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The White Comet

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. You may want to hold off buying that PSP Slim. http://psp.ign.com/articles/898/898879p1.html
  2. I think you might be looking a little too much into the Hikaru/Minmay lovechild gag. It was put in there for a chuckle but meant nothing more than that. I was surprised they gave any throwback at all to the original series. Captain Max doesnt just tolerate Basara going into battle, hes the one that authorized the entire experiment. I disagree with you about the Sentinels being better than Macross 7. Nothing of Robotech can touch anything Macross and should not even be spoken of in the same sentence. I dont understand why people want to see more of the original characters. Really, what would they have done in their later lives that would have topped or even equaled the story from the original series? The writers knew what they were doing when they ended the show the way they did.
  3. The original Macross series was meant for children too. Suprise!
  4. What are you an a$$hole?
  5. With all of these guitar controllers coming out all over the place does anybody think how amazing a Macross 7 game would be? Especially when you consider a motion sensing guitar designed to look like the flight stick of the Fire Valkyrie? It's too bad Macross 7 is past its prime in Japan. Now would be the perfect time for a Macross 7 game to come out. I can only imagine what it would be like. Maybe dodging attacks while firing speaker pods and everything that moves trying to keep the spiritia level bar as high as possible. For super attacks there can be the sound booster and for tight situations there are the leg missiles, but if you used those the spiritia level would go down. Someone needs to propose this to Sega.
  6. What are the chances the Nintendo Wii will play Japanese PC Engine cd games?
  7. It was in the mandarake in Shibuya. Just out of curiousity, did you find these at Mandarake in Nakano? I was in Tokyo for the last couple of weeks in May and saw the same books there, but strangely didn't feel compelled to buy them. 406098[/snapback]
  8. We can only hope.
  9. they have whats called the "harmony of the group". If you do something that disturbs the harmony everybody acts like somebody died. One time a buddy of mine armwrestled this japanese guy at a restaurant and their elbows went right through the table. It was the funniest thing ive ever seen. All the girls were quiet for the rest of the time we were with them.
  10. I guess if she asked what was inside the bag i could just tell her to shut up. And i think Japanese girls think its cute when a gaijin likes anime. But a Japanese guy who likes anime is creepy to them. When i was in Osaka five years ago the chick i was dating went with me to a toy shop. there were grown men in a back room playing with yu gi oh cads. She was so scared she wouldnt let go of my arm until we left.
  11. Well, buying it for 4000 yen is one thing. Fitting that damn box in my suitcase without getting rid of all my clothes is another. Besides, i had a date that night. I didnt want to be carrying that thing around. She might think im an otaku.
  12. One thing that made me feel good was some japanese dude came into the store i was in, grabbed a stack of valkyries and left. Its good to know that Macross is still alive in Japan somewhat. Another thing i saw that was cool, i was in the a train station and there was a huge poster with Minmay on it. I asked the chick i was with what it was for and she said it was an ad for a school that teaches how to draw anime and get into the business. Sorry i didnt have a camera on me.
  13. I went to Tokyo for a few weeks. While i was there i went Macross shopping and saw some interesting things. I got the This is Animation books for DYRL, Macross7, and Macross Plus Movie Edition. Also Macross Grafitti, Macross and orguss super plastic model Manual, and Macross 7 Program book all for dirt cheap. I also found a VF-2SS model for like $15. I went looking for the Yamato VF-0 but it was nowhere to be found. Saw one on display though, looked hot. There were tons of the steath VF-1 around. The box with it bundled with the fast pack is HUGE. I saw a 1/48 VF-1S for 4000 yen. I didnt buy it though because that just didnt sound right. The same store had a mint in box joke machine VF-1S for like $100. I thought that was bad until i saw behind a glass case the original transformable SDF-1 Macross toy in the box for like $1000. Thats when i knew i had to leave. Probably the most disturbing thing i saw was the Robotech Masterpiece veritechs on sale for about 10000yen each. Then i looked at the tag and it had robotech written in katakana. Thats something i never thought i would see. Why would someone in Japan buy these things?
  14. I received my Macross 7 fx dvds from discountanimedvd.com. Box 1 was unrwapped and the discs were in the case and one of them was dislodged. Box 2 was wrapped in plastic and the discs were separate in paper slip cases. The video quality is not bad though watching it on a plasma you can see some of the pixelization. The subtitles are pissing me off but i guess i have no choice. So if you cant find the fx boxes you can find them there.
  15. Macross 2 was great for its time. But when Macross 7 came out it blew it away. I like Macross 2 but Macross 7 is awesome.
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