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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. My thanks to all that helped host this event and that were able to come and share the fun. My weekend was crazy and I almost didn't make it, but I was able to drive up from San Diego and hang out for a few hours on Saturday before driving back to SD. It was definitely worth the drive to meet up with some of the great people from MW in person, seen some very impressive custom works and just hang out with other Macross fans. I was really impressed with those paper-only models because unless you really looked closely they looked just like any of the other models. For any of you that will be heading down to San Diego for ComicCon, maybe I'll see you there
  2. Not too shabby. Transforming some of these things can be pretty tricky, so it's nice to see someone else do it to minimize the risk of breaking something the first time you do it yourself. Thanks for posting those.
  3. For me, it was the Bandai HCM VF-1S: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/h...f1shikfront.jpg Back in school I started watching Robotech with my friends in the morning (actually, I'd record it on the VCR but I couldn't wait and would get up early to watch it live). Then we found the Bandai Macross HCM at the local comic shop...pretty expensive for us students. I passed on buying one at the time and regretted it for the next 15 years or so until I finally found one at Comic Con (at a greatly inflated price). But I bought it anyway and was thrilled to capture that part of my youth...who says you can't go back ;-) The timing was perfect because this was just about the same time that the big revival of Robotech/Macross in the US was starting. Then Yamato came out with the 1/48 series and since then I've been trying to pick up at least one of each new 1/48 that's come out . It's also been great finding sites like MW that have helped me go beyond Robotech and into the world of Macross...where it really began.
  4. Devin, Your decals were the perfect finishing touch on my 1/48 VF-1D custom. Thanks so much for all of your efforts. You can't help others if you don't help yourself first, so best wishes in your non-Macross pursuits!
  5. Interested...maybe 1 or 2. Darkon
  6. If it's not too late, I'd like to get added to the list for 1 set. Already sent you PM.
  7. Capn...sent you an email. Looking to get on the list if it's not too late!
  8. Darn it! Just when I thought I had the whole set I find out about the YF-19 Limited. This is going to drive me crazy. So, how limited was this version and where was it initially sold?
  9. Yeah, that's one eye-catching avatar...reminds me of my girlfriend (oops, I mean wife ...just got married last month and still making the mental switch).
  10. Darkon

    Age Check! :)

    Yeah, well some of us must be getting senile. Just remember, it wasn't me that started this thread
  11. Darkon

    Age Check! :)

    Montarvillois, Quit whining you baby...I just turned 39 last week. I guess that gives me the dubious honor of being the oldest fart so far. Lucky me. But actually, I think I am pretty lucky. I got hooked back when I was in college. My dorm was full of geeks, so several of us started watching RT. My softmore year I remember getting up early and watching RT (not sure if it was broadcast or on my VCR) in the morning before heading off to my 8am classes. I was really ticked off when 3 of my friends went to the local comic shop and picked up the Bandai 1/72 HCM VF-1S without telling me, and by the time I found out there weren't any left in San Diego (and for all of you young'uns, this was before you could buy stuff on the Internet). Fast forward 15+ years, I'm making some decent money now and can spend much more money than I should on toys. And a couple of years ago I bought one of those Bandai 1/72 HCM VF-1S toys I'd been wanting for the over 15 years. I paid a pretty penny for it, but it was dream come true and I'm never getting rid of that thing...when I take it out and play with it, it brings back those times like they were just yesterday. Plus, it acts as a reminder to never give up on your dreams and there's always time to grow up later ;-). My friends (even ex-RT fans) and fiancee think I'm silly for spending as much money as I do on this stuff, but I don't really care. I'm now focusing on the 1/48 line and have one of each (plus an extra LowVis, 2 FPs, and a clear FP on order). I'm trying to limit my new purchases to the 1/48 line mainly because of the space everything takes up in my house and I don't want to spend money on offsite storage No matter how long you live, life is too short to waste it acting like an adult and letting go of the things you enjoy just because others think you should. Darkon
  12. 1/48 = 7 (1 of each so far including VF-1J w and w/o FPs + an extra Low Vis +2 FPs) 1/60 = 1 This stuff is getting expensive, so I think I'll be sticking to the 1/48 line. Hopefully I'll be able to get one of each new 1/48 that comes out.
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