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  1. Here you go, the link to Emmanuel Shiu's art. http://eshiu.blogspot.com/2010/03/blog-post.html?showComment=1329290599820
  2. I can provide more than a name, if you want I can link you to the directory of his art I pulled the ASS-1(Macross) crash from, the image of the gerwalk hangar is there as well. He didn't do the valkaries in flight one though sadly enough, to me that looks like a mixed photochop mix of Ace Combat and Armored Corp. But yeah, I'm happy that I found the crash scene.
  3. Never mind, i found the image through a different search engine. Appears the artist I was looking for was Emmanuel Shiu, and they definitly have allot of art I like, not just macross either. Heres the image I was telling you about as well as the image I was holding out on you guys with.
  4. I have a request if anyone is up for the challenge. I recently saw a wallpaper of the macross crash itself, the dust and smoke cloud obscuring part of the craft as well as flaming debris laying around it. The picture almost looked live action, if any of you have it I'd greatly appreciate it. In advance let me share something I found with you that is of similar quality to what I am speaking of. I will share more with you if you find the one or point me towards where I can get the one of which I speak.
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