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Everything posted by Bar81

  1. Nothing will ever beat the "Thunder Hummer" for me.
  2. Bar81

    VF-1 Thunder Hummer

    It certainly do - nice work on the gold visor
  3. I hope so because I avoided that yellowish mess that Yamato crapped out the first time. My body (and wallet) are ready.
  4. Great to see some 1/48 love as well as their siblng, the beautiful VF-0A with matching ghost booster.
  5. The fees are also a killer as well as shipping cost twice, once from seller to proxy and the second time from the proxy to you. And the proxies use a horrible conversion Y-$ rate so they get you there as well. Typically, ebay is cheaper for a lot of stuff once you add in all that, but sometimes the stuff you want is only on YAJ.
  6. I'm pretty sure they realized that but a little thing called gravity was probably more important
  7. Wow, people are starting to lose their minds.
  8. Some countries just rake your over the coals. Here in the U.A.E. it's a reasonable 5% if the value is over $250. Europe I hear though is ridiculous.
  9. Really clean. Better than anything that would have been done officially.
  10. Feel your pain bro. I hate it when they do crap like that. I'm not quite sure why it's so hard for sellers to figure out their stock situation.
  11. Bought two more; I think I'm *finally* done (maybe)
  12. That's mine - new 1/48 Thunder Hammer Valk - price not to be discussed due to sticker shock (puts all of the above to shame )
  13. Sorry to see that. In any case, if the company doesn't care, then I don't care to buy their products.
  14. Interesting. Looks a little strange though.
  15. The same doesn't hold true for 1/48 though where the TV versions are actually yellower than DYRL as I found out recently comparing a 1/48 VF-1J with a 1/48 Roy.
  16. Good question. Strangely, those were by far the hardest things to find. Let's just say I paid through the nose for them and took all stock I could find in the colors I wanted (eBay and here on this forum). You can still find original color launch arms on eBay, but at a premium price (to be fair, it is essentially the current going rate) and from a seller with dubious credentials. But if new is what you want; that's the option atm.
  17. I lost my mind as well (although it's only because I'm doing 1/48 and waaaaay late to the game). All new: 1/48 (1) GBP-1S; (2) VF-1J (Hikaru); (3) GBP-1S (Wood Land) (4) 2x VF-1A (Wood Land); (5) GBP-1S (City Urban Camouflage); (6) VF-1S (Roy); (7) VF-1A Low Visibility; ( VF-1J Super Stealth; (9) Thunder Hammer Kit; (10) 2x VF-1S (Hikaru) + Fast Pack; 1/60 (11) VF-0A (Unknown Soldier); (12) QF-2200D-B Ghost Booster; Other (13) 7x Launch Arms
  18. Solid haul. I happen to have both of those 1/48s coming in this month as well. Let's just say my wallet is beyond being able to feel pain According to anymoon, if you need to get a VF-0S, then that's the version to get. I guess they never got it right after all.
  19. It's wrong but then again (I might be blaspheming) that is some nice work on that jetfire.
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