This game is right up my alley. I have been into Warhammer since I was a kid and discovered Robotech about the same time. It was actually these forums that helped me understand the difference between the bastardation that is Robotech and the original SDF Macross. But if it wasn't for Robotech I never would have discovered Macross. So I gotta love it for that and other nostalgic reasons.
I love miniatures. Other than valkyries, they are my other drug of choice. Definitely the best of both worlds. I'm super stoked to get my package in the mail (whenever that may finally be, projected Dec 2013).
The game seems to play similarly to turn based tabletop games like Warhammer and from the videos I've seen it looks well thought out. The Palladium RPG was always a blast to play. Palladium has always had a pretty good system.
The kickstarter prices are actually extremely reasonable. Especially considering all the free add-ons they granted as they reached more stretch goals. It finished at a whopping 1.44 Million of its original 70k goal. People really want to see this made.
In comparison to warhammer, there is a box set out there still for 5 pewter vampire knights on steeds for a ridiculous $90.00! I have a love hate relationship with the company that makes Warhammer, Games Workshop.
If you're skeptical because its a Robotech product I would say don't be. Palladium will get almost all of the profits and they are not a terrible company and HG will only get some royalties. And the Gaming company, Ninja division, is just a small miniatures studio and they make some pretty kick ass stuff. Plus you can always just use the Macross names and terms and paint the minis anyway you want!
Sorry for the rant, but I love this stuff. This kickstarter helped revive my obsession for Macross and Valks. I had to kind of put it aside when I was in college with no money and only time for Maya and PhotoShop.