is more likely to have a Miata engine and NOT a rotary engine, so no new RX successor yet... thank god, this thing is ugly.
New Infiniti G35 Coupe Concept Note the cameras in lieu of side mirrors.