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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Strange, i would have thought a submarine would have been better suited in the anti-ship role instead of anti-aircraft?
  2. hmmm i was always under the impression that Gilliam was either zentraedi or half-zentraedi??
  3. Wong Kar-Wai Even Quentin Tarantino cried when he watched 'Chungking Express'
  4. its used in a modified form as the background image for the cover of the of VF-X 2 special edition.
  5. Great videos! Ive got 2 questions: How long does a flanker take to acquire a lock with short range missles to firing it? David pointed out that the cobra maneuver is useful in an offensive role, so is the flanker able to fire (using missiles) at a target during executing this maneuver or is it primarily used to change directions very quickly then going after the target?
  6. As i've said the music in vo is played of the cd. Therefore u can either play the mp3s with winamp whilst playing or convert the mp3s into cd-audio then burn it and pop it into cd-rom (track 2 onwards) and vo will auto play them. I cant gurantee the later method will work, because i've never bothered trying it. Anyone tried it successdfully?
  7. Apply patches if u havent already. To change controls left click once on any of the 3 boxes then press the key u want to assign it to, note that the key must not be already bind to something else. Easiest way is to clear all the keybinds. As for the music, make sure it is turned on in the sound settings. Failing that check ure cd-rom settings,souncard settings,cable correctly connected betw the two,etcetc because the music is actually cd-audio and played from the cd iirc.
  8. another one
  9. BLESS

    Macross Vf X

    You have to enable it then start a new game...forward view will be the third option when you cycle through the views Cheats can be found here
  10. BLESS

    Macross Vf X

    omg that wuld have saved me a lot of trouble,headbanging and swearing when i went thrgh the game Okay is there a "select next target' button hidden somewhere?
  11. BLESS

    Macross Vf X

    iirc i don't think you can, because the camera is auto-focused in VFX-2. There are only two modes, Target which keeps your view on currently targeted enemy and Missile which keeps in view incoming missles. To switch between these two modes use the circle button. But i think closest you can get to a "forward" view is using the target mode
  12. Guess this doesnt work on Macross VO?
  13. Was this the class of ship that the Ravens were operating from in VFX-2? Though i vaguely remember the ship was green in colour and thought it was a zentraedi design
  14. Looks great so far. Keep up the good work _b . Will be eagerly awaiting the release of this mod. The mod for the original hw was heaps fun (btw has development for it stopped?)
  15. I'd like to know if there more invision board posting codes other than the ones above which we can click, when we reply? Looked in the help section where such stuff usually is in but couldn't find it
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