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The White Comet

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Everything posted by The White Comet

  1. I just think that its time to get out of collecting when the things you own start to own you.
  2. Its funny how i have teh same problem right now. I have a huge collection thats been building up and i plan on leaving home next summer after i graduate college. I love the stuff but i realize to myself that im not a collector anymore and all this stuff is just baggage on my life. Im tired of worrying about it all the time wondering if it will be ok. I think to myself that it would probably be better off in someone elses hands. Also am i really going to carry this stuff with me everywhere i go? It just seems ludicris to me. Ive already started seling some of my stuff on ebay with much more to follow. I may end up keeping a few items but nothing huge. For instance, my Macross dvd box set will never leave my grip until im cold and dead with worms crawling inside me. Maybe not even then. And to the guy whos wife left him becasue she suddenly decided she dont like him no more, thats the saddest fing thing i ever heard. If my best friend ever did that to me id bleed him real slow.
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