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About nekkibasara1213

  • Birthday 02/21/1983

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  • Location
    Ohio, USA

nekkibasara1213's Achievements

Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. I need to buy one MG 34 or 42... No accesories. About the suit, it is a jump suit. The guns used in the anime are: MG42, STG44, and a Mauser pistol (P38 I think).
  2. Im still pretty neutral on this show. Its going to take an amayzing final 2 episodes to make me like it anywhere near as much as any of the other Macross OVAs and TV series.
  3. Has Anime-in-Action quit creating digisubs of Macross 7? It has been a long while since the sixth episode was released.
  4. The first set looks like pics of a T-34. The second look like the Jagtiger. Edit: Added a pic of the Jagtiger
  5. Macross 7 all the way.
  6. Another good place to get conversion info is DVDrhelp.
  7. I'll add another vote to the Milia point blank shot.
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