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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. thats what i was afraid of... i got the standalone ver.1 of the Roy DYRL? VF-1S. *sigh* thanks for the quick answer!
  2. hi everyone- just wanted to ask if there were Super and Strike Parts for the Yamato 1/60 v1 valks. because of my noobness, i unknowingly purchased a v1 valk (i had no idea how much better the v2 was (imo)), and now want to make the best of my situation and get the parts for this. unfortunately i cant find any info on the super/strike parts for the v1s, and the only yamato 1/60 parts i see on ebay are for the v2s. thanks in advance!
  3. thanks Blue! much thanks for the breakdown on the Yamatos vs Bandais with everything said, i'll probably focusing (if my funds allow it ) on Yamatos because of how they seem more closer in proportion/aesthetics to the series since i wanted my next purchase to be for something I can have on my desk at work, I'll probably get a Bandai 'chunky monkey' because i know my coworkers will be handling/transforming (and hopefully not breaking) it hmm... potential of having someone break it has me thinking twice. maybe go cheap and get one of those Toynami models
  4. thanks again to everyone that had input for me; this forum is legit ! i look forward to being a part of this community (my wallet says otherwise )
  5. agreed. learning experience for sure. although not a complete bust, its just coping with the disappointment of not getting exactly what i thought I purchased, hahah. this V1 set me back near $100/shipped, so not sure if that was over/under spending on it. for what its worth, it was a sealed/unopened box. im definitely going to start watching hlj in hopes to have better luck with my next purchase. btw- since joining I've been browsing all the threads trying to learn more about everything. one thing Im noticing is a bias towards the Yamato's (as opposed to the Bandai's). Im sure theres a laundry list of reasons why one is better than the other, but is the argument mainly against construction, durability, price? i asked this in the pinned thread, but still has gone unanswered
  6. thanks for the input guys; I look forward to being a part of this forum
  7. what a FAIL for my first entry into collecting; this thing is such a pain to transform (and just made a significant dent in my wallet) smh at myself thanks so much Bridge, appreciate the quick answer
  8. hey everyone- new to collecting, new to this forum, seems like a really cool forum so far and ppl have been real helpful in regards to my first post. one thing im noticing is a strong bias for the Yamato models (as opposed to the Bandai's). what is the main gripe against Bandai's? not defending one way or another, just hope to get some insight on how to position myself for future purchases thanks!
  9. hey guys- 1st post; total noob status with macross figures second of all I'd like to say I did search the TOYS FAQ pinned thread, and still could not find an answer long story short: - I purchased a "1/60 Yamato Robotech VF-1S Valkyrie Macross Roy Focker 'Do You Remember Love'" figure on eBay - when I received it yesterday, I immediately noticed that it doesn't appear consistent with any products that I've seen online - most notable in the transformation methods - no hinge for the legs - need to remove the legs in order to do any of the transformations - this is in the instructions too - there are holes in the nose cone section to insert the legs joints - the cockpit is removeable; need to swap out the cockpit for the black face (skull) cover in order for the top piece to slide down properly - the cockpit attachment has no figure within; just an empty seat I dont want to accuse the seller for selling me a bootleg; seems like an honest guy and has a lot of positive feedback selling macross items is it possible I purchased an older edition of this toy? looking around this forums Im seeing a lot of references of "version 2". is iti possible this is an older edition of the Yamato VF-1S? thanks in advance guys. *** mods- sorry for posting in the wrong thread. I just saw the "whats wrong with my..." pinned thread. ill post this there. apologies.
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