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Everything posted by Seven

  1. That's probably because the music for Metal Gear was done by Harry Gregson-Williams, who is a bonifide Hollywood composer. He did the soundtrack for Enemy of the State among many other movies including Shrek and Narnia. Hans Zimmer was one of the composers of The Rock though.
  2. It comes down to a matter of personal taste in my case. I guess I just like game music that sounds more like movie music than game music. For example, I do like Uematsu's Liberi Fatali from the opening movie of FF8 and his themes from FF7. But I find myself loving the less synth less gamey sounds of Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy 11, and now Final Fantasy 12. I could not stand the battle music for FF8 and FF10, but liked it in FF7. I think I can sum up my tastes in that I tend to like the Ogre team's composer's music in every case, while I only like Uematsu's stuff here and there. If you get to listen to the FF12 soundtrack, check out track 58, that is some kickass battle music.
  3. I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy Tactics and Vagrant Story so I'm pleased with how this game is turning out considering the same team produced it. I'm glad that Uematsu, Sakaguchi and Nomura aren't working on this one. Seriously who wants the same thing over and over again? I thought FF was getting stale in their hands. I especially hated Uematsu's music that always had this synth feel to it, while the music in FFT (even back in 1996) and FF12 sound orchestral. As for the battle system, I'm glad someone mixed it up and innovated for once. I always thought it was really stupid for a fight to go down like a damn square dance. Cmon, think about it... you have the enemies on one side and the heroes on the other each taking turns doing crap and a square dance conductor (you) yelling out instructions like dosie doe and promenade or occasionally, Run Away!!! Yeah, Vaan does look too effeminate for my taste. Thats probably for the main reason of appealing to the female Japanese gamers though.
  4. Arrgh... must ram head... into wall! Seriously, the aliens land in a small hick town and a lone warrior comes to kill them all with the help of some trailer park trash kids? Didn't they make this in the 80s? It was called CRITTERS.
  5. We're as likely to see this produced as we are to seeing a Peter Jackson directed production of The Hobbit.
  6. I caught the first 15 minutes but seeing as how Speed loves their Nascrap and didn't air the F1 face until after midnight, I fell asleep soon after.
  7. God, that last picture of Wolverine and Beast just makes Beast look even worse. When you compare their costumes, it looks like Ratner just told the costume designer to just throw anything leather on Grammer. That fur... makes me think of someone...
  8. I may have to go that route seeing that GSXs are hard to find. Just when I thought I found a good local one for a good price, I find out that its an auto.
  9. So basically, this will be "Star Trek - Dumb and Dumberer". As for the comment about getting Jude Law or Ben Affleck in the roles. I don't think you have to worry about that. Any top list actor is sure to not touch it with a ten foot pole unless offered some role where they can ham it up as a cheesy villian.
  10. So I've been searching for a used 1990-1992 DSM with turbo and AWD (Eclipse GSX, Talon TSI) for the last 2 months as a beater and possible project car and I can say that they are hard as hell to find. When I do find one, its like a mad scramble before someone picks her up before I can look into it. The nostalgia for it is that it was the first car I ever drove that had any decent ooomph to it after I learned how to drive back then.
  11. I always laughed at the ridiculous opening that had all the female characters nude doing random crap like jumping over volcanoes. It was like they were trying too hard to make an impression on the viewer. I remember Tomino boasting that Brain Powered would be an anime to topple Evangelion. Ha.
  12. Yes, he's a Neo Nazi posting about the wonders of foreign invader Japanese animation.... he's amazingly tortured by the beautiful animation but also how defiled it makes him feel since foreign yellow hands drew such horribly beauty... cmoooon man, think about it... Its a manji symbol not a swastika.
  13. Most of the auto shows I see on TV these days seem to be geared towards the Pimp my Ride/bigass dubs side of automobiles - style over substance. Hence why I only watch Top Gear or Fifth Gear, but My Classic Car sounds really appealing since I am fascinated by vintage cars.
  14. I dunno, that scene where Snake Eyes gets swung head first into a cement wall by a Cobra La guard was pretty brutal. Then again, Chuckles starting the helicopter with his own hands was pretty awesome too.
  15. I for one love the functionality of the Minmay icon. I could care less about the appearance of the icon, they can make it an image of steaming pile of poo or a big Hello Kitty head and I still wouldn't care because its the use that matters to me.
  16. Great news, I'd like to pick up Dairugger and see gimpy Voltron hopping around on one leg.
  17. LMAO Brock is a cartoon character just like other anime characters. There are a ton of anime characters that have blonde hair and blue eyes but have Japanese names, so to take this further would be plain silly.
  18. Most Asian women tend to look younger than their actual age in comparison to women of other races. I see non-Asian guys on the net bash a cute asian woman as looking like she's 12 and crap like that. I usually laugh at this, because when that same woman turns 40, she'll still look like she's 20. Mari is a perfect example of this IMO. Anyone remember Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High? She's pushing 40 right now and still looks as hot as she did in that movie, and she's only half Asian.
  19. That is indeed true, but economies of price and gas aren't always in the forefront when people choose some cars over others. Some people buy cars just for the looks alone. But I am stating the obvious.
  20. You could always buy a used one and spend a lot less than that. I got a friend that owns two - one heavily modified and the other an auto 91 model. I gave him sh*t when he bought the auto one, but he redeemed himself with the supercharged one.
  21. All the cars you mention are sufficiently different from each other to be aimed at a different part of the market. I would think that not many people that are considering buying a 350Z are going to cross shop a substantially lower powered 4 door car like the RX8. And the two others are AWD turbo 4 door sedans. The GTO is going away and there are people that simply won't buy domestic. Everyone is looking for something different and the 350Z still fills a unique place in the market for imports.
  22. What's the 450Z? A 350z with a V8?
  23. I can't speak for Chinese, but I know Filipinos eat vienna sausages, spam, eggs and rice for breakfast. I have white friends that just get disgusted looking at vienna sausages and spam, but its not like there was a damn VONS in the village where my grandparents and parents grew up, so people ate what meat they can get and canned meat doesn't need to be refrigerated, because after all its not like there was working electricity and fridges in the village either. So here's to Spam, the breakfast of Filipino champions.
  24. You guys shouldn't get so far ahead with your comments on the concept Supra drawing that Best Car did. Its not like Toyota created that image, Best Car is a Japanese mag that regularly makes images like this based on rumors and little else. The real time to start commenting on Toyota's success or failure would be when Toyota puts a concept out at a Auto Show or they release photos themselves. The article even has a little text next to it that credits Best Car with the illustration.
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