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Golgoth 13

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About Golgoth 13

  • Birthday 12/23/1976

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. Next SCM Special : Pandora Saint Cloth Myth Special Campaign for Premium Figure
  3. Exactly, that's the cheapest "valks" ever. And It's pure madness in your hand.
  4. This night was short. 3 Hours are needed to construct the model. Click HERE if you want the instructions sheets, which are on pages 88 & 89 and more pictures of the differents modes (look like battroid, gerwalk and fighter mode) I think I'm gonna use glue to reinforce the model. I need stickers so please, help me. I have no digital camera, but, I'll try to post photos as soon as possible.
  5. No, only the pic I post above are from here. that's on this page I have found the best pics for the decals, but the quality isn't so good. The pics I will post tomorrow are from Figure Ou. It contains the Instructions. I have to go for diner. See you.
  6. It's already out for a few month. I'll give you better pics tomorrow, after scanning pages. You need this 2 box : 7700 & 7701, but the explanation is in Figure Ou #95 and the stickers only in Japan. I need them !!! Please.
  7. I know there's already this topic Lego anime style but I think this one should interest more people here. In fact, it seems lego has contact Kawamori San to do some special lego, called VAN-FORCE. Van for Variable Absolute Nexux. There's a lot of photos in the last Figure Ou (#95). I have bought the 2 models 7700&7701 in France to do the Kawamori mecha, but I still search the Kawamori Stickers, which seems to be available only in Japan. If anyone could help me to obtain the stickers or a good scan, I would be very very happy.
  8. Ayoros are coming soon !!!
  9. Merci Golgoth 13 . Where do you get the information ? Any pic ? Thanks my French compatriote The first pic, as you asked for :
  10. Yes, Specter Wyvern Rhadamantis in Saint Cloth Myth should be release at the end of january for 4500yen. Great news !!!
  11. I like the manga style helmet for the capricorn a lot. I hope the anime style shoulder, which are still missing on pictures will be add for the release.
  12. finished sagittarius from "Figure Ou 79" :
  13. I'm not sure you have seen this pictures except on tamashii. And it seems to confirm the 2 differents heads for Shaka.
  14. I can't wait for mine...
  15. You can clearly see shun's head is different on this 2 pictures... After that ??? And here is 2 new pictures for Virgo from all4seiya website : Next SCM in October, then december, then february, and we can read "to be continued"
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