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Harlock Fan

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Everything posted by Harlock Fan

  1. Thank you Kyuun!! I hate Robotech too (to a degree… it did introduce me to Macross). So I think we can agree with that. I love Cowboy Bebop and Macross (Except Macross 7 and Delta)! It is just weird that you have major companies changing everything and not really understanding what made these properties special in the first place. Cowboy Bebop is just so Japanese in its view of life and death. You really can’t expect an American writer who really does not know anything about philosophy from another prospective to really understand the property. It is such a common theme in Samurai films and “yakuza” films. It is rare that an anime like Bebop just really nailed it in a Sci-Fi setting.
  2. “Same view on Hassell's performance as Vicious. I also enjoyed the flashback sequences, and the relationship between Vicious, Fearless, and Julia. And again, the cathedral fight. I was waiting and hoping for Kanno's awesome Ballad of Fallen Angels, and they didn't disappoint. Of course, it spelled the end of Spike in the anime, but I'm glad they spared him in the show.” Ummm…. Kanno wrote the song Rain in the episode of Ballad of Fallen Angels. Spike didn’t end in that episode. Which thankful since his story was far from over at that point. The way they wrote Vicious ruined the theme of the episode and Ruined the tragedy of the Spike and Julia romance. Thank goodness Kyuun, that Spike survived after the fifth session!! The episode is summed up with the dialog, “When Angels fall out of heaven, they become devils don’t you agree Spike?” And Spike replies, “It’s like a bad dream that I never wake up from. Vicious retorts, “Well, I will wake you up right now.” Spike responds, “What’s the rush Vicious, it’s been a long.” That works because Spike and Vicious are two sides of the same coin. The same blood as you will. They are the yen and yang. Both cool and calm. Both fighting over the same girl. One is writing his past and the other can’t escape it. Spike can’t escape the past so he must die according to Vicious. He is the beast that lost his fangs like Mao. Just about anybody can write forever about this episode which is perhaps one of the greatest episodes ever of any medium. There was so much built into it because of well planning and vision. Damn You get know how much Faye and Jet are truly family to Spike. Julia is the villian? Wow my expectations were subverted. Rolling my eyes. What Netflix did to Cowboy Bebop was worse that what Robotech did Macross story wise (not counting the licensing crap). Love Macross and Cowboy Bebop. Damn even in the Netflix universe you can’t have a dang nickname. Fearless? Ugh!! I love that in the anime that Jet and Spike both refuse to talk about their past. Only when Faye and Jet move on can they live. Spike refuses to let go. Perhaps that is why the viewer is left to decide Spike’s fate? Did he die? Did he live? The creator feel that Spike lives. So does escape the past? Like Spike said, “I am not going there to die. I am going there to find out if I am really alive.” Life and Death are a major theme of Cowboy Bebop with each character has their own interpretation. The older you get, the more you understand.
  3. So far I think Marvel has stuck out this year. 0 for 3. Honestly, I don’t think anybody could articulate a good argument that the Eternals was good or even decent.
  4. The original series was mostly about the original three. Never really got to know the rest of the crew. They were there and consistently, but not the focus. I don't remember an episode that just follows Sulu or Scottie. Kirk was the focus then you had some special moments with Spock and McCoy (Cage, etc). Next Generation, Patrick Stewart stole the show. Yeah, you had Data, Georgi, Crusher, Riker, Worf, etc, but Picard was the centerpiece.
  5. Well, Technoblue, we already know it doesn't have the legs. It will be out of the top 10 next week. So you can tell how it under performed compared to the original. I think you proved Dynaman's point.
  6. Define lead? An actor or actress where show/movie centered around. They are the focus of the show. Dyaman might more correct since most of the Star Trek shows could be considered ensemble pieces. Personally, I just want something different. Star Trek has become rather stale. As far as Voyager, Kate in the beginning was the face of the show until Seven of Nine stole it. Commander Chakotay to me was like Commander Riker, always there but just always there.
  7. Azrael, Star Trek SHOULD have diversity. But they really didn't do that. Combining two characters doesn't fill that need. Can you imagine a Native American lead? Never been done before in a major Sci-Fi series.
  8. It is incredibly naive to think they cast them because they were the best for the roles. Basically, if they really were interested making everybody happy, they would have cast the remaining of original cast and handed the baton to the younger female group or mixed group. Since that was not a possibility, it would have been best to leave this franchise alone. Face it. Reboots hardly ever make everybody happy. It could be Robocop, Total Recall, Annie, etc. it doesn't matter honestly. They all have their detractors. This idea was doomed from the beginning.
  9. Well if they really were interested in diversity, they would cast an Eskimo, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Native American, Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern, etc. in the lead role. We already had Sisko and Janeway in the lead roles. Combining the two doesn't really serve any purpose except for pandering. I would love to see something different and exciting, but unfortunately we won't be getting here in this series.
  10. I was wondering what people think about the new Toynami Voltron from Toy Fair 2015
  11. Max and Millia, Elintseeker, etc. 1/60 scale stuff and maybe some 1/55 goodness!
  12. I am totally game for this one! Give me a 1/60 Max and Millia, and an Elintseeker coupled with this one. I will be set for Macross! Except for a TV Macross!
  13. I think is Kei. The outfit on my computer looks pink. But it may be Emeraldas. I am not sure. The caption when she appears says "crew." It doesn't matter since you are right about the design.
  14. I didn't see Emeraldas in there. The blonde female I saw was Kei Yuki. I am work and didn't watch too closely yet. I might have mised her. Looks promising though.
  15. I have this figure. It sports a 12" Dragon body. Go to www.Monkeydepot.com for a nude replacement body. It shouldn't cost you that much money. Good luck Harlock Fan
  16. Hi, everybody, here is some news from International Toy Fair courtesy of Figures.com. Figures.com Macross link New 1/100 scale transformable Variable Fighters and 12" action figures. Today at the International Toy Fair, Toynami revealed two new Macross assortments: their Macross 1/100 Scale Collection of Variable Fighters and a line 12" Macross action figures. The Macross 1/100 Scale Collection will feature approximately 6" tall fully transformable figures that can be converted into Fighter mode, Battloid mode and Gerwalk mode. Each 5th panel window boxed figure will pack a wealth of accesssories and weaponary including missile clusters, gunpod rifle, and alternate hands. A display stand will also be included, allowing you to dynamically pose your Variable Fighter on in all three modes. The first assortment, slated to hit retail this July for a SRP of 20-$25 each, will consist of: * Roy Focker's VF-1S * Hikaru Ichijo's VF-1A * Max Jenius' VF-1A Assortment 2, due this fall, will star: * Hikaru Ichijo's VF-1J * Milia's VF-1J * Max Jenius' VF-1J A third assortment this winter will round out 2006, with many more planned for 2007 and beyond. These will be distributer worldwide (except for Japan.) In other Macross news, Toynami and PopBox Collectibles (who designed the flight suit and will help with distribution) have collaborated on a new series 12" action figures. Hiraku Ichijo will launch the series this April for a SRP $79.99. Each intricate figure in this series will star over 30 points of articulation, a detailed flight suit, dog tags, and a life-sized uniform patch; all packaged in a collector's window box. The next confirmed character to be released in 2006 will be Max Jenius. Click the link below for a Macross image gallery tour. Macross Photo Tour Personally, the 1/100 mini Valkyries are just OK, nothing special, but the Hikaru looks AWESOME as it should for $79.99 So what is your thoughts?
  17. Actually, no, but I go on a Macross board to read about Macross and where to order Valkyries from various retailers, but sit there and read bashing of other countries. To me, this isn't right, nor fair. I just got tired of it and felt the need to return the favor. Now that you know how it feels and how irritating it is go and read about Macross....then cycle through this stuff. Just wanted to know about other places to order Macross other than HLJ (shipping is killing me). <_<
  18. Which part? The white flag?
  19. J'espère que tu comprends le français car je ne vais pas te faire l'honneur de te parler en Anglais. La chose est simple : Tu sais ou tu peux te les mettre tes réflexions ? Apprends l'Histoire, la vraie et arrete de resortir les conneries que tu as vu sur Skynews. I guess I will not do you the honor in responding to you in french. Plus, there isn't really anything to response to is there?
  20. Ahem... Was it not the French that helped the Americans earn their independance in 1776 ? Too bad, this would have made a kick ass surrender to the British joke book ! History is full of strange little twist isn't it ? heheheheh and America means what to me again??? oh and "British" who???? Was it not the great General Patton who said, "I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French one behind me." Even comedians love to poke fun at the french. "What do you expect from a culture and a nation that exerted more of its national will fighting against Disney World and Big Macs than the Nazis?" --- Dennis Miller. He is another one by John Xereas. "Do you know it only took Germany three days to conquer France in WWII? And that's because it was raining." You know what they say about the french that they have only one actual fighting war hero, Joan of Arc, and they turned her over to the enemy. Man I love the french
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