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Everything posted by Seven

  1. The apex seals aren't really the issue unless the engine is using forced induction. Frankly, heat is the issue with the engine. Rotaries do not take well to heat, adding a turbo just compounds the issue. On top of that, the water seal is a thin flimsy piece of rubber that is just mm away from the combustion chamber. When that seal gives, it's rebuild time! On top of that, the FD was barely emissions compliant back in the day needing a precat and main cat. With today's emissions standards? Good luck. They could go NA 3 rotor, but I doubt that's the direction they will take. The savior of the rotary will probably be an electric hybrid system. You get a power adder without the added heat and pressure while adding reliability and being eco friendlier.
  2. It's funny how the non human characters are getting all the attention. Maybe it's easier to forgive performances from non-anthropomorphic characters. R2-D2 is adored by everyone, and all he does is go beep boop and stuff. I thought that the actress that played Coop's young daughter did an excellent job. She was really believable without being annoying in a Dakota Fanning way, if that makes any sense. I thought McConnaughey did a great job as a NASA pilot cut from the same cloth as the original Mercury and Apollo astronauts, who were more roughshod Navy and Air Force pilots than scientists. Nolan was aiming for a portrayal like the guys in The Right Stuff, and I think he got that. I was disappointed in how fast Other than that, I'm fine with the Tessaract and what it entailed. I just wish they could have They could have just left that ambiguous and it would've been more mysterious. Was anyone bothered about how the It just looked rather bland in my opinion.
  3. I totally agree with how awkward the last part was. I also agree that having kids, especially a daughter, allows you to form a certain connection with the movie, even if much of the other stuff is kind of forced down your throat, like YOU HAVE to feel this for them.
  4. It's also a cliche that again we are dealing with It is worth mentioning that Cooper's thoughts on the origin of the Tessaract are just an assumption. It's left ambiguous, much like the nature of the monolith in 2001 or what happens to Bowman. On a different topic, did anyone notice how nice the sunlight was on all 3 of the planets? That seems weird given all three are orbiting a hole where light nor heat can escape (unless you count the accretion disc, which still isn't enough).
  5. You're missing out then. What that character says in that scene is in context for that character for her mindset in that world. It is not like all the characters agree with that character, or that Nolan is trying to sell you on some conspiracy theory. You are dismissing a movie based on what one character says. It would be like not wanting to watch Pulp Fiction because you didn't like what John Travolta's character says about a quarter pounder.
  6. I went to the 70mm IMAX showing last night and came away feeling pretty impressed by the movie. I don't think it is Nolan's strongest movie, but I still loved alot about it. I do think fanboys will be able to poke holes in the story, but I think no movie is immune from that. There are parts that work well while others are rather clunky/hokey or rely too much on convenience to wrap up plot points. Overall, the physics is accurate, but probably dense for the average viewer, akin to the convolutions of Inception. I feel after reading Spielberg's original script, they could have been a bit more ambitious or epic. The time dilation effect is in full play, but Gunbuster has it beat. You will be able to tell what parts are inspired by older classic hard scifi movies. Whether you can accept those parts is on you. There are several nail biter parts where you will grip your chair, but also alot of parts where science is being discussed rather than just shown, as Nolan is prone to do. The music is awesome! I have no complaints over that aspect at all. Zimmer finally went for something different. Watching it in 70mm was a sight to see as well, and the sound was crazy!
  7. Anyone remember Edo Andromedo C and SkullOne? They were members around the early 2000s and frequent posters. Edo had the most bizarre longass posts I have ever read on any board. Sometimes his posts were so long they would go off on tangents! SkullOne was from Greece I think, and was a frequent jouster with many other posters until getting the boot a while ago. Then there was the often controversial and abrasive Jemstone, who could forget her? I myself hadn't posted here in years, but I liked this nostalgic trip. Wow, JsArclight and Bsu Legato haven't been around for 2+ years?! They were daily dudes around here too!
  8. The way I looked at that silly Ferrari/Supra scene was, who would you rather be - the rich dude in the Ferrari with the hot blonde chick or Brian Earl tuna fiend and his shrimp meal hookup Dom Torretto in some riced out pastel colored car? I'd like to think the ferrari guy lost the race, gave exactly two sh*ts, then drove home and drilled his girl while Brian and Dom went to the shrimp shack high fiving each other over shrimp. It's not even academic who really won that race, hahahah
  9. There were very few high quality Ranka cosplayers there IMO. I just don't think the character easily lends itself to cosplay. But there were two or three Sheryl cosplayers that really had their stuff together, especially one that sat in the front row of the panel in Sheryl's purple concert dress. The translator for the May'n panel wasn't good at all as she didn't understand a lot of the questions no matter how they were rephrased or even if they were simple to begin with. The translator and manager even had trouble with identifying her songs when asked about them by title. I only say this because I attended the AKB 48 panel (some jpop girl band) and their translator really did an excellent job, even with some of the questions quietly uttered from the most nervous, hoarse voiced otaku in attendance. The other problem was people kept asking the most inane questions of May'n like would she like to pilot the VF-25 or more detailed questions regarding plot points of particular episodes, which she is really unlikely to really have any insight into given she only sang the songs and didn't provide the regular voice acting. One question from some older woman from Germany even started out with an insinuation that she lied about her age or something before rambling into something about her debut performance. Just remembered a good question about her stage name and whether her career would have been the same with or without Sheryl. She said that she changed her stage name to May'n to allow her to evoke the strong character of Sheryl and that now she will always perform with that strength and carry a part of Sheryl in all her future songs.
  10. I have to agree with this. May'n seems to be the more polished singer with more stage presence, but Megumi was good in her own way. She did have a really cute voice. May'n dresses and acts more in line with being a mainstream jpop singer, while Megumi seems to walk the line of the old school 80s idols, with her dress and mannerisms.
  11. I went to the May'n panel and the concert and just like was said earlier, May'n is gorgeous in person (more than I had expected)! You can tell she's a very bubbly and warm person and really tried to make a connection with the fans. The panel had more than a couple dud questions, but that was to be expected. The concert was pretty damn awesome, with May'n and Megumi pumping up the crowd. May'n spoke in her best English telling everyone it was her first trip out to the US and did a cute thing of throwing up a "LA" hand sign to get applause out of the crowd. That girl has a talented voice and there was no denying that she has a lot of stage presence and experience. It was such an unreal experience to have the actual Sheryl singer prompting you and the crowd to sing "motteke" along with her in the chorus of "Iteza Gogo Kuji Don't be Late." Just like the others mentioned, when Yoko came out and started playing the piano to Aimo along with Megumi singing, but then merged it with Voices, it was so unexpected that I think it took a few seconds for it to register with the fans. Either that, or alot of the fans in the audience weren't even familiar with Macross Plus and only knew Frontier songs. Megumi impressed me. I use to think that she had a rather weak voice in comparison to May'n, but she showed that she can put some power into her songs as well (unless that was due to the sound guy amping up her mic to compensate). She spoke English a little less comfortably than May'n in her introduction, but it was great how she tried to get the crowd into the spirit of things by having the crowd sing along with her to parts of "Anata no oto" and "Seikan Hikou." When I heard there was a secret guest for the concert, I too was really hoping for Mari to come out during the performance of "Ai Oboete imasuka", so naturally when someone walked on stage from the side during Megumi's rendition of it, I almost crapped my pants thinking it was Mari before realizing it was just May'n. I kind of feel they missed an opportunity seeing as how Mari is an LA resident and could of probably made it. Anyways, AX was great fun. I'm wondering when will be the next time May'n or Megumi will be out here in the US again.
  12. But mainly from the gaijin ones in their mid 30s, not their typical homegrown native otaku.
  13. You ever have that friend in junior high that swore up and down that he had some rare Beta fighter toy in his basement that no one ever saw but he always told everyone about? And everyone always said he was full of BS? Yeah, that's what all that sounds like.
  14. Whoever said that Ranka seems a bit young is forgetting that Minmay was only 15 at the beginning of Macross. Misa and Hikaru weren't a whole lot older either. And as for Sheryl being a b*tch, I remember a certain female bridge officer in Macross TV and DYRL being way more b*tchy in her introduction in comparison. So really, it's par for par.
  15. Alto's got a bit of the "Camille" complex going on.
  16. I think I just crapped my pants. It's way better than I thought it would be. The music was great, both background and vocal. Here's hoping the rest turns out just as good. Like someone else said, the end song was a great touch.
  17. I can't imagine an anime centered on Wangan freeway top speed runs being very exciting, given that a majority of the action is in a straight line or long curves. I would equivocate it to watching someone else golf - probably fun to the player, but boring as hell to onlookers. Initial D's direction was atrocious enough with the constant cutting from the action at hand to two characters blabbing about Takumi's chances at winning.
  18. Vampire Princess Miyu called, she wants her hairstyle and ribbon back from Alto.
  19. I keep hearing references to Wing Gundam and other dissappointed comments. That can't be good. Is it a disaster of Seed Destiny proportions?
  20. Great read, Mr. March, thanks! It's pretty sobering, but it seems all of media is struggling under the advent of digital distribution and Bittorrent. Until someone can get a handle on how to rework the entertainment industry from the old paradigm to the new digital one, it's going to be tough going for a while yet.
  21. Yeah, it would be nice. But really, these are the people that gave us AVP and Independence Day.
  22. With Gigile, he warped in his EVIL series body before he destroyed the planet. I totally forgot that the Protodevlin were noncorporeal.
  23. Jesus, talk about reading too much into things. This is a Hollywood movie for crying out loud! If they want a battleship in there, it's going to be in there - radar fix, physics, logic or no. Why? Because the script says so.
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