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Everything posted by aceoftherebellion

  1. I noted this in the other thread, but I might have seen some evidence that this whole company change thing had already started a few weeks ago when an upcoming Yamato figure was put up for pre-order under the new company name, so IDK. What are the chances that it's something that's more clandestine and they were just waiting for a big event like Wonderfest to make the announcement? If they moved their headquarters, maybe it's something as simply as they're expanding and shifting the company name and focus somewhat as a reflection of that... IDK. I don't really wanna think it's all gloom and doom just yet.
  2. So we're getting Nendoroid Macross figures now? That's kind of exciting, actually. My younger sister collects these, I'll have to call her up!
  3. Aha, okay. Did a little more digging around. A few weeks ago, an upcoming figure release that had been labeled under Yamato had shown up instead under preorder from Arcadia, so this might not actually be as 'last minute' as it seems. http://plastikitty.tumblr.com/post/41641922222/is-yamato-handing-off-their-elin-to-arcadia This tumblr post isn't a very good source, but it was posted two weeks ago, so I submit it as some evidence here. It also suggests that Yamato's planned releases will simply be released under the Arcadia name instead, so... Make of it what you will.
  4. I had seen at least one figure they're releasing up for preorder on Amazon.jp, so I think they had at least some presence, but I can't confirm how long or in what manner.
  5. I think it's a bit early to be sounding the death knell and forming a funerary procession here. Nobody has said they weren't going to continue production. Let's wait for a little more actual news before we start to eulogize here...
  6. Ah, perfect, thank you! They look pretty good together, really. Looks like I'm gonna be hunting one of these down soon!
  7. Q-tip with rubbing alchohol seems like it'd be the safest and most efficient solution to me, but I haven't actually done it, so maybe somebody else can weigh in on a better idea
  8. I don't think there's not too big a likelyhood of v3s any time soon, unless yamato gets ahold of the licence and decides to do a competing toy. The original retail for these version 2 toys was somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500 yen (or thereabouts), which is something like $180 US dollars depending on exchange rates at the time. Since the version 2 toys seem to suffer from low production numbers and are hard to find now, anything below $250 USD is doing okay. Nippon Yasan's VF-25G is probably about as good a deal as you're likely to find anywhere right now. I don't know offhand if preorders for the RVF-25 have started yet or not, but most of the recent bandai releases have had horror stories about how hard it is to get a preorder in, so you might wanna just go with a sort of 'bird in the hand' mindset for these. To be honest, personally it was all too much of a hassle to deal with the V2s and I've just settled for the older V1s, which I've actually found to be pretty okay toys, regardless of popular opinion, but that's just me. However you go about it, welcome to the fold, and best of luck finding the toys you want!
  9. GBP Armor seems to be pretty hard to fight right now, I haven't seen it around anywhere... Which is a shame, because Ideally, that's how I'd prefer to get the VF-1J.
  10. Correct. Only the original releases seemed to have had that, and none of the reissues.
  11. I'm getting more and more excited about this the more we see of it. I seriously cannot wait to paint one of these up and stand it up next to the old Imai transforming kits. Like, 30 years of progress.
  12. I started my larger scale Macross collection with the DYRL VF-1A, which is almost identicle to the 1S apart from the head and some of the markings, and I have to say that I love the slightly off-white grey color it comes in. It makes it feel a lot less 'toy-like' somehow, but that's just my personal opinion. I'm leaning towards grabbing a Hikaru VF-1J in the near future, but I'm also a little nervous about that bright white. Nippon Yasai seems to be a pretty good bet, at least as far as the VF-1S goes. The VF-1J was reissued recently but it seems to be out of stock pretty much everywhere I've looked too. You can always try ebay, although I have to say I've had very good experiences buying from our fellow members right here on this forum, if you don't mind the secondary market and have the patience for it.
  13. All of this talk about food, it's a wonder nobody has tried to eat their valks yet...
  14. I'm pretty hesitant to use anything like that, because again it's all still chemicals- I don't see why it wouldn't still eat into paint over time... I know people use that to affix their valks here and haven't had trouble with it, but it still seems too risky to me. IDK.
  15. I tend to leave things like that detached and just apply a tiny dab of superglue to the peg and let it dry before sticking it back in, just to thicken the tab slightly to add more friction. Seems to work pretty well with pretty much anything I've ever tried it on
  16. This is more of a request than a question, but does anybody happen to own the old Yamato Konig Monster and Yamato's newer destroids? I'd love to see some photos of how they compare sizewise, especially with the monster's Gerwalk... I know they're not actually to scale with each other, but I'd still like to see how they size up
  17. It's been a really long time since they did any 1/48, so IDK. Seems kinda unlikely at this point that they'd go back, since 1/60 seems to have become the standard default for the series, even across company lines, since Bandai looks to have roughly the same stance... Stranger things have happened, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
  18. Very, very careful application of superglue into the fine cracks and fractures may work well, as long as you keep the joint in motion as it sets to prevent it from seizing the joint itself. I've had very good luck repairing toys that were worse off than that, but it does take a bit of finesse. Best of luck!
  19. Considering a toy of the TV version does exist in the same scale, I'd much rather see Battle Frontier get made before a TV version SDF-1. The old Takatoku was a quality enough toy for it's time and still holds up well enough visually as a placeholder for that version of the ship... But no Battle 7 toy has ever been made period, so far as I'm aware. Wouldn't mind having a TV SDF-1 sooner or later, but please, PLEASE Yamato, fill some of the void for toys that have never been made before!
  20. That's exactly what seems to have happened with the older Yamato I had break on me. One of the diecast hip joints seemed to shear right off, and low and behold on inspecting the damage, there seemed to be an air pocket right in the middle of the part! The metal-pin+24-hour Epoxy glue technique fortunately came through for me, I think that particular Valkyrie is stronger now after the repairs than it would have been before the break, knock on wood. Love these toys, but it seems like 10% of the time, crap happens and you gotta take it into your own hands to DIY some sort of fix for them...
  21. That happened to another of my yamatos, and I fixed it the same way, drill, pin, epoxy. It works pretty well, but hopefully you won't have to resort to that. Best of luck!
  22. I pretty much have to agree with what you're saying here, Kicker. We kinda frown at scalpers, and sometimes they obviously get pretty greedy.. ($700 pricetags on renewals on ebay? Please.) But we still exercise final control over that by simply not paying those prices if we disagree with them that badly. I think we toy collectors sometimes have kind of a bad attitude when it comes to the secondary market- Sometimes it takes extremes, but when you get down to it, it also does us a service. Miss out on a preorder because there was a supply problem? Now you have a way to obtain one anyway. Can't afford a product when it comes out? Pay a larger premium later because a secondary dealer bought some and has been holding onto them. It's NOT actually a bad thing- We just tend to kneejerk when a few of these dealers push it a little too far. As for HLJ... it's a fact that a lot of their customers are second-hand retailers, and frankly they're in the business of making money. From their perspective, a sale is a sale. It'd be stupid for them to discourage retailers from buying stock from them, given that they double as wholesalers! Hell, even Bandai's small production lots... That's a conscious decision they're making. In business, it's about producing as many things as you know will sale. Having a bunch of unsold product after a release can actually be pretty costly- And they're double-dipping many of these releases anyway. It makes pretty good business sense to release only a small amount of product that you know will sell, rather than producing a whole lot of product so it can sit around for a while. This isn't good for us collectors who rely on internet sales, but we're still a secondary market and always have been for this. I think we kinda gotta take it with a grain of salt and expect that, to a degree. Sure, it kinda sucks when we can't get that shiny new thing for original retail, but IMO, it is what it is. When you get down to it, it's all just business I figure. Doesn't do a whole lot of good to get mad about it, at any rate.
  23. Frankly I'd love to see any minor mecha get toys made of them at this point, but why'd you have to go and bring the Cheyenne up? Now I want it too! DB
  24. UV exposure is an additive process, so even a small amount of UV light exposure over a long enough period of time will do damage. Best bet is to move your display to prevent the same thing from happening to other toys.
  25. My experience with model kits is you actually get better results with true-clear plastic painted with clear-tinted paint. The piece always looks clearer and has more luster, because more light is able to shine through the thin later of tint than it is through a part that was fully molded in a color, just due to the mechanics of the way light works. It absolutely makes more sense for Yamato to do it this way.
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