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Everything posted by aceoftherebellion

  1. I love it. These toynami pods always felt overly bland to me, this makes it look way better.
  2. I need to rearrange my shelves to make room for some of the new arrivals I've had come in, but I expect to be moving soon and since I've been expanding the collection more quickly than usual it seems like a waste of time... But maybe I'll go ahead and do that just to have some shots to share!
  3. Off topic, but what's that song called? I haven't heard it before.
  4. IDK, the CF toys have never been very accurate. I mean, you have to tape your own firecrackers to them to get them to look anything like they did in the show!
  5. Let us know how they work out! I'm really curious to see if this is a thing that's feasible, considering what a low-cost solution it is.
  6. The problem here is that most 'soft' materials that have grip are soft because of chemical plasticizers, AKA chemicals that make the base plastic or vinyl or rubber or whatever softer. That softness makes these materials inherently unstable, meaning chemicals leech out and start to eat at the materials our valkyries are made of- otherwise known as 'paints' and 'plastics'. Obviously, the soft-slightly tacky material the clear tips are made of is particularly bad for this. As for erasers, they're not all created equal. 'soft' erasers are obviously going to be more chemically unstable, and can and will eat through plastics. IDK about the rubber these pencil toppers are made of, but so far all we have are a lot of things that don't work- All we can really do is trial and error and see what would.
  7. Think they'd make more than 20 of them this time, or would we all get to enjoy another round of Bandai Renewal version fun?
  8. That actually brings up a good point. Has this board ever had a thread just for "latest macross toy hauls"?
  9. I don't think so, unless I've missed it, just what we've seen already.
  10. See, I'm all for getting these obscure valkyries done so that Yamato has nowhere left to go BUT to make a Metal Siren or a VF-2SS... A MAN CAN DREAM OKAY.
  11. Does Yamato have the licence for M3? We know they've got the licence to do 7, obviously, so maybe we can hope there's higher chances for that version. I have to agree, I much prefer the simpler SR-71 look of the M7 version to the over-greebled M3 version myself.
  12. Ugh, I hate that. Accidents happen and that's just part of life, but I can't stand that attitude people seem to get about figures and such. Yes, they are toys. They are also personal belongings that have value to us. Respecting a person's property is a part of respecting that person. I'm sorry to hear that happened, bro. I hope any damage sustained was minimal.
  13. A little disappointed that the movie didn't hit higher than expectations, but since expectations were low from the start it's not the end of the world. Instead I'll just be burning with jealousy about how awesome that day sounds.
  14. The other S.H.Monsterarts figures that have been released all seem to hover around the 6000-8000 yen mark. Honestly, I'd be happy to see it cost more than that if it means there's a chance it'd scale better with the larger Frontier stuff we've got... But I suspect that to be a pipedream.
  15. Jokes and fiction are better than reality as long as they sound plausible enough!
  16. Does anybody here have any of the other SH-Monster toys so we can see a side by side of just how this is expected to scale with the other macross stuff we've had?
  17. I was also under the impression that they never made a Max or Kakizaki TV type VF-1A, unless I'm just horribly misinformed about that. Would have been a badass set if it was real, but too good to be true.
  18. That makes a lot of sense. It does seem like the easiest solution. What size tack are these- just ordinary thumbtacks, basically?
  19. Fantastic, thank you! That's exactly what I wanted to know.
  20. All we have to go on right now is the size of the other figures in the line they're releasing this in, which is about 15-16 cm, or about 6 inches. That doesn't guarantee this figure will be that small, but until we know more it's a pretty good baseline, and that gives us an approximate 1/100 scale, give or take. Which would scale perfectly with the Bandai's Robot Damashii line, and I suspect that's their intention. I would love a larger figure but my hopes aren't too high at the moment. From context it LOOKS fairly small, if we can judge by the DX chogokin figures just out of frame.
  21. Huh. That's interesting. I don't care if it is fake, I gotta say I'd be pretty damn thrilled to own that too. Especially that box. It's a pretty well done fake, IMO.
  22. I think most of us really wanted this one when they announced the Alto version
  23. And then I was really excited and really disappointed subsequently. If this thing was about twice the quoted size, my life would be made. Welp, it'll still go with the VF100s! Everyone loves those, right?
  24. I gotta be honest, I actually kinda dig the white tampograph against the white plastic. It's subtle but I actually like the way it looks. Probably in a minority opinion here though.
  25. I have to agree with what's been said about this type of model, which is to say that it's more in how you modeler builds them than how they were designed. I model almost exclusively mechs- gundams, super robot taisen, macross, what-have you, and I don't consider a mech model finished until I've glued, sanded, eliminated seamlines, airbrushed, added whatever decals I feel like, etc. If I buy one of these new bandai kits, I'll do the same. Yeah, a lot of people just snap-build these, but there's model cars and airplanes people can buy and just snap together to, so IDK. It seems unfair to just dismiss these kits. I'll be looking forward to seeing what this kit comes out to look like- I'm a huge fan of the old 1/72 transformable imai kit despite it's glaring problems, and it'll be fun to compare.
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